Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 567 Five Elements Medical Book

Although Li Xuanfeng has never been a doctor on his own, he has learned a lot of medical skills.

When he was a child, he read most of the medical books collected by his father Li Tang, and sometimes he and his father treated villagers several times.

At that time, he was already able to help his father, but at that time he was more playful and rarely went to the clinic with his father.

Although he was not very serious in his childhood, Li Xuanfeng has stored a lot of medical knowledge in his memory.

Back in Qinghe Village, in order to repay Uncle Jiang for saving him from a serious injury, Li Xuanfeng consulted the medical books collected by Master Five Elements and cured him of the leg disease he had suffered for many years.

Although Li Xuanfeng's medical skills are not very good, he has plenty of time to continue to learn and improve while he is meditating in the human world.

If you really want to talk about it, Li Xuanfeng may not be able to cure difficult and complicated diseases now, but ordinary diseases are still no problem.

Then Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan sat on both sides of the coffee table and chatted for a while. Mainly, Li Xuanfeng told Shen Luoyan what he needed to pay attention to when living in the human world.

"Senior sister, from now on our life in this city needs to be the same as that of ordinary people. We must close our cultivation and no longer think about cultivation. Instead, we need to understand the mortal life and find our own artistic conception."

Li Xuanfeng has decided to completely transform into a mortal in the human world, so that no one nearby can discover the power of their cultivation. Only in this way can they truly transform into mortals and calmly comprehend the artistic conception.

Shen Luoyan nodded slightly, recalling what Li Xuanfeng had said before about artistic conception in his mind.

At this time, she secretly made up her mind to realize her own artistic conception in the process of transforming into a mortal, and to break through to the second realm, so that she could stand beside Li Xuanfeng and face the powerful enemies in the future together with him.

The next morning, when Li Xuanfeng opened the door of the medical clinic, he saw Gao Sheng already sitting cross-legged beside the door.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng open the door of the medical clinic, Gao Sheng stood up immediately, but because he had been sitting for too long, he suddenly stood up and became a little unsteady.

Seeing Gao Sheng's appearance, Li Xuanfeng immediately knew that he had been waiting for a long time. He couldn't help but shook his head and said with a smile: "Gao Sheng, you don't have to come so early. Come here at this time in the future."

At this time, Li Xuanfeng did not exercise any cultivation level, nor did he release his consciousness, while Gao Sheng was sitting at the door very quietly. Before opening the door, he did not notice that he was already waiting at the door.

After hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Gao Sheng murmured in his heart: "My boss is really not one to be in a hurry. The sun has already risen in the sky, and others have even been working for an hour or two."

However, Gao Sheng still respectfully clasped his fists and said, "I obey."

Seeing Gao Sheng's extremely respectful look, Li Xuanfeng shook his head again and said with a smile: "You don't have to be so reserved in front of me, just call me Doctor Li."

Although Gao Sheng smiled and nodded after hearing this, he still had great respect for Li Xuanfeng in his heart.

Li Xuanfeng also knew that Gao Sheng's restraint could not be changed in a short time, so he did not bother about it and could only let nature take its course.

At this time, Gao Sheng looked at Li Xuanfeng and asked, "Doctor Li, what do I do?"

Li Xuanfeng pondered slightly and replied: "Let's clean the medical center thoroughly today and sort out the decorations we bought."

Gao Sheng nodded solemnly and began to clean and decorate the medical center with extremely quick movements.

But Li Xuanfeng found a book in the bookcase of the hospital.

He took out a blank notebook and took a brush at the same time, then quietly sat on a desk and started writing.

This kind of blank notebook is usually used by shops to keep accounts, or by scholars to write down articles they have come up with.

Not long after, Shen Luoyan also walked out of the bedroom, nodded slightly to Gao Sheng who was busy, and then came to Li Xuanfeng's side.

Seeing the handwriting written by Li Xuanfeng, although Shen Luoyan couldn't understand it, he realized that it was medical knowledge. His expression suddenly became quite surprised and asked: "Are you writing a medical book?"

Although he believed in the words of Li Xuandeng's medical skills, Shen Luoyan couldn't believe the scene at this time. Could it be that Li Xuanfeng's medical skills had reached such a high level, could he still write his own medical books?

Li Xuanfeng raised his head slightly and said with a smile: "Not entirely, this is writing out the contents of the medical book in his memory."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's answer, Shen Luoyan breathed a sigh of relief. If Li Xuanfeng's medical skills were so good and she didn't know it at all, then she seemed to be too incompetent as a wife.

The medical book Li Xuanfeng wrote was not the medical book he remembered looking through his father's collection, but the collection of the Master of Five Elements!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng was using the power of his spiritual consciousness to enter the Zi Mie Stick, and was reading the medical books collected by the Master of Five Elements in the Zi Mie Space.

While his hands kept moving, he picked up the pen and kept writing.

The words he wrote were medical knowledge that could be used in the human world.

In order to become a competent doctor, Li Xuanfeng decided to collect as much medical knowledge as possible.

The medical knowledge in the collection of Master Five Elements is extremely exquisite and cannot be missed.

It was precisely in order to completely transform into mortals that Li Xuanfeng first used the power of his spiritual consciousness to check and write down this medical knowledge. After that, he no longer needed to use the power of his spiritual consciousness to enter the Purple Extinction Space to check.

