Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 425 Friendship of Life and Death

What surprised Li Xuanfeng was that Zhang Feiyu did not mention that Li Xuanfeng had harmed his fellow disciples of Yuxian Sect, as if he did not care about it at all.

Hearing that Li Xuanfeng was actually worried about this matter, Zhang Feiyu laughed and said indifferently: "Practice is against the will of heaven. Entering the secret realm to find resources will naturally cause damage. This is inevitable. How can you blame Li Daoyou?"

Li Xuanfeng fought against beasts with him twice and saved his life. Zhang Feiyu already regarded him as a friend of life and death.

Now, in Zhang Feiyu's view, the fellow disciples of the two teams cannot be compared with Li Xuanfeng at all!

Hearing Zhang Feiyu's words, Li Xuanfeng couldn't help but laugh and cry. He didn't expect that Zhang Feiyu not only did not blame him, but also excused him in this way.

If the people of the two fallen teams knew about it, would they be so angry that they would come back to life again in an instant!

Their respected senior brother was actually trying to find excuses for the enemy who had harmed them...

"Even so, it's still inconvenient for me to go with you, we can have a good chat when we have a chance." Li Xuanfeng was grateful, but he still smiled and shook his head.

Although Zhang Feiyu didn't care about this matter, others didn't think so. If they knew that Li Xuanfeng was the previous purple armor, Zhang Feiyu would definitely be in a difficult situation.

Although no one among the other disciples of Yuxian Sect could completely penetrate the Purple Destruction Armor and the Five Elements Armor, naturally no one knew that the person in the Purple Destruction Armor was Li Xuanfeng.

But at this time, the blue thunder lion had just retreated, and Zhang Feiyu appeared with Li Xuanfeng, which would inevitably arouse the suspicion of many people.

Not only that, Li Xuanfeng knew clearly in his heart that Zhang Feiyu had just set up a concealment formation to hide the scene of the two people talking, so as not to be seen by others and let them guess that Li Xuanfeng was the previous purple armor.

This is Zhang Feiyu's protection for Li Xuanfeng. Although his strength is enough to protect himself in this secret realm, if this matter spreads outside the secret realm, he may be held accountable by the elders of Yuxian Sect.

Seeing that Li Xuanfeng insisted on not going to the power of Yuxian Sect, Zhang Feiyu also shook his head and agreed with a wry smile, knowing that Li Xuanfeng wanted to avoid embarrassing him.

"If this blue thunder lion rushes out of the sea of ​​thunder, fellow Daoist Zhang must immediately send a message to me, and we will join forces to deal with it again!" Li Xuanfeng suddenly thought of the blue thunder lion, turned his head and said to Zhang Feiyu in a deep voice.

Li Xuanfeng was worried that the blue thunder lion would not give up so easily, and worried that it would rush out of the sea of ​​thunder after recovery and seek revenge on them.

If the blue thunder lion rushed out of the sea of ​​thunder to seek revenge after recovery, it would be extremely dangerous for Zhang Feiyu to resist alone.

He and Zhang Feiyu together have the strength to fight the blue thunder lion.

"Okay, Li Daoyou, improve your cultivation as soon as possible. If this beast dares to rush out of the sea of ​​thunder, we will join forces to completely defeat it or even kill it next time!" Zhang Feiyu laughed.

"One more thing, can I enter your continent to look for resources in the future?" Li Xuanfeng suddenly asked with a flash of his eyes.

Li Xuanfeng remembered the Earth Core Purple Flame deep underground in the Fire Space. After breaking through the Spirit God Realm in the future, he will definitely come to collect it!

Although the space in the secret realm has merged, the Earth Core Purple Flame should still exist deep underground in the Fire Space.

Although Li Xuanfeng did not know what Zhang Feiyu's identity was in the Yuxian Sect, with his current

cultivation, he must be one of the best. Entering this continent to collect the Earth Core Purple Flame in the future may cause a lot of commotion, so it is better to say hello to him first.

Speaking of this, Li Xuanfeng also thought that Zhang Feiyu might also find the Earth Core Purple Flame deep underground and collect it before him.

However, Li Xuanfeng changed his mind and didn't care. Now he didn't have the strength to collect the Earth Core Purple Flame. If Zhang Feiyu got there first, it could only be God's will.

"The resources in the secret realm are originally shared by everyone. Fellow Daoist Li, please do as you please." Zhang Feiyu smiled after hearing this, not caring at all.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Zhang." Li Xuanfeng clasped his fists and smiled. He knew very well that the secret realm was now divided into three forces, forming a three-legged situation, and naturally there would be no resource sharing.

Zhang Feiyu's meaning was naturally that he was willing to share resources with Li Xuanfeng. If others wanted to get involved, they would probably need to be qualified to withstand Zhang Feiyu's anger!

"I almost forgot one thing. Zhang has a rough map of the current Seven Color Secret Realm. I'll make a copy for Fellow Daoist Li for reference." At this time, Zhang Feiyu suddenly slapped his forehead and smiled.

Zhang Feiyu had already guessed that Li Xuanfeng might have been trapped by the blue thunder lion for a long time, and now he was quite unfamiliar with the secret realm.

Zhang Feiyu immediately took out the jade slip and copied the map, then handed it to Li Xuanfeng with a smile.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Zhang. I will take my leave first." Li Xuanfeng took the map jade slip and bowed again.

