Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 589 Thin Baby Girl

At this time, Li Xuanfeng had already fallen into a rather mysterious state of contemplation. After recalling He Yue who was approaching the end of his life, a young figure once again appeared in his mind...

It was two years ago, a young couple came to the Li Family Medical Center in a panic.

In their arms they held a thin, emaciated baby girl.

This baby girl's body is extremely thin, almost as skinny as a stick, her complexion is dark, and her breath is extremely weak, which is extremely rare among babies.

Ordinary babies are almost always chubby. Even if they are thinner, their skin is still extremely smooth, and it will not reach the level of this baby girl.

One of the men immediately shouted after entering the hospital: "Doctor Li, please save our daughter!"

His tone at this time was extremely anxious. In the past few days, their daughter's breath had become weaker and weaker, and now even her breathing had become extremely weak, as if she might leave them at any time!

Li Xuanfeng asked the couple to place the baby girl on the cushioned table, then raised his hand to grab the baby girl's tiny arm and began to diagnose the pulse.

Because this baby girl was extremely thin and too young, her pulse was quite weak. Even Li Xuanfeng took a long time to check her pulse before letting go.

After diagnosing the pulse, Li Xuanfeng looked at the young couple, frowned slightly and said, "Your daughter was born with a lack of nutrition, resulting in an extremely weak body. Now she can no longer withstand the slightest hardship."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the young couple suddenly felt a sense of surprise and surprise in their hearts. They sighed in their hearts: "Doctor Li is worthy of being Dr. Li. He was able to complete the work in such a short period of time without asking them." Their daughter’s condition is completely clear.”

They also went to other doctors, but those doctors frowned and checked for pulse for a long time, but they could only come up with a guess. Some even saw their daughter's skinny appearance and did not dare to diagnose and treat her at all, for fear of getting herself into trouble.

Li Xuanfeng then continued to ask in confusion: "How did you raise your children to be like this?"

This baby girl was so weak that even Li Xuanfeng had never seen her before. She was so weak that she would die soon.

But at this time, he also noticed that the young couple were wearing linen clothes, and they had been patched several times, and he suddenly understood a lot.

The man among them lowered his head and said in a rather low tone: "I am sorry for the two of them. The family situation is too embarrassing and they have to suffer."

"Father of the child, please stop talking. This is what we both want." After hearing this, the young woman immediately grabbed the man's big hand and advised him in a gentle voice.

The man's family was indeed extremely embarrassed and almost destitute, but the woman still insisted on marrying him despite her family's objections.

Even because of strong opposition from her family, the woman had a falling out with her parents two years ago. At that time, her father threatened extremely fiercely: "If you must marry him, you will no longer be our daughter!"

"Dad, my daughter is unfilial!"

But the woman knelt down, kowtowed three times, apologized to her father with tears streaming down her face, and then firmly pulled the man away, making her father so angry that he threw a bowl in the house.

Precisely because the man's family was in such a difficult situation, the woman was still extremely frugal after becoming pregnant. She even ate only clear soup and little water every day, without taking any supplements to maintain her health.

Until the time when my daughter was born,

Only then did they realize their mistake. When their daughter was born, she weighed only three pounds and was so thin that even her mother-in-law was frightened when she saw her.

After the birth, because she could barely maintain her life, the woman still ate very little, and even the milk|water was far from enough for her daughter to eat, which made her even weaker, and eventually developed to this point...

The woman also held her daughter and asked her father for help, but the father was extremely stubborn and said that they would only take care of the two of them if she agreed to leave the poor man.

After hearing this, the woman could only turn around and leave with loneliness. He refused to agree to leave her husband.

After hearing the words of the young couple, combined with the baby girl's pulse, Li Xuanfeng had already guessed the matter to a close, and he already had an idea in his mind.

Feeling the warmth coming from his wife's hand, a very determined light suddenly appeared in the man's eyes. He knelt down heavily on the ground and said in a deep voice: "Doctor Li, please save my daughter. I, Lei Wu, will definitely Give away the diagnostic fees with both hands!”

His tone was full of pleading. They had no choice but to see their daughter's weak state, and their hearts ached extremely.

Now, he simply cannot pay the high diagnostic fee set by Li Xuanfeng.

I thought about finding other doctors before. Although the diagnosis fee was much cheaper, they either didn't dare to diagnose and treat me, or they didn't dare to prescribe medicine after checking the pulse, so as not to cause trouble to themselves.

The daughter of this young couple was already as skinny as a stick, and now she even has difficulty breathing. Several doctors did not dare to treat her after seeing her.

They all know that if the medicine is not prescribed correctly, it is very likely that the baby girl will die faster!

Therefore, they would rather not treat it than take the risk.

Otherwise, if the baby girl dies and the family blames it, not only will they not get any benefits, but they may also destroy their own brand.

