Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 569 The Careful Rough Man

In the early morning of the third day, when Li Xuanfeng opened the door of the medical clinic, what he saw was, without any surprise, Gao Sheng, who was already waiting at the door.

After Li Xuanfeng's last persuasion, although Gao Sheng arrived a little late, he still waited at the door half an hour earlier every day.

Li Xuanfeng was extremely helpless about this, but his repeated persuasion had no effect, and he could only let Gao Sheng like it.

After entering the medical center, Gao Sheng didn't stop for a moment and began to sort the medical books he bought yesterday and put them on the bookshelf.

When buying it yesterday, Gao Sheng carefully thought about the need to put it on the bookshelf, and he was the only clerk in the medical clinic, so he asked his friends how to sort and place these medical books.

At that time, Gao Sheng's friends were extremely surprised that a rough guy like him, who didn't even know a few Chinese characters, would take the initiative to learn this one day. However, for the sake of three taels of silver, they still explained it to him carefully. Ichiban.

Yesterday, Gao Sheng asked very carefully, and even recognized all the names on the covers of medical books, which even made his friends a little impatient.

It was precisely because of yesterday's study that Gao Sheng was able to accurately put the medical books on the bookshelf for easy searching.

At noon, Boss Chen personally brought a customized plaque to Li Xuanfeng with two clerks. Gao Sheng immediately hung up the plaque with the two clerks.

A square of red silk hangs above the plaque, covering the writing on the plaque for the purpose of unveiling the plaque.

When he saw the plaque hanging, Li Xuanfeng stood up and walked out, raising his hand to pull down the red silk.

Boss Chen immediately raised his hand to stop it and said with a smile: "Doctor Li must have forgotten. You should prepare carefully before unveiling the plaque. You should set off firecrackers to celebrate, and you can also find a lion dance team to make it fun."

Gao Sheng also nodded slightly in agreement. Every store in Qingshan City would choose to have a lively event when it opens. If the capital was strong, he would invite the city's lion dance team to attract people nearby to watch, so that the news of the store's opening could spread quickly. .

Even if you don't have much money, you will choose to put out a few large strings of firecrackers to attract the attention of people nearby and let others know.

Few people know about a newly opened store, so they will use this celebration method to attract the attention of people nearby, so as to bring the first wave of business to the store.

Although it is a medical clinic, it can actually be said to be a store, and it also needs to attract customers when it opens.

Moreover, before Li Xuanfeng arrived, there had been farce in this medical clinic. If others were not informed that the owner of the medical clinic had been replaced, I am afraid no one would come at all.

Although it has been rumored recently that Li Xuanfeng is a bad doctor, this has not been proved yet. If it is more lively, it should attract a few patients.

As long as Li Xuanfeng can cure these patients with his superb medical skills, the rumors will naturally be disproven, and a large number of patients will come to see them.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng pushed Boss Chen's hand away, smiled and shook his head slightly: "No need to go to such trouble."

After speaking, Li Xuanfeng didn't wait for Boss Chen and Gao Sheng to speak again, then raised his hand and gently pulled down the red silk on the plaque, so that the writing on the plaque was completely revealed.

Li Family Medical Clinic.

Boss Chen and Gao Sheng were extremely surprised when they saw Li Xuanfeng's actions. They didn't expect that he would be so unique and take off the red silk without any celebration to attract customers.

But now that the red silk has been removed and the deal is done, it's hard for the two of them to say anything else.

Boss Chen Weiwei

He shook his head, bowed with his fists in his hands and said with a smile: "Doctor Li is really different, so I took my leave and will come to visit you again when I have the opportunity."

In fact, at this time, Boss Chen was murmuring in his heart: Is this Dr. Li a fool? He has a lot of money. He seems to have no idea how to open a shop.

Li Xuanfeng smiled, clasped his fists and said, "Boss Chen, walk slowly."

Then he turned back to the medical center again and continued to copy the Five Elements Medical Book.

At this time, Gao Sheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, his boss was really different, and it was different in every aspect.

Not only does he care very little about money and things, he turns a deaf ear to other people's comments, and he doesn't seem to care about the business of the medical clinic at all.

However, Gao Sheng did not dare to say more and could only continue to organize the medical books and put them on the bookshelf.

Not surprisingly, on the first day when the plaque was hung, no one entered Li Xuanfeng's medical clinic.

Although many people nearby saw the new plaque above the door of the medical center, no one dared to enter it and serve as a guinea pig.

When people nearby saw the plaque on the door of the medical center, they were extremely surprised that Dr. Li did not make any noise and hung the plaque so quietly.

Someone sneered and said: "He is somewhat self-aware. He knows that he is a bad doctor and does not dare to make it public like this."

However, these seemed to have nothing to do with Li Xuanfeng. He didn't care at all whether anyone was talking about him or whether there were patients coming to see a doctor. He was still writing the Five Elements Medical Book on the table.

The day after the plaque was hung, still no patient came through the door.

When Gao Sheng saw Li Xuanfeng's expression, he didn't feel the slightest bit anxious. He was still writing extremely calmly. He hesitated several times but still didn't mention the matter.

After organizing the bookshelf, Li Xuanfeng asked Gao Sheng to buy medicinal materials and put them in the medicinal medicine drawer in the medical center.