"Okay, then we will meet again!" Zhang Feiyu knew that Li Xuanfeng would definitely not agree to go to the center of Yuxian Sect with him, so he didn't say anything more about it, bowed with a smile.

"See you later!" Li Xuanfeng replied with a smile, and then directly used the earth escape technique, his body instantly escaped into the ground and left from here.

After entering the ground, Li Xuanfeng's breath began to move rapidly, going straight to the edge of this continent.

After seeing Li Xuanfeng enter the ground and leave, Zhang Feiyu waved his hand to put away the concealment formation, and this place returned to its original state again.

Then Zhang Feiyu flew into the air and went to the center of this continent.

On the way forward, Zhang Feiyu took out the sound transmission jade slip and said: "The blue thunder lion has returned to the center of the thunder sea. Everyone can practice with peace of mind. If it is not necessary, don't enter the thunder sea. If you enter the thunder sea, don't be too nervous." Go deep and be careful to hide your breath."

The senior officials of the Yuxian Sect soon received the message from Zhang Feiyu, and their hearts instantly became extremely shocked. Although Zhang Feiyu did not explain why the Blue Thunder Lion retreated, judging from the aftermath of the battle that he felt before, Zhang Feiyu must have It was a battle with the Blue Thunder Lion.

These people were instantly in disbelief at Zhang Feiyu's strength. They didn't expect that he could actually block the blue thunder lion!

In this way, I am afraid that Zhang Feiyu's cultivation level has already broken through to the late stage of the Spiritual God Realm.

After receiving this message, many speculations emerged, and everyone's awe for Zhang Feiyu instantly deepened several times. Those who originally wanted to replace him immediately suppressed the thoughts in their hearts, not daring to show up in the slightest.

Fortunately, they didn't know that the Blue Thunder Lion existed at the peak of the later stage of the Spiritual God Realm, otherwise they would have been even more shocked.

Under Zhang Feiyu's concealment, the news that Li Xuanfeng came out of the Thunder Sea was not known to others. Nowadays, many monks even seriously suspect that he has died in an accident in the secret realm.

Except for Tang Long and Tang Long who received his message reply,

Apart from the two Hui people, who knew that Li Xuanfeng was safe and sound, no one else had heard any news about Li Xuanfeng for a year.

Originally, when word spread about Li Xuanfeng's astonishing combat prowess, countless monks were extremely wary of him. Now, as everyone's cultivation levels have been greatly improved, this fear has dissipated too much, and there have even been many. People looked down upon Li Xuanfeng.

In their view, Li Xuanfeng was just a person who had gained fortune earlier, and his reputation had been completely buried by the geniuses who appeared later.

The continent where Yuxian Sect is located is the space of fire that Li Xuanfeng has entered before.

When he walked out of the thunder sea, Li Xuanfeng knew clearly that although the spiritual power of the Fire Continent was quite hot, it was still much milder than the endless violent thunder and lightning in the thunder sea.

And today’s Fire Continent is already much gentler than the original Fire Space!

First, it merges with other spaces, causing the hot breath in the fire space to spread, causing the temperature to drop a lot.

Second, the three scorching suns previously hanging in the space of fire have disappeared. Now there is only one sun in the entire secret space, but this sun is bigger than any previous sun in the space!

An incredible thought came to Li Xuanfeng's mind again. Could it be that the suns in the previous seven spaces had all merged into one? !

However, this idea could not be verified at all, so Li Xuanfeng didn't think about it anymore. Moreover, since the seven spaces in the secret realm can be merged, it seems that it is not impossible for the several suns to merge into one!

In today's colorful secret realm, the seven spaces have become three continents and an ocean. The ocean is transformed from the water space, and the other six spaces form a continent in pairs, forming a vast colorful secret realm!

The seven spaces in the colorful secret realm can no longer be called spaces, but continents.

The tripartite forces composed of the three major sects each occupied a continent. The Yuxian Sect occupied the Thunder Fire Continent, the Taoist Sect occupied the Golden Earth Continent, and the Chen Cang Sect occupied the Mufeng Continent.

The ocean in the center of the three continents has become a no-owner's land. Countless people from the three major forces have entered in search of resources, and there are also people from affiliated forces who have followed the three major sects and entered the secret realm.

People from the three major sect affiliated forces cannot join the three major forces in the secret realm, so they have to move forward cautiously in the secret realm. Although there is a mixture of fish and dragons in this ocean now, for them, this place is the safest in the secret realm. place.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng no longer needed to continue searching for resources in the Fire Continent, and he did not want to cause trouble to Zhang Feiyu, so he galloped towards the edge of the Fire Continent as quickly as possible, preparing to leave this place.

Li Xuanfeng's fire clone has been cultivated to the perfection of the Spiritual Infant Realm, and he does not need the fire attribute spiritual treasure for the time being. He would rather get a spiritual treasure that is enough to allow him to condense the other five elements clones.

After using the earth escape technique underground for a period of time, Li Xuanfeng stopped in a hidden place, instantly escaped from the underground and flew into the air, flying towards the edge of the Fire Continent at full speed.

Only half an hour later, Li Xuanfeng had flown tens of thousands of miles and reached the edge of the Fire Continent.

Stopping at the top of a mountain peak that reached into the sky, Li Xuanfeng looked down and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Unexpectedly, he was trapped in the Thunder Sea for nearly a year. After he came out, the appearance of the Colorful Secret Realm had changed drastically. The original seven spaces were transformed into three vast continents and an ocean.

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