Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 41 Hundred-man formation!

Ever since Li Xuanfeng fought against twenty people in the First Peak, eliminated most of them, and grabbed two keys, everyone in this space saw the largest beam of light where Li Xuanfeng was approaching, and quickly stayed away for fear of meeting Li Xuanfeng. .

Other people's beams of light would attract people to snatch the keys, but Li Xuanfeng's beam of light became a terrifying existence that everyone avoided. Even when the news about him snatching the storage bag spread, the situation escalated again.

After Li Xuanfeng took out the various items in the storage bag he grabbed, he calculated that he could sell a large number of spirit stones in the trading pavilion. He was even more interested in grabbing the storage bag. This kind of empty-handed white wolf could save him a lot of money. time and resources.

What makes Li Xuanfeng a little depressed is that since he defeated the people from the First Peak, no one has appeared in front of him. Even the light pillars stayed away when they saw Li Xuanfeng approaching. In the end, in order to avoid being defeated by Li Xuanfeng one by one, the five light pillars actually gathered together.

This made Li Xuanfeng dumbfounded and depressed. He didn't expect that his terrifying level could make all other key recipients unite. There are a hundred people surrounding these five light pillars, accounting for 50% of the people still in this space at this time.

There was less than one day left in the competition. At this time, Li Xuanfeng had already compressed his spiritual power again, and the five beams of light besides Li Xuanfeng had made a decision that was cruel to others after deliberation.

They started clearing the field to eliminate everyone else because they decided to fight Li Xuanfeng. They did not believe that Li Xuanfeng was powerful enough to defeat their strongest team of hundreds of people. They cleared the field because they were worried that someone would come to reap the benefits after the war.

The impact of a hundred people was terrifying, and they even practiced the combined attack formation. No team in the competition could withstand it at this time. Soon they eliminated dozens of people. When the remaining people wanted to unite to fight against the hundreds of people, it was too late. There were only dozens of people left and they were completely unable to compete with the combined attack formation of the hundreds of people.

Soon, the remaining dozens of people were eliminated again. At this time, there was only half a day left in the competition, and there were only one hundred and one people left in the space, including Li Xuanfeng and the combined hundred people. Four hundred people have been eliminated by teleportation on the high platform. It seems that this competition is destined to be the victory of these one hundred people.

How could Li Xuanfeng alone resist a hundred people with a combined attack formation, not to mention that Li Xuanfeng had already encountered these hundred people before and chose to retreat to avoid them.

When these hundred people were clearing the field, Li Xuanfeng met them head-on and saw their combined attack formation. The formation composed of a hundred people was truly close to invincible in this space. The spiritual power of the hundred people was all condensed together to form a spiritual light ball that was fifty feet in size.

The defense of this light ball was extremely powerful. Li Xuanfeng used the magic weapon to

The gauntlet impact and fire storm of the base realm only opened a few inches of hole, and it was repaired again in an instant.

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng had no chance to continue to attack the same place, because this combined attack formation could organize a large amount of spiritual power to attack. Li Xuanfeng felt a dangerous aura in this attack. This attack had surpassed the spirit-melting realm and reached the spirit-based realm.

Li Xuanfeng didn't dare to touch head-on. He could feel that his defense could only withstand two attacks at most at this time, and he would be completely broken and injured after three times. Fortunately, because this formation is composed of hundreds of people, its movement speed is not very fast. It cannot catch up with Li Xuanfeng, who has reached the speed of the spiritual base level. It is even faster to use the earth escape technique.

Speed ​​is the only shortcoming of this formation. Both attack and defense can reach the level of the spiritual base. It is difficult for Li Xuanfeng to break it and he can only choose to retreat. After seeing Li Xuanfeng's confrontation, they could only choose to retreat. The confidence of these hundred people increased even more.

Although he was surprised to see that Li Xuanfeng's attack could make a small hole appear in the spiritual light ball, he already knew that Li Xuanfeng's defense could not resist their attack when he saw that Li Xuanfeng was afraid to avoid their attack.

But Li Xuanfeng's speed was incomparable to them. If a hundred people formed a combined attack formation, their speed would inevitably be slowed down. However, they did not dare to disband the formation and pursue Li Xuanfeng. Li Xuanfeng's terrifying combat power was enough to defeat them all one by one.

After clearing the area, they pursued Li Xuanfeng towards the huge beam of light. They had regarded Li Xuanfeng as their prey, but the prey was so fast that they didn't know if they had a chance to catch up.

