Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 46 Wood Spirit Beast!

Although Shen Luoyan was helping, it was still not easy to deal with a spirit beast in the middle stage of the spiritual foundation realm. The weaker ones could be killed, but the stronger ones were a bit hard to say.

There were differences in strength among cultivators of the same realm, and the same was true for spirit beasts. Some spirit beasts were born with strong bloodlines and were gifted with magic. The power of the magic was so powerful that even Li Xuanfeng could not bear it.

Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan cooperated with each other, and it was not difficult to hunt ordinary spirit beasts in the middle stage of the spiritual foundation realm. But if they encountered a strong spirit beast at the peak of the middle stage of the spiritual foundation realm, it would take a lot of time, and there was a possibility of failure in hunting, and even Li Xuanfeng might be injured at any time.

The second trial layer even had spirit beasts in the late stage of the spiritual foundation realm or even perfect spirit beasts that were several times stronger than the middle stage of the spiritual foundation realm. They were the existences that the two did not dare to provoke at this time.

In the past half month, Li Xuanfeng used the Purple Destruction Shocking Heaven several times, and his spiritual power was almost exhausted every time. Fortunately, his physical strength was strong now, and he would not enter a very weak state even without spiritual power.

On this day, the two fought fiercely with a wood spirit beast at the peak of the middle stage of the spiritual foundation realm. This beast looked like a tiger but not a tiger, like a cow but not a cow, with a green body and a rather strange body shape.

The wood spirit beast can control the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, and can make the flowers, plants and vines quickly wrap around Li Xuanfeng, in an attempt to control Li Xuanfeng and then deliver a fatal blow, and can also control the nearby big trees to produce powerful attacks.

When they were fighting with this beast, suddenly a huge wooden thorn rushed out from the big tree next to them. Although it was made of wood, it could feel the hardness after being enhanced several times by the wood spirit beast, and it was extremely sharp. Li Xuanfeng had been concentrating on the attack of this beast. He immediately sensed the wooden thorn as soon as it appeared, and used the Wandering Cloud Step to avoid the wooden thorn dangerously.

The wooden thorn controlled by the wood spirit beast instantly penetrated several big trees behind Li Xuanfeng, and several big trees were directly penetrated without breaking at all, which shows how sharp the wooden thorn was. Li Xuanfeng couldn't help but sweat. If this pierced him, he would probably feel chilled to the bone.

Li Xuanfeng had Shen Luoyan fly up into the air early on with the Ice Cone Mirror, so that she would not be injured by the Wood Spirit Beast if she could not dodge in time. Her defensive power could not be compared with Li Xuanfeng.

The Wood Spirit Beast's strong control over nearby plants made it difficult for Li Xuanfeng to get close to it. The beast even attacked Shen Luoyan in the air from time to time to prevent her from attacking suddenly.

This is the intelligence of the Spiritual Foundation Realm Spirit Beast. Although it is not high, it has enough combat awareness. This is one of the reasons why the Spiritual Foundation Realm Spirit Beast is countless times stronger than the Fusion Realm Spirit Beast.

After hundreds of rounds of fighting without results, Li Xuanfeng decided not to continue the gentle battle. To deal with the Wood Spirit Beast, gentle attacks would only delay it and let it find an opportunity to attack.

A huge ball of fire condensed on Li Xuanfeng's body, and he controlled the ball of fire to rush towards the Wood Spirit Beast at a high speed. The Wood Spirit Beast immediately mobilized the plants around it to block it. The flowers, plants and vines stretched rapidly

to form a huge plant shield, and even the big trees moved instantly to block it.

Li Xuanfeng's flame ball instantly collided with the plant shield of the Wood Spirit Beast, and a large number of plants instantly burned to produce a huge fire storm. Li Xuanfeng's fire attribute was still slightly inferior to the wood attribute of the Wood Spirit Beast in the middle stage of the Spiritual Foundation Realm, and the flames began to dissipate in the impact.

At this moment, a figure wrapped in a flame cloak rushed out of the fire storm instantly, with a golden spirit arm armor in his left hand and a purple short stick in his right hand. It was Li Xuanfeng. The flame cloak condensed by Li Xuanfeng himself would not burn himself, and it could also withstand the high temperature in the fire storm.

Li Xuanfeng rushed out and hit the Wood Spirit Beast's abdomen with a punch, directly repelling the Wood Spirit Beast several steps away, and then holding the stick to run the Wandering Cloud Step to attack the Wood Spirit Beast quickly, attacking dozens of times in just a few breaths.

The Wood Spirit Beast was not slow either, and instantly controlled the plants around it to block Li Xuanfeng's attack. However, at the beginning, Li Xuanfeng suddenly rushed out and successfully attacked the Wood Spirit Beast several times, and then was blocked by the Wood Spirit Beast, and continued to control the flowers, plants and vines in order to bind Li Xuanfeng.

It only takes a moment to restrain it, which is enough to use the extremely sharp wooden thorns to give Li Xuanfeng a fatal blow. Not to mention killing him directly, it is more than enough to seriously injure him.

