Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 438 The End of the World

Even Li Xuanfeng heard several monks scorning "Yang Ye" while walking forward, and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Li Xuanfeng smiled and murmured to himself: "Yang Ye, Li made you gain such a great reputation in the sect even after your death. Shouldn't you thank me?"

If Yang Ye knew about his joke at this time, he would probably be so angry that he would suddenly come to life, jump up and gnash his teeth and curse:

"I thank you, thank you for your eighteenth generation of ancestors!"

Yang Ye not only fell into the hands of Li Xuanfeng, but now after his death, he also used his identity and was spurned by countless monks. It can be said that his ending was miserable.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng had arrived at a desolate place where no other monks existed.

This place is on the edge of the Golden Earth Continent, but it is not close to the ocean.

There are very few plants nearby, and almost everything that can be seen is bare, but there are many strange-shaped stones.

But it is just an ordinary stone, with no spiritual energy present in it. It is almost useless to the monks.

After arriving here, there is no way forward, and it can even be seen that it is in a hazy state.

This kind of haziness is not the haziness that is covered by thick fog, but the haziness that seems to have no existence inside.

There is no existence, no land, no air, and no living things!

That was the end of the colorful secret realm, and it was no longer possible to move forward. With Li Xuanfeng's current cultivation level, this haze was simply impenetrable.

If you can penetrate this hazy place, it means you can leave this secret realm on your own!

Although this haze seems very close, it seems that there is a five-element barrier and it is impossible to enter it.

It is impossible to even enter, let alone pass through this hazy place.

When Li Xuanfeng saw this hazy place, his eyes flickered, and he already had a clear understanding.

According to ancient records, at the end of every world, there will be a hazy land, or even a more mysterious land of nothingness!

And the end of this colorful secret realm is a hazy place, which proves that this place is just a small world. The end of the real big world will be an extremely mysterious place of nothingness!

However, the end of the colorful secret realm is a hazy place, which is completely expected and even a little unexpected.

Secret realms require those who are above the second level to be qualified to create them, but most of them are just condensed space barriers, enclosing an area into space as if the ground is a prison.

Small worlds like the Colorful Secret Realm are quite rare. Only the powerful in the third realm are qualified to study them!

As for the big world, it is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people. How it was formed is unknown!

It seems to be born on its own between heaven and earth, and it seems to be created by the supreme existence, which cannot be studied!

In a truly big world, there are countless planets, and the universe is so vast that ordinary monks cannot fly to the void at the end even if they spend their whole life!

And even though the third level powerful can reach the void at the end of the big world, he can't pass through it!

No one knows what lies beyond the void!

Precisely because this place is at the end of the Colorful Secret Realm and has extremely scarce resources, not many monks have been here.

At this time, even one person

No shadow can be seen.

After Li Xuanfeng arrived here, he began to look for a hiding place, preparing to retreat here to condense the earth clone.

In order to avoid attracting the attention of other monks, Li Xuanfeng chose to practice in this extremely desolate place.

Li Xuanfeng's spiritual consciousness carefully scanned this place, and finally found an extremely hidden cave. He flashed his body and entered it in an instant.

This cave is already quite dilapidated. There are many holes with sword marks on the ground and walls. They have obviously been dug with sharp weapons!

You can still feel some residual spiritual power in the cave, but it is empty, with only a large amount of gravel and dust accumulated.

Judging from the scene in the cave, Li Xuanfeng already knew that there were many spiritual treasures in this cave not long ago, which caused rich spiritual power to circulate in the cave.

But before he arrived, someone had already come to this cave and even ransacked the entire cave!

Li Xuanfeng was helpless. He didn't expect that someone could search the cave so cleanly, even digging three feet into the ground.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng glanced around with his spiritual consciousness, and instantly knew that there was no spiritual power left here, so he had to put away any hope of obtaining fortune or resources here.

There were people who searched so "carefully" before, but now it's strange that there is only a little bit left.

Then Li Xuanfeng's cultivation began to move, forming a spiritual storm that rolled out all the gravel and dust in the cave, and some larger potholes were simply filled.

Li Xuanfeng didn't have the time to spend time repairing this cave, he just wanted to do it briefly, as long as he could see it through. He was just condensing the earth clone here, and he didn't intend to stay in seclusion here for a long time.

Then Li Xuanfeng grabbed the earth mole by its long tail and dragged it into the cave.

The body of the earth mole is a hundred feet in size. When Li Xuanfeng was cleaning the cave, he used his flying sword to enlarge the cave. Only then could he successfully drag the earth mole into the cave.

But because the earth mole was so big, it still inevitably bumped into it many times in the cave.

During the collision, Tu Mole woke up from his coma, but suddenly found that his cultivation level had been sealed, and he could only roar weakly.