After Li Xuanfeng tested the defense and attack of the hundred-man formation, he used the fastest speed to avoid an extremely long distance, almost across the entire space, from the desert to the grassland, and set up a defensive formation around him. After the ritual, he sat down cross-legged and swallowed two spirit-gathering pills to start absorbing the spiritual energy.

Although Li Xuanfeng can use the earth escape technique, the depth and time of escape are not long, and in this space he can only escape in the sand in the desert. In forests and grasslands, the soil is much stronger than the sand. Li Xuanfeng's cultivation at this time is difficult to escape.

At this time, the hundred people saw that Li Xuanfeng did not move anymore, and even accelerated their speed to where Li Xuanfeng was. The powerful thing about a formation composed of hundreds of people is that it allows them to absorb spiritual power at any time, and their spiritual power will not be exhausted just because the formation is turned on all the time.

They had heard that Li Xuanfeng had decisively thrown away the key before, confusing his opponents and defeating them one by one, causing the people of the First Peak to be defeated. Facing Li Xuanfeng, they did not dare to slack off at all, and kept activating the formation to pursue in order to avoid Li Xuanfeng's sneak attack.

This space was not very large, and the distance between the hundred people and Li Xuanfeng was only a thousand feet. After clearing the area, they went straight to pursue Li Xuanfeng, and they could arrive in about half a stick of incense.

The audience outside and the four hundred people who were eliminated on the high platform all focused on the images in the mirror. They really wanted to know whether Li Xuanfeng would keep escaping until the time was up, or fight head-on.

It seemed that the most correct choice was to keep escaping with the advantage of speed and keep the five keys in his hand. The formation composed of a hundred people was too powerful, and head-on confrontation was like hitting a rock with an egg.

The distance between the hundred people and Li Xuanfeng kept getting closer, but Li Xuanfeng still closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, as if he had no idea that the danger was approaching. People who were optimistic about Li Xuanfeng in the outside world began to worry about him.

And the people who were eliminated by Li Xuanfeng on the high platform had a light of expectation in their eyes again, hoping that these hundred people could successfully catch up with Li Xuanfeng and eliminate him. They didn't believe that Li Xuanfeng could turn defeat into victory again, because that was a formation composed of a hundred people.

There were also about 100 people who were eliminated by the 100 people. They were unwilling to be eliminated because the 100 people formed a formation to bully the minority. They wanted to see Li Xuanfeng defeat the 100 people, but after thinking about it, they gave up the idea with a wry smile. Dozens of them could not resist the 100-man formation, not to mention that Li Xuanfeng was alone at this time.

The distance between the 100 people and Li Xuanfeng was getting closer and closer, and soon there was less than 100 feet left, and Li Xuanfeng was still sitting cross-legged without moving. Seeing that Li Xuanfeng did not escape, the 100 people sped up again, fearing that Li Xuanfeng would suddenly escape.

But when the distance between the 100 people and Li Xuanfeng was only 10 feet, they suddenly suspected that this was Li Xuanfeng's ambush, and changed to approach cautiously. When they were only 5 feet away from Li Xuanfeng, they chose not to approach anymore, but to operate the formation to directly launch an attack.

People outside were all amazed that Li Xuanfeng alone scared the 100 people who formed a formation and did not dare to approach, and chose to use attack to test first.

The attack from the formation instantly hit the defensive formation set up by Li Xuanfeng. The formation shone violently, and the first layer was directly broken. The formation set up by Li Xuanfeng was a primary formation of the spiritual foundation realm, with a total of three layers of defense. It seemed that it could only defend against three attacks from the formation of a hundred people.

The hundred people saw that the attack was actually defended by the formation set up by Li Xuanfeng, and they attacked again in surprise, and they attacked twice directly. Li Xuanfeng's formation collapsed directly under the two attacks, and the jade slips that operated the formation shattered directly.

Seeing the formation set up by Li Xuanfeng collapsed, the hundred people operated the formation again to organize three attacks, intending to directly injure Li Xuanfeng and eliminate him.

Just when these three attacks were less than three feet away from Li Xuanfeng again, Li Xuanfeng's tightly closed eyes opened instantly, his eyes burst with brilliance, and his whole body burst out with spiritual power. Li Xuanfeng's right hand instantly condensed a huge fireball, which exploded directly the moment it appeared, and directly collided with the three attacks that had already attacked Li Xuanfeng within half a foot.

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