Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 376 I am Li Xuanfeng!

The skinny young man lying on the ground felt that the cultivation in his body was dissipating rapidly, and the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed. At this time, he no longer had any scruples, and directly yelled at Wang Deren, using all his vicious words!

"You actually ruined my cultivation, you will die badly!"

"You son of a bitch, you will definitely be tortured to death by others who will destroy your cultivation in the future!"

"I hope you will be ripped off by someone with cramps and bones, and then take out your soul and light a sky lantern. You will not be able to survive or die!"

At this time, this skinny young man had completely ignored whether Wang Deren would kill him. Having his cultivation crippled was even more miserable than killing him!

And in this extremely dangerous and colorful secret realm, without cultivation, he might soon become a delicious meal for vicious beasts!

Before, his limbs were only shattered, and he could still find a way to recover. As long as he saved his life, everything was fine. But now that his cultivation was abolished, he became a complete useless person!

Although it was said that the spiritual infant in his dantian was scattered, and his cultivation was ruined, he still had the opportunity to practice again, but at this time, the joints of his limbs had been trampled to pieces, and he could not practice cross-legged or pinching skills at all!

Without the power of cultivation above the spiritual infant realm, his trampled limbs could not be reattached at all, and he could only stay in bed!

And now in this extremely dangerous and colorful secret realm, he doesn't even have a chance to sleep in bed!

Falling into such a miserable situation, how can the skinny young man continue to hold back the anger in his heart? He no longer cares about life or death, and just wants to vent the anger in his heart through yelling!

Hearing the skinny young man yelling extremely viciously, Wang Deren didn't care at all and let him do whatever he wanted. After pulling off the storage ring he was wearing on his finger, he and Tang Long began to collect other people's storage rings. ring!

Those who were approached by Wang Deren did not need him to snatch them away at all, so he immediately took out his storage ring and handed it over fearfully, fearing that Wang Deren would torture them like he did to the skinny young man!

After Tang Long knew what the skinny young man was thinking, he stopped interceding for him and began to quickly collect everyone's storage rings.

After a while, all the storage rings were seized by Tang Long and the others, but they did not feel much hatred in their hearts. On the contrary, they were somewhat glad that they were safe, not buried here, and not as miserable as the skinny young man. !

For the monk, the miserable situation of the skinny young man at this time is more serious than being buried here!

The power of cultivation gained through many years of practice was now abolished with one palm, and he could only lie on the ground and curse!

After collecting everyone's storage rings, Tang Long and the others immediately flew into the air and came to Li Xuanfeng's side.

And when this skinny young man saw that Wang Deren didn't care at all about his vicious curses, the anger in his heart was not vented at all. The anger instantly aroused the injuries in his body, causing him to spit out a large mouthful of blood again, and then he passed out directly. !

The human heart is indeed like this. If the person being cursed viciously by you doesn't care at all, you will feel that your curse has no effect at all, and you can't vent your anger at all.

"Junior Brother Li, this is their storage ring." Tang Long knew what resources Li Xuanfeng was collecting, so he respectfully handed the storage rings of nearly thirty monks to him for inspection.

Now Tang Long admires Li Xuanfeng's talent and strength extremely, and is grateful for his generosity and help. This kind of respect is also sincere, without half a trace.

Point of falsehood.

Li Xuanfeng took these storage rings, and his powerful spiritual consciousness instantly broke through the original owner's sealed spiritual consciousness, and all the items in these storage rings were clearly perceived by him.

After a while, Li Xuanfeng handed these storage rings to Tang Long again and said calmly: "Senior Brother Tang will distribute them."

He did not take out any items from these storage rings. His spiritual consciousness scanned and found nothing that interested him. They were just ordinary resources and magic weapons, and even the magic spells were not unusual.

But Tang Long had only tied half of the number of storage rings, and said with a smile: "Junior brother Li, you will save us this time, and it was you alone who suppressed this group of monks, so the three of us took advantage. , take away half of the storage rings.”

Li Xuanfeng turned his head and glanced at Tang Long in surprise. He seemed to be more eloquent, and actually used this method of retreating to reject his kindness.

Seeing what Li Xuanfeng wanted to say, Wang Deren and the middle-aged man immediately echoed: "Yes, the three of us did not make any effort, and we already took a big advantage by taking away half of the storage ring."

Li Xuanfeng knew that Tang Long would not agree with him handing over all the storage rings to them. Seeing the persistence in the three people's expressions, he put away half of the storage rings without saying any more.

The many monks who were suppressed on the ground felt mixed emotions in their hearts when they saw this scene. They couldn't help but feel a little sad when they saw others distributing the storage rings that had been taken away from them.

However, how could they dare to show any dissatisfaction at this time? It was a blessing among misfortunes that they could escape with their lives.

Although the red light of the fire pulp tree at this time was extremely bright, causing the nearby sky to be reflected with a faint red glow, and the fire attribute aura it exuded was more intense, it was still not ready to bear fruit yet.

From the time Li Xuanfeng suppressed the nearly thirty monks to the time Tang Long and the others collected the storage rings, only half an hour had passed!

