Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 387 Deep underground!

Li Xuanfeng seemed to feel like he had become the beggar chicken he used to do with his friends when he was a child, and the protective ball transformed by Zi Mie Guan was the earth wrapped around it. The high temperature of the flames was constantly coming in, and it seemed that he was going to be completely cooked!

As the spiritual fire in the protective ball continued to burn, in just the blink of an eye, two of the three layers of protective light curtains covering Li Xuanfeng's body collapsed!

Li Xuanfeng immediately took out the protective jade slip again and deployed two protective light curtains to replace it. Otherwise, he was worried that if there were no protective light curtains, the spiritual power in his body would be consumed rapidly!

After the protective ball transformed by the purple slayer has weakened most of its power, although Li Xuanfeng can use his cultivation to block it to prevent the spiritual power in his body from being ignited, the spiritual power will also be quickly evaporated by the terrifying high temperature of this purple flame, and his cultivation will be reduced to Extreme speed loss!

If it were not for the protective ball transformed by the Purple Mighty Gun to reduce most of the power of the Purple Flame, Li Xuanfeng would not be able to withstand the Purple Flame attack launched by the red dragon snake!

Amid the constant burning of the purple flames, in just the blink of an eye, the two protective light curtains dissipated again, and Li Xuanfeng hurriedly replaced them.

Fortunately, he had snatched a lot of storage rings before, including many protective jade slips and magic weapons, so that he could continue to replenish the protective light curtain that dissipated very quickly.

At this time, outside the purple ball, the crimson snake's eyes were flashing with madness. It tried its best to activate the cultivation in the body, and even continuously extracted fire attribute power from the magma to maintain this terrifying purple flame. combustion!

But keeping the purple flames burning will also consume a lot of energy on the red dragon snake, and the spiritual aura on its body already shows a hint of weakness!

It never expected that the purple ball that Li Xuanfeng unfolded would be so powerful, and even its invincible purple flames could not burn it in a short time!

The power of this kind of purple flame is extremely terrifying. Spiritual God Realm monks broke into this place thousands of years ago, but as long as the red dragon snake launches the purple flame attack, it is almost unbearable. Many people even die directly, and the more powerful ones can only be embarrassed. escape!

This kind of purple flame has an extremely terrifying temperature, and it can instantly ignite spiritual power, instantly collapse spells, and even burn the soul to ashes instantly!

In this stalemate, Li Xuanfeng also sensed a hint of weakness on the red dragon snake, and his eyes instantly lit up, knowing that it would consume a lot to activate this purple flame.

You must know that in just a short period of time, nearly ten protective jade slips and magic weapons that are perfect in the Spiritual Infant Realm have been consumed. If the purple flames are allowed to continue burning, even Li Xuanfeng will not be able to sustain it!

At this time, although the aura of the red dragon snake showed a lot of weakness, an even more alarming evil spirit erupted from its body, and it was extremely angry. It did not expect to use purple flames to burn the purple snake that Li Xuanfeng was hiding for so long. The ball is still intact!

This is simply beyond its knowledge. This kind of purple flame is its strongest attack. Even if it is against a monk who is also at the peak of the Spiritual God Realm in the early stage, it can quickly gain the upper hand. But now it is attacking this late-stage Spiritual Infant Realm monk. The boy was helpless.

After persisting for a moment, a strong sense of unwillingness appeared in the red snake's eyes, but the purple light in the horns above its head gradually dimmed!

As the horns on the head of the red dragon snake dimmed, the purple flame covering the purple ball also began to gradually dissipate, and soon completely dissipated.

The red dragon snake knew very well that if he continued to keep the purple flames burning, he didn't know whether the purple ball where Li Xuanfeng was located could collapse, but he would definitely become extremely weak!

It has lost 70% of its spiritual power. If it continues like this, it will soon be completely depleted. If Li Xuanfeng rushes out to attack at this time, it will probably be at a disadvantage!

After putting away the purple flame, the red dragon snake immediately exploded with the power of cultivation and spiritual consciousness, and instantly erupted from the nearby rocks within ten thousand feet.

He extracted the fire-attribute power from his pulp and poured it into his own body to restore the previous losses. At the same time, his eyes were fixed on the purple ball where Li Xuanfeng was, ready to attack at any time!

If Li Xuanfeng steps out of the purple ball, it will attack instantly. As long as there is no purple ball, I believe Li Xuanfeng may not be able to withstand even one of its attacks!

In the view of the red dragon snake, Li Xuanfeng was able to come here and even withstand its purple flame attack because of the amazing protective power of this purple ball, so he would only be a tortoise.

Without this hard turtle shell, Li Xuanfeng would be vulnerable.

When the purple flame dissipated, Li Xuanfeng instantly felt that the terrifying high temperature that filled the surroundings disappeared, as if he had finally been released from the oven.

Sensing that the red dragon snake was recovering its fire-attributed spiritual power by absorbing the magma, and seemed to be ready to attack at any time, Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed slightly, and overlapping shadows suddenly appeared on his body, and three clones separated instantly!

Although the protective ball transformed by Zi Mie Guan only had a range of one foot, and after the three Five Elements clones were separated, it seemed a bit crowded, but Li Xuanfeng still controlled them and started to form seals quickly with the main body!

A large number of golden marks flew out from the hands of Li Xuanfeng's original body and three clones, forcing all the darkness in the ball back.

At the same time, Li Xuanfeng controlled the protective ball and continued to dive downwards!

Li Xuanfeng could sense that the temperature of the magma here had risen a lot again, ten times that of the top magma, and the purple meaning contained in the magma was already extremely deep, making its color completely turn purple!

