Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 471 The mysterious giant beast!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng understood everything. It was this huge mouth that blew out and sucked in the hurricane!

That's the breath of this huge creature!

It is precisely because of the heat contained in all the hurricanes blown out from its body!

Li Xuanfeng was filled with disbelief as to what level of cultivation this huge creature had reached in order to turn its breath into a hurricane with such terrifying power!

Although he didn't know the details, Li Xuanfeng was extremely certain in his heart that the cultivation level of this behemoth must be above the second level!

Breathing can produce such an amazing sight, I'm afraid it's not an ordinary second realm!

Li Xuanfeng never expected that such a powerful creature could exist in this colorful secret realm!

The source of the hurricane that I found turned out to be such a terrifying existence!

Originally, he was expecting that after finding the source of the hurricane, he might be able to find the secret method or creation of the wind attribute. Unexpectedly, he failed to draw water from a bamboo basket, and even let himself fall into the water!

Whether you can swim out of the water depends on your luck!

At this moment, the protective ball Li Xuanfeng was on collided with a tooth of this huge creature, and was once again swept forward by the hurricane!

Li Xuanfeng's expression couldn't help but show fear. If he continued to move forward, he might enter the esophagus of this huge creature!

According to common sense, there should not be much danger in the esophagus.

But it’s hard to say what’s going on inside the body of a huge creature with such terrifying cultivation!

And if this behemoth were to notice it and cause it to attack, Li Xuanfeng would not be able to withstand it even with the powerful protective power of the Purple Destroyer Stick!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng's heart was full of tension. This was an emotion he had rarely seen since he started practicing. He also felt a little regretful that he shouldn't have entered the depths of this windy valley with so much confidence.

Just when Li Xuanfeng's protective ball was about to enter the esophagus of this huge creature, the speeding hurricane suddenly stopped!

Upon noticing this, Li Xuanfeng's expression suddenly turned into surprise. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and murmured softly to himself: "The time has finally come."

When the hurricane suddenly stopped, Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed slightly, and he immediately spread the power of his spiritual consciousness!

At this time, the hurricane disappeared, and Li Xuanfeng's spiritual consciousness was no longer affected. He decisively decided to see what was happening around him!

However, Li Xuanfeng did not spread the power of spiritual consciousness too much, it only covered the nearby area, that is, within this big mouth.

If he spreads his spiritual consciousness too much, Li Xuanfeng is worried that he will be noticed by this behemoth, and then it will be really difficult to end it!

I saw that this giant mouth has two inner walls, upper and lower, which are dark brown. Each of them has thousands of densely packed sharp teeth, emitting a frightening and rich evil aura!

These sharp teeth are not arranged in order. Although they appear a bit chaotic, there are some rules in the chaos, which can make the upper and lower inner walls close together, and these sharp teeth will close together without any hindrance!

This creates a strong biting force so that the food in the mouth can be chewed into crumbs instantly!

What surprised Li Xuanfeng was that there was no tongue between the upper and lower inner walls!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng was sure that this huge creature was not a human or humanoid creature, but a ferocious beast!

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Just when Xuan Feng released his spiritual consciousness and sensed the appearance of this giant mouth, an extremely violent hurricane suddenly burst out from the depths!

Li Xuanfeng clearly sensed that the power of this hurricane had exceeded the perfection of the Spiritual God Realm, and in an instant, half of his spiritual consciousness was destroyed!

Feeling this, Li Xuanfeng immediately withdrew his spiritual consciousness to prevent the loss of his spiritual consciousness from becoming more serious.

As the hurricane erupted from the beast's body, the purple ball where Li Xuanfeng was located immediately flew out at an extremely fast speed, roaring away from the giant mouth.

On the way out, Li Xuanfeng cautiously tried his best to restrain his aura to avoid being noticed by this huge ferocious beast.

While galloping at a speed exceeding the perfection of the Spiritual God Realm, in just the blink of an eye, the purple ball Li Xuanfeng was on flew out of this huge mouth.

However, because the power of the hurricane here was so terrifying, Li Xuanfeng's spiritual consciousness was greatly suppressed, and he could only perceive a range of several tens of feet. In addition, the size of this ferocious beast was too large, and he could not sense it at all. to the appearance of this ferocious beast.

And at this time, Li Xuanfeng had no intention of sensing the appearance of this ferocious beast. He just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible!

Amid the terrifying hurricane force, the purple ball Li Xuanfeng was on suddenly flew away from here at an extremely fast speed, flying tens of thousands of feet away in the blink of an eye!

As he moved away from this huge beast, the power of the hurricane around Li Xuanfeng gradually weakened, and the range of his spiritual consciousness gradually expanded. Most of the tension in Li Xuanfeng's heart finally dissipated.

At this time, the power of the hurricane where Li Xuanfeng was located had been reduced to the perfection of the Spiritual God Realm. As it continued to move out of the valley, it soon dropped to the late stage of the Spiritual God Realm.

But Li Xuanfeng still did not completely relax his vigilance, and even began to urge the protective ball transformed by Zi Miegun to fly, making the forward speed speed up a little again.

As he moved forward quickly, Li Xuanfeng carefully felt the hurricane power around the protective ball.

