Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 607: Seventy Years Old

"Follow your heart and feel it carefully."

Hearing Shen Luoyan's words, Li Xuanfeng already fully understood her thoughts. This was to teach Shen Hua and others with her own experience of understanding the artistic conception.

Thinking of this, even Li Xuanfeng couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, feeling quite emotional in his heart.

After arriving in Qingshan City, Senior Sister seemed to have never deliberately looked for the artistic conception, but just followed Li Xuanfeng into the world to become a mortal.

But it was precisely because of her unintentionalness that the speed of understanding was countless times faster than other cultivators!

And this kind of artistic conception power that was understood was extremely rare. Even in the collection of the Five Elements Venerable, there were only a few records, and because little was known, there was no detailed description.

Shen Luoyan's understanding process was like this.

In the peaceful life in the world, she suddenly entered into enlightenment and understood her own artistic conception power inexplicably.

Then in the second enlightenment, she found her own artistic conception power in a confused way, and her cultivation broke through to the second level of half-step.

This made Li Xuanfeng feel quite envious...

Compared to her, even Li Xuanfeng felt that his perception process was much more difficult, but compared to others, Li Xuanfeng was already extremely fast.

You know, the natural barrier of the second realm in the cultivation world has blocked 80% of the cultivators who have broken through to the perfect spiritual realm, making them unable to move forward!

At the beginning, Lin Jiu spent hundreds of years to perceive the artistic conception and break through the earthly realm. In the end, he was awakened by Li Xuanfeng's unintentional words and succeeded.

It was Li Xuanfeng's words that made Lin Jiu extremely grateful to him, and Li Chang took special care of him. When Li Xuanfeng left, he gave him a teleportation jade slip.

If Li Xuanfeng encounters danger, he will open this teleportation jade slip, and Lin Jiu will be able to rush to rescue him at the fastest speed!

In the vast world of cultivation, there are countless cultivators who have reached the perfection of the spiritual realm. Even if they spend hundreds of years, they still cannot find their own artistic conception power. In the end, they can only run out of life and die in depression!

This is the huge gap between understanding and opportunity, which cannot be caught up by hard work.

Hearing the words of Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan, Shen Hua and others felt that there was a great truth in it, but it seemed to be of no use.

This is a rather mysterious state. Shen Hua and others felt that they understood it, as if they had grasped something, but also seemed to have gained nothing.

At this time, Shen Hua and others frowned slightly, their expressions were full of thoughts, but they had not gained anything for a long time.

Seeing their hard thinking, Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled and said: "You should go back to the sect and think about it again. In a word, everyone's way of perception and artistic conception power are different. Find the way that suits you best first."

At the same time, Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan put away the scattered artistic conception power, and the breath on their bodies returned to the previous calmness.

At this time, in the perception of Shen Hua and others, the breath of Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan was silent again, and they could not sense it at all.

After listening to Li Xuanfeng's words, Shen Hua and others nodded slightly, intending to think about it slowly later. Shen Hua asked with expectation: "When will you two return to the sect?"

Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan smiled at each other, and said in a very consistent and calm manner: "Wait until the power of artistic conception we have comprehended can truly break through the second realm."

They still want to stay in Qingshan City.

The bigger reason why Li Xuanfeng stayed in Qingshan City was that he wanted to comprehend his artistic conception power completely, and Shen Luoyan wanted to stay in Qingshan City, first to live with Li Xuanfeng, and secondly, he was used to living with Gao Sheng and Lei Wu's families.

If he suddenly left Qingshan City now, Shen Luoyan would feel extremely uncomfortable, as if his life was suddenly disrupted.

Seeing that the two of them decided to stay in Qingshan City so tacitly, Shen Hua and others suddenly showed a lot of helplessness in their expressions, but they still nodded in agreement.

In the eyes of Shen Hua and others, Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan had not returned to the sect to live with them for twenty years, and they missed them a lot.

Although they knew that Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan were the strongest people in the Tongling Continent and no one should dare to deal with them, Shen Hua and Han Yue still couldn't help but worry.

However, they also knew that Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan were trying to comprehend the state of mind and break through the second realm, so it was not easy to persuade them.

Then Shen Hua and others said goodbye and left, returning to Xuanling Sect.

Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan also returned to Qingshan City silently again, and after walking around the nearby lake hand in hand, they returned to the clinic.

When they returned to the clinic, Gao Sheng and Lei Wu's families had just prepared dinner and immediately greeted Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan warmly.

In the quiet life of the clinic, time passed quickly.

Gao Zhiyao gradually grew up, and in a blink of an eye, he was already a child of five or six years old. He was quite lively and active, which made Gao Sheng and Lei Wu's families quite headache in their love.

Gao Zhiyao's temperament is very different from Gao Youwen's. When Gao Youwen was young, he was docile and obedient, while Gao Zhiyao is more active and seems to be not a quiet person.

