Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 598 Why do you need to know

From the clothes the white-haired old man was wearing, Li Xuanfeng could tell that the white-haired old man was from an ordinary family. Although they were not poor, they were not rich either.

The price of this prescription was enough to make ordinary people shudder. One dose of medicine was enough to cover a family's living expenses for a month!

If Li Xuanfeng told the white-haired old man the actual price of the medicinal materials used in this prescription, he would definitely not dare to spend money on treatment. Even if Li Xuanfeng provided it to him for free, he would find it unacceptable.

Seeing that Li Xuanfeng was so dedicated to helping the white-haired old man, Gao Sheng and Gao Youwen were a little surprised.

In their perception, Doctor Li would not help others easily.

When he came to Qingshan City, the number of people that Li Xuanfeng helped for free was limited, except for Gao Sheng and Lei Wu.

For irrelevant people, Li Xuanfeng rarely helped for free. Even if someone's illness was extremely serious, he would have to see the payment of the diagnosis and treatment fee before he would help.

What they didn't know was that Li Xuanfeng was not only trying to help the white-haired old man, but also had another reason, which was to feel the breath of death again up close!

And slowing down the failure of the five internal organs of the white-haired old man and increasing his life span by a few months was Li Xuanfeng's reward to him!

After the last epiphany, Li Xuanfeng already knew that his artistic conception was most likely related to death and rebirth, so he had been looking for opportunities to feel these two states in the past few years.

Diagnosing the pulse of the pregnant Lei Ling every day was also to feel the breath of rebirth!

Of course, although Li Xuanfeng was trying to feel the power of artistic conception, he would not hurt Lei Ling and the white-haired old man, and would even help them.

Li Xuanfeng was not a person who would do anything to improve his cultivation. He had his own principles, which belonged to his Tao.

In Li Xuanfeng's view, if he lost his Tao because of cultivation, he would not be himself!

This was also the way of life that Li Xuanfeng's parents taught him, and he could not hurt others for his own selfish interests.

Of course, after entering the cultivation world, Li Xuanfeng's temperament has also changed a lot.

If someone attacks him, he will let the other party know what a terrifying evil star is!

If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, I will show no mercy!

Since Li Xuanfeng left Xuanling Sect and experienced the change of heart in Taoyuan Village, many people have felt the terrifying evil spirit in his body, and more than 90% of these people have died!

As time passed, Lei Ling's belly became more and more obvious, and the fetus inside was able to move. Although this made Lei Ling quite uncomfortable sometimes, her expression was full of surprise.

This is the baby in her belly greeting her.

With the help of taking Lei Ling's pulse, Li Xuanfeng felt more about the new breath, and his eyes gradually showed a trace of imperceptible depth.

And Li Xuanfeng would go to deliver medicine to the white-haired old man every three days and take his pulse.

The surname of this white-haired old man is Zhang. He is not a rich man. His house is just a small house, and it is located in the north of the city, which is far away from the city center. Li Xuanfeng needs to walk for half an hour every time to go there.

Although Li Xuanfeng's prescription is very clever, it can reduce the speed of the five internal organs failure of this white-haired old man.

But birth, aging, illness and death are the way of heaven and earth that cannot be violated, and a prescription cannot stop them at all.

Although he takes medicine according to Li Xuanfeng's prescription every day, the white-haired old man is still aging at a faster rate.

During this period, Li Xuanfeng did not take care of other things in the clinic. He only did these two things, taking the pulse of Lei Ling every day and delivering medicine to this white-haired old man every three days.

Every time he took the pulse, Li Xuanfeng looked very serious. Lei Ling and Zhang Lao thought that he was just taking the pulse very seriously, but they didn't expect that he was also feeling the breath of life and death.

For ordinary people, such a feeling of death and rebirth is extremely incredible, even for cultivators.

Although Li Xuanfeng's method seemed quite clumsy, he had no other way at this time. He could only clumsily look for things related to death and rebirth to feel.

Moreover, the power of artistic conception is extremely mysterious. If you don't feel it, it is invisible, intangible, or even infeelable. There is no shortcut at all.

If you can't feel your own artistic conception, then the power of artistic conception is like something that is incomparably unattainable and unreachable, and you can't touch it even if you spend your whole life!

In just a blink of an eye, three months passed quietly again.

At this time, Lei Ling's body has become bloated. Although he sometimes complains to Gao Youwen that his slender figure is gone, his expression is still full of joy, looking forward to the day when his child is born.

On this day, when Li Xuanfeng was taking the pulse, Lei Ling's eyes showed a cunning look, and he asked curiously: "Uncle Li, is the child of Youwen and me a boy or a girl?"

At this time, Gao Youwen was also sitting next to Lei Ling, and his eyes couldn't help but look at Li Xuanfeng curiously, wanting to hear what answer he would give.

Although Gao Youwen's medical skills are already very advanced, he has little experience in diagnosing and treating pregnant women, and it is still difficult to determine the gender of the fetus in the womb.