At this time, the earth mole could barely sense the culprit who was pulling its long tail behind it and dragging it into the cave.

Although Li Xuanfeng had restored his appearance at this time, Tu Mole felt that he still had the aura of perfect cultivation in the Spiritual Infant Realm.

The earth mole instantly recalled the previous scenes. Although he didn't know why Li Xuanfeng could change his appearance, he also knew that this person was the one who completely seriously injured it, and an extremely strong sense of fear instantly arose in his heart.

If it falls into the hands of this person, it may be doomed today!

Feeling the earth mole's body trembling slightly due to extreme fear, Li Xuanfeng couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

This earth mole has extremely good intelligence, so it can have amazing combat experience, but it is precisely because of its good intelligence that when faced with a life-and-death crisis, the fear it gives rise to is even stronger.

Just like people, smarter people are often more afraid of death!

Not paying attention to the fear of the earth mole, Li Xuanfeng took out the protective and concealment formations and instantly deployed them to cover the cave.

But now Li Xuanfeng is no longer satisfied with the formation jade slips in his hand. Most of these are at the level of the Spiritual Infant Realm, and almost none are at the Spiritual God Realm.

For him now, the spirit infant realm formation,

There is almost no use anymore. I can only hide my aura as much as possible so that other monks can't find it easily.

Thinking of this, Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed slightly, and he thought silently in his heart. It seems that he needs to go to the mainland where Chen Cangzong is located when he has time to upgrade the magic weapon array in his hand.

Nowadays, there are many spiritual god realm formation masters and treasure refiners among the three major forces. Almost all the formations and magic weapons used by spiritual god realm monks have been upgraded.

Li Xuanfeng couldn't help but feel a little shabby. The few formations and magic weapons of the Spiritual God Realm that he had before were snatched from other monks, and all of them had been lost in the thunder sea.

Only elixirs could be refined by Li Xuanfeng himself.

With Li Xuanfeng's current cultivation level and proficiency, he has long been able to refine elixirs in the Spiritual God Realm, but now in the secret realm, he is eager to find resources to cultivate clones to improve his cultivation level, and there is no way to refine elixirs.

Therefore, Li Xuanfeng could only rely on other monks to upgrade his magic weapon formations and even his elixirs.

However, the Taoist Sect was his own sect after all, and since Zhang Feiyu was with the Yuxian Sect, it was difficult to rob it, so Li Xuanfeng brought this idea to the Chen Cang Sect.

If the disciples of Chen Cangzong knew that they had been targeted by an evil star, they would probably feel extremely wronged and shout with great dissatisfaction:

You can't rob the other two forces, so you set your sights on us. What's the point?

We didn't provoke you, but you plan to snatch the formations and magic weapons from our hands. Doesn't your conscience hurt?

After using the formation to cover the cave, Li Xuanfeng came to the front of the earth mole and looked at the beast calmly.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng's cold gaze without any emotion, the life and death crisis in Tu Mole's heart suddenly became more intense, and his mind was completely covered with fear!

"Fellow Taoist, everything is easy to discuss. Whatever resources you need, I will help you find them right away. I will go up the mountain of swords and go down the pan without hesitation."

After waking up, Tu Mole was already aware of the intense life and death crisis at this moment. He immediately suppressed the fear in his heart and begged for mercy in a low voice.

At this time, its cultivation was sealed, and it didn't even have the strength to struggle, let alone escape, so it could only choose to beg for mercy in a low voice.

Hearing Earth Mole's words, Li Xuanfeng smiled lightly and said, "I need to absorb a lot of earth attribute spiritual power to cultivate my clone."

Li Xuanfeng was a little surprised when Tu Mole spoke. He didn't expect that Tu Mole, who had never spoken before, would beg for mercy at this time due to a life and death crisis.

Li Xuanfeng's words instantly made the earth mole feel more fearful. With a large amount of earth-attribute spiritual power, wasn't that what was right in front of him?

"This fellow Taoist, in addition to cultivating clones, there are many more worthwhile things to do, such as improving the cultivation of the original body and cultivating the power of the physical body. Please think about it more."

The mole had no choice but to say with an apologetic smile again, hoping to take Li Xuanfeng's eyes away from it.

If Li Xuanfeng had been thinking about absorbing a large amount of earth-attribute spiritual power, it would be doomed today.

"I'm sorry, my goal at this time is only to condense the earth clone." Li Xuanfeng said with a faint smile.

While talking to the earth mole, Li Xuanfeng's movements did not stop at all, and he was beginning to prepare to gather the resources of the clone.

Just when Li Xuanfeng took out the treasures of heaven and earth one by one, the earth mole felt more fear in his heart. It seemed that as these resources were taken out, the distance between it and the gate of hell was getting closer!

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