Gao Youwen really has no good solution for this, and even proposed to ask Li Xuanfeng for advice on how to educate children, which made Li Xuanfeng quite helpless. His only experience was in the dream of the secret realm of reincarnation, and his daughter Li Siyan's temperament is also very gentle.

Regarding this matter, Li Xuanfeng had to say that he could not help.

But Gao Youwen's eyes sparkled after hearing this, and he smiled and said to Li Xuanfeng: "Uncle Li, your wisdom has always been far superior to ours, so please take more care and think of a way to teach Zhiyao."

After saying this, Gao Youwen turned around and left without giving Li Xuanfeng a chance to refuse. Li Xuanfeng was dumbfounded for a moment, and finally shook his head helplessly and smiled, and began to think about how to teach Gao Zhiyao.

After arriving in Qingshan City, although Li Xuanfeng had read a lot of books in his spare time, he had never read about the methods of teaching and educating people, so he had to look for such books on the bookshelf.

Two months later, after careful observation of Gao Zhiyao and the experience gained from the books, Li Xuanfeng said to Gao Youwen:

"Zhiyao is lively and active now, but he has a child's temper. You need to use a gentle method to guide him to understand the truth and distinguish right from wrong, and his temperament will naturally change slowly."

Although Gao Youwen was surprised after hearing this, he didn't know whether it would work, but he still followed Li Xuanfeng's method to teach his son.

After careful observation during this period of time, Li Xuanfeng has seen that Gao Zhiyao is now quite stubborn, and he is soft-hearted and does not tolerate hard things. He needs to be taught gently and carefully. If he gets angry with him, it may have the opposite effect.

Gao Youwen soon found that Li Xuanfeng's method was extremely effective.

Gao Zhiyao was persuaded by him to stop many rude things he was about to do, and he gradually understood a lot of things.

After noticing the changes in his son, Gao Youwen immediately admired Li Xuanfeng even more. He did not expect that Uncle Li would find such an effective method for the parenting that gave him such a headache.

Soon ten years passed, and Gao Zhiyao had become a handsome boy.

After Li Xuanfeng's method, everyone's joint teaching, and entering a private school to learn knowledge, Gao Zhiyao's temperament has completely stabilized, and he is much more sensible than children of the same age.

Seeing that Gao Zhiyao has grown up and is quite sensible, everyone in the clinic finally put their minds at ease and was full of relief.

Seeing Gao Zhiyao's appearance, Li Xuanfeng's eyes were filled with nostalgia, and he recalled the memories when he was the same age as Gao Zhiyao now.

At that time, he was still living in Taoyuan Village, living a carefree life, playing with his friends every day, looking for wild game to eat.

In the past ten years, Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan's life has been extremely comfortable. They often walked out of the clinic hand in hand, strolled around, and observed the lives of the citizens of Qingshan City.

Now, in the clinic, Li Xuanfeng will only treat difficult and complicated diseases that are about to be incurable.

Of course, with Gao Youwen's current medical skills, Li Xuanfeng has no way to treat difficult and complicated diseases that he cannot treat without using spiritual power.

Li Xuanfeng just wants to find a way to relieve the condition of such patients and extend their remaining lifespan.

And Li Xuanfeng uses this to perceive the breath of death, silently waiting for the power of artistic conception that he perceives to be completely complete.

Although his cultivation has entered the half-step second realm, it is still a long way from truly entering the second realm, and it is not possible to break through in a short time.

In the past ten years, Li Xuanfeng has seen many dying people, and he is very familiar with the perception of the breath of death.

But he gradually realized that people who sensed that their lifespans were about to end could not make him feel anything, so Li Xuanfeng stopped caring about it.

Seeing that Li Xuanfeng didn't care about it anymore, Gao Youwen finally put his mind at ease, otherwise he would have suspected that Uncle Li was old and was looking for ways to live longer in others because he was afraid of death.

In the past ten years, because Li Xuanfeng was getting older, and seeing that he only treated dying people, Gao Youwen had always been worried.

Now Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan's faces are completely covered with wrinkles, and their hair has turned snow-white.

The traces of time on Gao Sheng and Lei Wu's couple were even more vicissitudes, and even their bodies became hunched due to weakness, which made Gao Youwen and Lei Ling feel very uncomfortable.

At this time, Gao Sheng and Lei Wu were already in their seventies, and Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan were even older than them.

It was only because of their appearance when they first came to Qingshan City that Gao Sheng and others always thought that Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan were much younger than them.

If Gao Sheng and others knew that Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan were about ten years older than them, they would probably be shocked.

Seeing their parents and Uncle Li and Aunt Li becoming more and more old, Gao Youwen and Lei Ling were reluctant to admit it in their hearts, but they still knew that they probably didn't have much time left to accompany them!

They really couldn't imagine how sad it would be when the two pairs of parents and Uncle Li and Aunt Li all left them!

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