Seeing her husband kneel down, the woman also knelt down without hesitation and begged with tears in her eyes: "Please Doctor Li, please save our daughter."

The two people's pleadings immediately attracted the attention of those who were buying medicine in the medical clinic. However, they smiled bitterly and shook their heads. These two people could not afford the diagnosis fee and still came to Dr. Li for treatment.

In their perception, Dr. Li is a person who doesn't do anything without money. If he can't afford the diagnosis fee, he won't do anything to treat him.

As expected, Li Xuanfeng shook his head and said with a smile: "Li's diagnosis fee is extremely expensive, and the cost of your daughter's treatment is even more astonishing. I'm afraid it costs about one hundred taels of silver. I'm sure you can afford it." ”

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the young couple was shocked and their expressions suddenly became extremely bitter. They never expected that the cost of their daughter's treatment would be so terrifying!

With their current family situation, they can't even afford half a pound of silver. One tael of silver is an unimaginable wealth, let alone a hundred taels!

This was not a silver coin that they dared to imagine. Even if they sold all their belongings at home or even themselves, they would not be able to get so much money.

At this time, the woman's expression was full of bitterness, and there was a sign of struggle in her eyes, but then she suddenly turned decisive, and with tears in her eyes she spoke to the man in a deep voice: "The child's father, we have passed away. If our daughter cannot be saved, Let’s have another one later!”

Although she didn't want to lose her daughter, one hundred taels of silver was simply not something they could come up with. Since it was impossible, they could only choose to give up.


At this time, Lei Wu bent down and knocked his head heavily on the ground, and shouted in a very firm tone: "As long as Doctor Li saves our daughter, I, Lei Wu, am willing to work as a cow and a horse for the rest of my life to repay your great kindness! "

Seeing this scene, even Shen Luoyan and the onlookers felt unbearable, and their expressions were full of sympathy.

Judging from what Lei Wu and his wife said, their family situation is even more embarrassing than that of Gao Sheng back then, and they are now desperate.

Thinking of this, Gao Sheng couldn't help but look at Li Xuanfeng with a hint of pleading. He hoped that Doctor Li could help Lei Wu, but he didn't dare to speak rashly and could only wait for Doctor Li's decision.

But Shen Luoyan started to chuckle in her heart. From Li Xuanfeng's words just now, she could tell that he was ready to help Lei Wu's family.

She knew Li Xuanfeng, and he would not have said such inhumane words if he could not save the baby girl.

But when he said this and said that the treatment fee was unbearable for Lei Wu and Wu, it just showed that he was ready to treat this baby girl.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng's face became much gentler, and he said in a calm tone: "You guys should get up first. Li has a way for you to pay the diagnosis and treatment fee."

After hearing this, Lei Wu and his wife immediately stood up in great surprise, bowed respectfully and said with clasped fists: "Thank you very much, Doctor Li. Whatever method you suggest, Lei will definitely do it even if he has to go up mountains of swords and seas of fire!"

Li Xuanfeng pondered for a moment, then smiled softly at Lei Wu and said, "Since you can't pay the treatment fee, then come to my medical clinic and work as a clerk to pay off your debt!"

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Gao Sheng was slightly startled, but soon showed a knowing smile like Shen Luoyan.

Gao Sheng had roughly guessed Li Xuanfeng's plan at this time and was immediately happy for Lei Wu's family.

After hearing this, Lei Wu and his wife couldn't help being slightly startled, but Lei Wu then thanked him very respectfully: "Thank you very much, Dr. Li, for your kindness. Lei will definitely repay you like a horse."

Lei Wu's wife couldn't help but worry. Could it be that Dr. Li really wanted Lei Wu to be a bully?

Although this thought also appeared in Lei Wu's mind, his thoughts soon became firm. As long as he could save his daughter, it was worth it to be a bully for Dr. Li.

Thinking that his daughter was finally saved, even though he might lose his freedom, Lei Wu was still extremely happy.

Li Xuanfeng shook his head and said with a smile: "Li doesn't need horses or oxen, he just needs you as his assistant."

After hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Lei Wu also touched the back of his head and smiled and said: "It's just a metaphor. Since Doctor Li doesn't want cattle and horses, then I will be a diligent guy."

Seeing his firm tone, Lei Wu's wife was worried that her husband would be wronged in the hospital, but she had no choice but to nod in agreement.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng turned to look at Lei Wu's wife and said seriously: "In the past two years, Li needs to keep an eye on your daughter's condition, so he needs to keep your daughter in the hospital to take care of her."

"You two should also stay in the guest room of the hospital. Your daughter needs to be taken care of."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Lei Wu and his wife were slightly startled, and then said in a very respectful tone: "Thank you, Doctor Li."

They never expected that Dr. Li would leave their daughter in the medical center for observation in order to treat her, and for the convenience of taking care of her, he would also let them stay in the medical center. This is really the kindness of a doctor.

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