Li Xuanfeng was surprised at the speed of the wood spirit beast, which was even on par with his own. All the attacks were blocked by it, and it even wanted to seize the opportunity to attack Li Xuanfeng. He knew that if he was restrained by the wood spirit beast, even for a moment, it would be very dangerous.

Seeing that the speed of his Youyun Step and Thunderbolt Stick could not gain an advantage over the wood spirit beast, Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed with a ruthless look. At this time, while entangled with the wood spirit beast, Li Xuanfeng instantly condensed a golden spirit armor and a flame defense layer on his body.

"Senior sister, condense the defense to cover me!" Li Xuanfeng shouted to Shen Luoyan, and Shen Luoyan immediately condensed several water curtains around Li Xuanfeng, and used the ice cone mirror to instantly turn it into an ice wall.

"Purple Destruction Shocks the Sky!"

After Li Xuanfeng finished speaking to Shen Luoyan, he held the Purple Destruction Stick with both hands and used the strongest spell. A huge purple stick shadow instantly appeared above the Wood Spirit Beast.

The Wood Spirit Beast immediately felt the strong dangerous aura on the purple stick shadow, controlled the big tree beside it to block in front of it, and condensed a layer of hard wood defense on its body. Countless vines extended from the ground, instantly restraining Li Xuanfeng who was paused because of the use of Purple Destruction Shocks the Sky, and then several huge wooden thorns hit Li Xuanfeng.

Li Xuanfeng condensed the Spirit Fire Defense and the Golden Spirit Armor before performing the Purple Destruction Shocks the Sky with all his strength, and the rest was left to Senior Sister Shen Luoyan. This was a complete trust in Shen Luoyan. His Spirit Fire Defense and Golden Spirit Armor were not enough to block the powerful wooden thorns of the Wood Spirit Beast. If Shen Luoyan did not organize defense to help him, he would definitely be seriously injured.

With Li Xuanfeng's current cultivation level, using Zi Mie Jingtian will not only consume 90% of the body's

The spiritual power cannot be moved while it is being used. He is going to trade injury for death!

A huge stick shadow fell from the sky, and the big tree controlled by the wood spirit beast shattered and exploded the moment it touched. Although the aura of the stick shadow was much weaker, it still suppressed it with a powerful aura, and instantly bombarded the wood spirit. On the beast.

The solid wood defense layer of the wood spirit beast was instantly torn apart, and its body was directly smashed into the ground. Only one head remained above the ground, and blue-red blood spit out from its large mouth.

At the same time, the huge wood thorns of the wood spirit beast instantly collapsed the ice wall condensed by Shen Luoyan. Although the tips of the wood thorns began to break, they still hit Li Xuanfeng with a powerful momentum, instantly colliding with the spiritual fire defense layer outside Li Xuanfeng's golden spirit armor. impact.

Li Xuanfeng's spiritual fire defense collapsed instantly, and the wooden thorns that had been weakened again hit Li Xuanfeng's golden spirit armor. The golden spirit armor also collapsed and exploded, and finally the huge wooden thorns that had been weakened several times hit Li Xuanfeng's body.

At this time, it shouldn't be called wooden spikes anymore, it should be called wooden piles. The spikes had already broken when they hit several layers of defense. Li Xuanfeng was hit by a wooden stake on his body. The wooden stake broke inch by inch, and Li Xuanfeng was violently thrown out in an instant. Li Xuanfeng, who stopped after breaking several big trees, couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. He was seriously injured. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured.

"Xuanfeng, are you okay?" Shen Luoyan immediately flew down from the air to Li Xuanfeng and asked with concern, his eyes full of worry.

"Fortunately, he was not seriously injured. He will be fine after treatment." Li Xuanfeng swallowed the blood that had risen to his throat, and comforted Shen Luoyan with a smile despite the severe pain.

At this time, the Wood Spirit Beast was buried in the ground and dying, with panic in its eyes. It can be said that it completely underestimated the power of Zi Mie Jingtian. If it did not choose to defend and attack Li Xuanfeng at the same time, but instead fought against Zi Mie Jingtian with all its strength, at most it would only be Just a minor injury.

Shen Luoyan turned the ice pick mirror to condense the ice pick, and after careful control, it turned into an ice blade, and cut off the head of the wood spirit beast with several cuts. The reason why he didn't come over to kill the wood spirit beast immediately after it was injured was because he was worried that he would still have the strength to control the plants to attack Li Xuanfeng, so he came to Li Xuanfeng's side to be ready for defense at any time.

After Li Xuanfeng swallowed several spirit-gathering pills and recovery pills, his injuries and spiritual power recovered a little. At this time, Shen Luoyan finally relaxed his mind and took out the spiritual core of the wood spirit beast.

Just when the two were about to collect the body of the Wood Spirit Beast, Li Xuanfeng suddenly felt a familiar breath. It came from the underground and reached their feet in an instant. It was the breath of Earth Escape!

"Not good!" In this situation, although Li Xuanfeng himself could leave the place instantly with his extremely fast speed, senior sister Shen Luoyan, who was not aware of it, had no time to dodge.

Soon enough, Li Xuanfeng rushed towards Shen Luoyan without hesitation, hugged her and threw her to the side!

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