At this moment, several streaks of light suddenly appeared on the horizon in the distance. It was other monks who saw the red glow reflected by the fire pulp tree and rushed here in confusion!

Several people were walking hand in hand in the secret realm. When they saw the fire slurry tree, their eyes suddenly showed a strong sense of greed, and they didn't pay much attention to Li Xuanfeng and Tang Long who were beside the fire slurry tree.

After seeing the color of the fire slurry tree, they knew that the fire slurry tree would bear fruit soon, and they were extremely excited. Unexpectedly, they met the fire slurry tree that was about to bear fruit. This was quite a blessing!

Although there were some doubts about the fact that there were only four figures next to the fire berry tree, I didn't think about it any more. Instead, I was even more thankful that snatching the fire berries would become much easier.

Several people immediately prepared to fly closer, but out of the corner of their eyes, they suddenly saw a huge palm print above the ground, and nearly thirty monks lying on the ground unable to move!

Seeing this rather strange scene, the expressions of several people suddenly changed, and they looked uncertainly at the four people standing next to the fire pulp tree!

No wonder there were only these four people next to this fire pulp tree that was emitting astonishing light. It turned out that the others had been suppressed to the ground!

Just now, their eyes were all attracted to the fire sap tree. Although they saw Li Xuanfeng and the others, they didn't pay much attention to them. Only now did they observe these four figures with extremely solemn eyes!

Through observation, they clearly saw that the other three people stood back, and the one in the front was a young man in blue robe!

Everyone was shocked for a moment, the young man in blue robe?

They instantly thought of the rumored young man in blue robe, and their steps to move forward suddenly stopped, not daring to move any further!

For a moment, several people's eyes glanced back and forth between the fire pulp tree and Li Xuanfeng, their eyes full of hesitation!

The temptation of the fire pulp tree is too great. They don't want to miss this opportunity, but they are worried that this young man in blue robe is the person in the rumors!

After hesitating for a moment, several people looked at each other, and one of the women bowed, clasped her fists, and said, "May I ask if the person in front of you is Taoist fellow Taoist Li Xuanfeng?"

After saying this, several people immediately stared at the expressions of Li Xuanfeng and others, for fear of missing any clues. However, they were disappointed to find that Li Xuanfeng's expressions did not change at all, and his eyes were still staring at the fire tree in front of him with an extremely dull look.

At this time, Wang Deren, who was behind Li Xuanfeng, said jokingly: "Yes or no, you can find out if you come here and give it a try!"

Hearing Wang Deren's joking words, several people wanted to curse and cursed in their hearts: Try it, who dares to try it? Do you think you have lived too long?

If this young man in blue robe is really the rumored Li Xuanfeng, with the strength of a few of them, it won't even be enough to fill the gaps between their teeth!

Seeing that Li Xuanfeng and the others looked fearless, they looked at the nearly thirty monks who were suppressed on the ground. The guess in their hearts instantly became extremely certain. This young man in blue robe was the rumored Li Xuanfeng!

Thinking of this, several people immediately prepared to leave, not daring to stay here anymore!

No matter how great the fire berries are, they still need to be alive to enjoy them!

After confirming the guess in her heart, the woman clasped her fists and bowed with great respect: "I've disturbed some fellow Taoists, so I'll take my leave."

Just when a few people were about to turn around and leave, a stream of blue light suddenly appeared in the distance and stopped not far away in the blink of an eye, turning into the figure of a young man in blue robe!

Seeing the figure of the person coming, he was also a young man in blue robe. The people where the woman was were stopped and looked at this person. They were a little confused. What a coincidence, another young man in blue robe came here!

And they clearly sensed that the cultivation level of this blue-robed young man was also at the late stage of the Spiritual Infant Realm as rumored!

The blue-robed young man who appeared instantly looked at the fire sap tree that was emitting bright red light. The greed in his eyes burst out unabashedly. He laughed and said: "It turned out to be a fire slurry tree that was about to bear fruit. It seems that Li has a great opportunity.”

Li? When the people with the woman heard the words of the young man in blue robes, their doubts suddenly became more!

Even Tang Long and Wang Deren couldn't help turning their heads to look at the young man in blue robe. Is it really such a coincidence? This person was actually wearing the same blue robe as Li Xuanfeng, and even had the same last name.

At this time, the young man in blue robe also saw that the women were not approaching, as well as the palm prints on the ground and nearly thirty monks who were being suppressed. He was shocked, but he quickly suppressed it, silently thinking in his heart, he had someone to rely on. , so I’m not afraid at all!

Moreover, he had sensed that many of the monks here did not have cultivation beyond the perfection of the Spiritual Infant Realm, and he instantly felt completely at peace.

The young man in blue robe suddenly lost his temper in his dantian, burst out with the power of cultivation and shouted loudly:

"I am Li Xuanfeng. If you don't want to die, hand over the storage ring and get out!"

While shouting, an extremely terrifying power of cultivation erupted from his body, causing everyone here to instantly feel an astonishing sense of oppression!

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