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng also vaguely sensed that there was a purple cavity deeper in the ground below, and there was an astonishing aura beating continuously in it, but it didn't look like the aura of a living thing!

It was because he vaguely sensed this aura that Li Xuanfeng knew that it was most likely the object guarded by the red dragon snake. Now that he had arrived here, he wanted to see what happened!

Although this red dragon snake is extremely powerful, it will not be able to cause Li Xuanfeng a life-or-death crisis in a short period of time!

The red dragon snake instantly noticed that the purple ball continued to dive, and immediately chased it out. It also unfolded the power of its domain, controlled the power of the nearby magma, and instantly suppressed the purple ball, causing the purple ball to It was as if I was stuck in the mud and it was extremely difficult to move!

The red dragon snake had already noticed that although the protective power of this purple ball was extremely terrifying, its speed was not very fast. At this time, it came up with a plan to consume Li Xuanfeng here!

Since the purple ball cannot be broken, it is completely confined here. It does not believe that Li Xuanfeng can stay in it forever!

Even if it doesn't come out, it doesn't matter. I will activate the purple flames to burn it after a while. If I don't believe it, this human kid will not die!

At this time, the red dragon snake approached within tens of feet of the purple ball, and its body kept hovering in the magma. It waited for Li Xuanfeng to step out of it, and then it immediately launched an attack!

At this moment, the red dragon snake suddenly noticed ripples on the surface of the purple ball, and it opened it in an instant!

When the purple ball was opened, four figures suddenly walked out of it, as well as countless golden marks emitting bright light, which made the red dragon snake slightly stunned!

But the red dragon snake's mind is already extremely extraordinary. It just froze for a moment and then launched an attack directly. The so-called one force can defeat all means. It doesn't matter if you are one person or several people, just launch an attack and kill them all!

The crimson snake opened its mouth instantly, causing the nearby magma to be absorbed by it even more violently. It suddenly condensed an astonishing red light and sprayed it directly towards where Li Xuanfeng was!

The red dragon snake was also seen. Four figures walked out of the purple ball.

, each stood on one side for an instant, seemingly forming a strange formation!

At the same time, a large number of golden marks that had just appeared together suddenly gathered at the feet of the four people, instantly forming an interweaving of spiritual light and producing a large number of formation patterns, causing a golden formation to take shape rapidly!

Li Xuanfeng had already expected that when he stepped out of the protective ball, the red snake would attack instantly, so now there was a golden mark of the Immortal Killing Formation forming inside the protective ball!

When this golden formation was still in its embryonic form, the red dragon snake had already sensed the astonishing aura emanating from it. The look in its eyes could not help but condense slightly, and it once again extracted a large amount of fire attribute power from the magma, and used it just now. The attack was strengthened again!

Just now, it was extremely disdainful of Li Xuanfeng's own strength. After seeing the purple ball untied, it rushed to attack again, so it did not maximize the power of the spell.

At this moment, sensing the astonishing aura emanating from the still-condensing golden formation, the red dragon snake realized that it seemed that it had completely misunderstood Li Xuanfeng. This person was not an ordinary late-stage Spiritual Infant Realm person at all!

The golden formation at Li Xuanfeng's feet took shape rapidly, and was completely condensed in the blink of an eye. A thick spiritual light beam gathered in the center, compressed instantly and rushed out directly, impacting the approaching red light!

At the same time, the three clones separated by Li Xuanfeng instantly returned to the original body, and they immediately condensed extremely solid five-element armor to cover the whole body, as if they were fully protected!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng's body moved slightly, causing his position to change slightly, so that he was directly below the impact of these two spells!


As a roar shook the entire volcano group, the golden spiritual light pillar suddenly touched the bright red light emitted by the red dragon snake!

The power erupted from the golden spiritual light beam is close to the peak of the early stage of the Spiritual God Realm, and is very different from this bright red light!

Centered on the point where the two spells touched, the magma here instantly rolled back in all directions, forming a hollow area with a range of thousands of feet!

The appearance of this hollow area with a range of thousands of feet means that countless magma is squeezing away in all directions, and even spreads to the volcanoes above in the blink of an eye, causing the ground to shake a lot, as if an earthquake has occurred, and even more so. Magma from several volcanoes erupted directly from the craters, and the hot magma instantly turned the ground into a charred black color!

In the terrifying impact caused by the collision of the bright red light and golden spiritual power, both Li Xuanfeng and the red dragon snake retreated rapidly uncontrollably!

The power of the collision between these two spells was already extremely terrifying, even having a huge impact on the two original owners who cast the spell.

Under the impact of the terrifying power coming from above, Li Xuanfeng's energy and blood surged violently, the five-element armor on his body was directly shattered, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but he galloped downwards in an instant!

Just before the two spells touched each other, Li Xuanfeng moved his body to be directly under the spell, just to let the impact force send him deeper in a short time!

While retreating, Li Xuanfeng even urged the purple ball to accelerate, making it speed downward even faster!

Seeing Li Xuanfeng speeding down, the red dragon snake's expression suddenly changed. After falling back a thousand feet, it hurriedly stabilized its body and immediately chased Li Xuanfeng downwards!

In the blink of an eye, Li Xuanfeng passed through a distance of five thousand feet, reaching a depth of four to five thousand feet underground, as if he was close to the center of the earth. At this time, he suddenly entered a hollow where there was no trace of magma!

When entering this empty space, Li Xuanfeng was suddenly hit by an extremely high temperature, which ignited the spiritual power protection outside his body, and the spiritual power fire instantly covered his whole body!

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