After watching for a moment, Shen Luoyan entered the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. This was what she was determined to do for Li Xuanfeng after she came to the world, cooking for him every day.

Although Shen Luoyan knew that her cooking skills were not very good yet, she could practice it slowly and she would definitely be praised by Li Xuanfeng in the future.

Thinking of this, a bright smile suddenly appeared on Shen Luoyan's pretty face, and even his hands and feet seemed to become much lighter.

Shen Luoyan quickly prepared some breakfast, took it out and placed it on another table next to Li Xuanfeng.

Seeing his senior sister bringing out breakfast, Li Xuanfeng put down his pen and got up and came to the desk, and even called Gao Sheng to come and eat with him.

Of course, Gao Sheng refused in a hurry. In the end, after Li Xuanfeng's repeated persuasion, and even his face turned dark, he agreed. However, he only took some to eat next to him and was unwilling to eat at the table with Li Xuanfeng.

In Gao Sheng's words, Li Xuanfeng and Li Xuanfeng were the bosses, while he was just a waiter and could not eat at the same table.

Seeing Gao Sheng's stubborn look, Li Xuanfeng felt extremely helpless, and finally had no choice but to let him go.

Gao Sheng's hands and feet were extremely agile. He cleaned up the entire medical center in one day, and cleaned all the mess outside the medical center and the drawers and cabinets containing medicinal materials inside the medical center.

After a loud cleaning, the entire medical center seemed to have a completely new look, and the messy scene caused by the previous troubles had completely disappeared.

Gao Sheng's heart was full of gratitude to Li Xuanfeng. He didn't want to be idle at all. He just wanted to keep doing things for Li Xuanfeng.

It wasn't until the sun was about to set that Gao Sheng stopped his hands, like a tireless machine, when he heard Li Xuanfeng's words telling him to go home.

Except for meal time, Li Xuanfeng sat on the desk all day and never left. At this time, he had already filled two thick notebooks.

Before putting away the two notebooks, Li Xuanfeng pondered slightly and wrote four characters on the cover: Five Elements Medical Book.

The next day, Gao Sheng took the initiative to ask Li Xuanfeng again: "Doctor Li, what kind of work should I do today?"

Seeing Gao Sheng's extremely positive look, Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled, then said after thinking for a moment: "I will send you to buy medical books today. Buy all the medical books that can be found in the city!"

As he spoke, Li Xuanfeng handed a one hundred tael silver note to Gao Sheng, then sat on the desk and continued copying medical books.

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Gao Sheng looked slightly stunned, as if he felt that the thin silver note in his hand was extremely heavy.

Although he was surprised as to why Li Xuanfeng wanted to buy medical books, Gao Sheng did not ask any more questions, nor did he doubt Li Xuanfeng.

But at this time, he deeply felt Li Xuanfeng's trust in him. He actually handed over the one hundred taels of silver notes so nonchalantly, perhaps because he completely regarded him as one of his own.

At this time, Gao Sheng secretly made up his mind to live up to Doctor Li's trust in this life.

Gao Sheng pondered for a moment, then clasped his fists at Li Xuanfeng and said, "Doctor Li, I don't know much about medical books. I need to find a friend to introduce me, but I don't want him to waste his efforts. I may need to give him some wages."

Although he already knew that Li Xuanfeng had great trust in him, he felt that he could not use the money on his own initiative and needed to inform the other party of this in advance.

The friend Gao Sheng was talking about was a boy who studied medicine since he was a child and is now a pretty good doctor in a medical clinic.

Li Xuanfeng smiled and said: "I give you a hundred taels of silver notes, just to leave this matter to you. Just finish it and don't worry about the cost of the silver taels. If it's not enough, come and get it from me."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Gao Sheng was completely relieved. After bowing respectfully, he turned around and left the medical clinic to find a friend who was very familiar with medical books.

After Gao Sheng left, Li Xuanfeng was still quietly copying medical books on the desk, while Shen Luoyan, besides cooking, sat next to Li Xuanfeng and quietly watched him write medical books.

Feeling Shen Luoyan's gaze, Li Xuanfeng turned to look at her and smiled, his heart filled with warmth.

Although the relationship between husband and wife is dull, everything is unspoken.

After observing Li Xuanfeng for a while, Shen Luoyan was really bored, so he took the "Five Elements Medical Book" that Li Xuanfeng had written and looked through it. Li Xuanfeng said with a smile:

"You don't have any foundation in medical skills. You can't understand this book yet. When Gao Sheng buys the medical book back, I will teach you how to learn medicine step by step."

Shen Luoyan nodded slightly after hearing this. When she checked it just now, she really felt that the book was a bit obscure and she didn't understand it at all.

Closing the book, Shen Luoyan pointed to the four words on the cover and asked Li Xuanfeng doubtfully: "Why is this book called the Five Elements Medical Book? Is medical skill still related to the Five Elements?"

Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled: "Although medical skills are related to the five elements, it is not the fundamental reason for choosing this name, but to commemorate a good friend."

Although Shen Luoyan seemed to understand, he didn't ask which friend he was, thinking it was a friend Li Xuanfeng met on other continents.

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