From the perfection of the Spiritual God Realm, to the late stage of the Spiritual God Realm, and then to the middle stage of the Spiritual God Realm.

After entering the area where the power of the hurricane was only in the middle stage of the Spiritual God Realm, Li Xuanfeng directly disbanded the protective ball, condensed the Five Elements Armor and placed himself in the hurricane, using all his speed to gallop away from the wind valley.

At this time, with the blessing of the hurricane blowing outward, Li Xuanfeng's flying speed nearly doubled, and he suddenly disappeared from this place into an astonishing stream of light.

I was going against the wind when I entered, but now I am going with the wind when I leave.

Therefore, it took Li Xuanfeng much less time to leave the wind valley than to enter the valley. Only half a day later, he arrived at the edge of the wind valley.

It wasn't until he arrived here that Li Xuanfeng finally felt relieved. It seemed that the extremely huge beast had not noticed him.

In other words, he simply didn't bother to pay attention to this human monk who was like an ant!

In fact, just as Li Xuanfeng thought at this time, this huge ferocious beast had no time to pay attention to him.

At this time, this extremely huge beast was in a deep sleep, and the hurricane it produced was just its unconscious breathing!

And even breathing can produce such terrifying hurricane force. The cultivation level of this ferocious beast is already earth-shattering!

This wind valley, and the previous wind space, were formed in the breath of this beast!

Because it is in a deep sleep, this beast's breathing is extremely slow. One breath takes a full six hours!

Moreover, this hurricane covers the entire wind valley, even the high altitude above!

It is precisely because of this that the monks who entered the space of wind before could not find a way to get close to the depths of the wind valley safely, let alone see the huge ferocious beast at the end of the wind valley.

If it enters the depths, it means death, ten deaths and no life!

If it weren't for Li Xuanfeng's powerful protective ball formed by the Purple Mighty Stick, he would have been torn to pieces by the hurricane before he even got close to the giant mouth of this huge ferocious beast, and his body would have been destroyed!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng still had some lingering fears. If he hadn't been cautious and chose to enter the depths of the Wind Valley just when the wind direction was about to change, he might not have had the chance to get out this time!

Li Xuanfeng thought silently in his heart: "It seems that we should be more cautious in the future. If we don't know the dangers ahead, we can't easily enter the temptation, otherwise we may really get away with it!"

Li Xuanfeng then left the wind valley. Since he had not found a way to cultivate the wind attribute in it, he could only say that he had no connection with the wind attribute.

And although there are many secret methods for cultivating attributes in the world of cultivation, not every cultivator can succeed. They also need to see whether they have the qualifications to cultivate this attribute.

So Li Xuanfeng decided not to force it at this time. Now the attributes in his body were far beyond those of ordinary monks. It was already too difficult to increase the attributes.

He did not dare to enter the depths of the Wind Valley again. If he was swallowed into the body of that huge ferocious beast, or was noticed by it, his life would not be saved, so there was no talk of cultivating the attributes of wind.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng decided to find a safe place to practice and prepare to break through to the spiritual realm.

Although there are very few monks entering this wind valley, it is not a good place for retreat because one needs to concentrate on resisting the force of the hurricane to avoid being suddenly sucked into the depths of the wind valley.

And if the cultivation aura emitted during the breakthrough awakens this huge ferocious beast, the consequences will be disastrous!

If you are unlucky, you may be swallowed directly by this huge beast before you have a chance to be surprised just after breaking through to the Spiritual God Realm!

Li Xuanfeng planned to find a hiding place elsewhere, first cultivate the wood clones, and improve the cultivation of all the clones to the Spiritual Infant Realm, and then start to break through to the Spiritual God Realm!

His eyes were shining brightly, and there was a strong sense of expectation in his heart. He wanted to see what kind of combat power he would have after breaking through to the Spiritual God Realm in this state!

After leaving Wind Valley, Li Xuanfeng was flying on the Wood Continent while thinking about where to go for retreat.

Wood Wind Continent, Wind Continent was not suitable at this time, and there were a large number of Feather Immortal Sect monks in Wood Wind Continent, so Li Xuanfeng was the first one to exclude them.

In the ocean between the three continents, there were still many monks scattered around, and they were not easy to hide, so they were eliminated by Li Xuanfeng.

In the Thunder Fire Continent, there is a blue thunder lion in the thunder sea who is close to the spiritual realm. Although Li Xuanfeng's cultivation and combat power have increased a lot, he is still not the opponent of the blue thunder lion and cannot enter the thunder sea.

And even if you are hiding in the Continent of Fire, you still need to be alert to the blue thunder lion rushing out of the sea of ​​​​thunder after recovering from its injuries, looking for him and Zhang Feiyu to take revenge. If it senses Li Xuanfeng's retreat, it will be a bit unlucky!

Now it seems that the most suitable place for Li Xuanfeng to retreat is the vast Golden Earth Continent.

And because of the previous attack on Mufeng Continent, almost all the Taoist monks were dispatched. At this time, there were not many monks in the continent. I am afraid only a few Tang Long were still there.

As for Tang Long and others who were friendly with him, if they noticed that Li Xuanfeng was in seclusion, not only would they not attack him, but they might even stay to protect him.

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