Moreover, the medical books left by the ancients are quite taboo about this matter, and they are not written in too much detail, so as not to be disadvantageous to pregnant women because of the preference for boys over girls.

However, Gao Youwen and Lei Ling did not have this concern, so they were quite curious about this matter in their spare time.

Since Lei Ling became pregnant, Gao Youwen had checked her pulse many times. He already had a rough idea of ​​the answer, but he was still not completely sure.

After asking this question at this time, Gao Youwen couldn't help but have a thought in his mind. If Uncle Li's answer was consistent with his, then it would be completely certain.

Seeing the curious looks of the two people, Li Xuanfeng shook his head and said with a smile, "Do you want to have a boy or a girl?"

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's question, Gao Youwen and Lei Ling turned to look at each other, smiled at the same time, and said in unison: "Boys and girls are fine."

Seeing that the two people's answers were so consistent, Li Xuanfeng couldn't help but smile calmly and said: "If that's the case, then why do we need to know about this?"

After hearing this, Gao Youwen and Lei Ling were as if enlightened. They smiled with relief and thanked Li Xuanfeng with clasped fists: "Thank you, Uncle Li, for your guidance."

The two were originally extremely curious about whether the child in their belly was a boy or a girl, and even checked for pulse frequently, but it was always difficult to determine.

Now that they heard Li Xuanfeng's advice, Gao Youwen and Lei Ling completely let go of the matter in their hearts, and there was no longer any curiosity in their hearts.

Whether it's a boy or a girl, they are all the fruits of their love and their most beloved children.

Son, there is no distinction in their hearts.

Seeing that the two of them had already understood, Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled with emotion. This is the so-called fanaticism of the authorities, as bystanders will know.

At this time, Mr. Zhang was completely bedridden, and his body was so weak that he could no longer stand up!

Li Xuanfeng has begun to go to Mr. Zhang's home every day to diagnose his pulse and determine his physical condition.

At this time, in Li Xuanfeng's eyes, Mr. Zhang already contained an extremely strong death aura!

Mr. Zhang's descendants had great respect for Li Xuanfeng and would always prepare the best tea and snacks at home for reception, although Li Xuanfeng rarely tasted them.

At the beginning, Zhang Lao's descendants had already discovered that the medicinal materials provided by Li Xuanfeng were precious medicinal materials, and then curiously asked him in private.

Li Xuanfeng was not surprised after hearing this. If a careful person remembers the appearance of the medicinal materials and goes to the drug store to confirm, he will easily know this.

Li Xuanfeng whispered to Mr. Zhang's descendant: "Don't let Mr. Zhang know about this matter."

This junior Zhang Lao immediately understood Li Xuanfeng's intentions, nodded with great gratitude, and bowed respectfully to Li Xuanfeng with clasped fists.

Although they knew that the medicinal materials used in this prescription were extremely precious, Mr. Zhang's descendants could only accept Li Xuanfeng's benevolent gift because they knew that their family could not afford the expense.

Although Mr. Zhang did not know that the medicinal materials used in this prescription were precious, he was still extremely grateful to Li Xuanfeng in his heart.

At first, he thought that Dr. Li was just saying it casually, but he didn't expect that he would actually come to check his pulse and deliver medicine every three days. In the blink of an eye, he had been doing this for three months.

After diagnosing the pulse this time, Li Xuanfeng whispered to Mr. Zhang: "You don't have to worry about life and death. Relax and enjoy life."

What Li Xuanfeng didn't say was that he wanted Mr. Zhang to enjoy his time because he didn't have much time left!

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Mr. Zhang felt relaxed and said with a smile: "Doctor Li, don't worry, I have lived for a few more months and I am extremely satisfied with this life."

"Also, I know that I don't have much time left, so I won't bother Dr. Li to deliver medicine to me in the future."

He really felt that his life was passing by rapidly. Now his whole body was extremely weak and he could only wait for his descendants to serve him.

Mr. Zhang didn't like his situation and didn't want to trouble Li Xuanfeng anymore, so he raised the matter.

In the past three months, Dr. Li didn't find it troublesome and often checked his pulse and gave him medicine, but he already felt extremely sorry.

After hearing this, Li Xuanfeng smiled and said: "Now that Li has left all the affairs of the medical center to his disciples, he just sent medicine here while wandering around the city. You don't have to worry about it."

Although he knew that what Li Xuanfeng said was false by the way, Mr. Zhang could already tell that his thoughts were extremely firm, so he had no choice but to nod in agreement.

After these three months of getting along with each other and the rumors about Doctor Li in Qingshan City, Mr. Zhang already knew that Doctor Li did not like people who gave up halfway, and very few people could change his decision.

Now Mr. Zhang has great admiration for Li Xuanfeng and a strong recognition of his character, as if he regards him as a long-lasting friend.

Mr. Zhang even thought more than once that if he hadn't been about to be buried, he would have had a good relationship with Dr. Li.

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