Similar to when buying medical books, Li Xuanfeng also bought all kinds of medicinal materials. Although he didn't buy much of each item, he covered them all.

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng asked Gao Sheng to go directly to the drug store to buy it. Although the price would be a bit more expensive, it would save time and effort and was the simplest.

On the third day after the plaque was hung, still no patient entered Li Xuanfeng's medical clinic.

Until the sun was about to set, Li Xuanfeng asked Gao Sheng to call it a day and go home.

Seeing that no one had entered the medical clinic to this day, Gao Sheng could no longer bear it and said to Li Xuanfeng: "Doctor Li, it has been a few days since the clinic was opened and there is still no patient. Aren't you anxious?"

Li Xuanfeng raised his head slightly and said with a smile: "What's the rush? Naturally, only those in need come to the medical center. Do we have to bring others in if they are not sick?"

After hearing this, Gao Sheng suddenly said with helplessness: "There are tens of thousands of people in Qingshan City, and there are thousands of people living near this medical center. How can there be no patients?"

Li Xuanfeng shook his head and said with a smile: "When Jiang Taigong fishes, those who are willing will take the bait. Those who are willing to come will naturally come, and those who are unwilling to come will be useless even if they are invited."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, although Gao Sheng thought it was very reasonable, he still said with a wry smile: "You should publicize it, otherwise not many people will know about the opening of our medical clinic."

At this time, Li Xuanfeng was still immersed in writing a book and said without raising his head: "Don't be anxious, just let it happen. It just so happens that Li has free time to write a book, and he can also review medical books later."

Seeing that Li Xuanfeng still looked unfazed, Gao Sheng suddenly felt at ease. After bowing respectfully, he turned around and walked out of the medical center and returned home.

Gao Sheng couldn't help but cursed in his heart: "As a clerk, it seems that I

I am much more anxious than my boss. I really don’t know whether this medical clinic is run by my boss or me. "

On this day, Li Xuanfeng had finished writing ten blank notebooks and turned them into ten Five Elements Medicine books.

At this time, he has copied down all the medical books collected by the Five Elements Master that can be used without using cultivation and spiritual power. This is a medical skill that can be used in the mortal world.

After finishing writing the Five Elements Medicine, Li Xuanfeng closed his spiritual consciousness again and no longer used any spiritual power.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and he could finally officially enter the mortal world.

Then Li Xuanfeng stood up and put the ten Five Elements Medicine books on a separate grid on the bookshelf.

While copying these ten Five Elements medical books, Li Xuanfeng had already memorized all the contents in the medical books, and there was no need to read them again.

Li Xuanfeng's memory was almost photographic, and the copying process allowed him to remember the contents of these ten books very firmly.

Although he is a rough-and-tumble man, Gao Sheng's mind is not too rough, and he is even a little careful.

But now he was always thinking about repaying Li Xuanfeng for his help, so Gao Sheng worked with great energy, allowing this kind of carefulness to be fully displayed.

Gao Sheng quickly bought all the medicinal materials in Qingshan City. When buying them, he asked the people at the medicine shop to teach him how to write the names of various medicinal materials.

With the purchase of medicinal materials, Gao Sheng, who originally did not know a few Chinese characters, learned more and more Chinese characters and was even able to identify most of the medicinal materials.

After returning to the hospital and sorting the medicinal materials into the drawer, Gao Sheng also carefully wrote the names of the medicinal materials outside the drawer.

After writing ten books on Five Elements Medicine, Li Xuanfeng no longer needed to rely on the table all day long and began to walk around the hospital.

But there is always a book in his hand, which is the medical book bought by Gao Sheng.

Li Xuanfeng was reviewing the medical skills he had learned before, and he had not taken them seriously when he was a child, and there was still a lot of knowledge he had not learned.

While walking around the hospital, Li Xuanfeng was extremely surprised when he saw Gao Sheng sorting and storing medicine materials. He knew that Gao Sheng didn't know a few big characters.

However, Li Xuanfeng soon realized that Gao Sheng learned the names of the medicinal materials when he was buying medicine.

Every time Gao Sheng took out a medicinal material, there was a name written on the box containing the medicine. Gao Sheng would look at the name deeply and murmur three times, obviously to deepen his memory.

Thinking of this, Li Xuanfeng couldn't help but chuckle and said: "Gao Sheng, well done, a kid can be taught."

Hearing the voice, Gao Sheng realized that Li Xuanfeng was standing aside and watching his actions. His face suddenly turned red, and he touched the back of his head in embarrassment and said, "Doctor Li, thank you for your praise. I don't know many words, and I'm still learning."

Li Xuanfeng smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. Taking the initiative to learn is already the best start. Just accumulate slowly."

Gao Sheng nodded heavily, and suddenly felt that his efforts in the past few days were worth it, and he was even praised by Dr. Li.

At this time, Gao Sheng's idea of ​​literacy became even more determined. He knew that the medical clinic was not a place where people only worked hard, and literacy was required in many places.

Keeping accounts, getting medicine, prescribing, etc. all require literacy, as well as an excellent understanding of medicinal materials.

Gao Sheng thought silently in his heart that since he was lucky enough to be favored by Doctor Li and given such a generous salary, he must not let him down, and should take the initiative to share more tasks for him.

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