Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 658 Leaving the Secret Realm

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's grateful words, the Lord of Samsara shook his head and smiled, and then continued: "Although you can control the life and death of the Bai people, I don't want you to rely on the power of the Bai people in the outside world."

"So this secret realm was sealed from the inside. Except for automatically opening once every thousand years, even if you have the key to open the secret realm in your sea of ​​consciousness, you still need the origin of Samsara to open it. Now you can't take the Bai people to the outside world."

Hearing the words of the Lord of Samsara, knowing that he couldn't take the Bai people out of the Samsara Secret Realm, Li Xuanfeng felt a little sorry, but he didn't have any dissatisfaction.

He knew the Lord of Samsara's plan, which was to let him grow up by himself, not with the help of Bai!

Although Li Xuanfeng would reduce many dangers with the help of the Bai people, his growth rate would inevitably slow down, and it would even be difficult to go far on the road of cultivation.

This is what the Lord of Samsara didn't want to see, and Li Xuanfeng also wanted to improve his cultivation to a sufficient level as soon as possible, so that he could successfully resurrect his senior sister Shen Luoyan.

Although it is known that this road is still very far away, if the current steps become slow, this road will only become farther away!

After giving the slave seal of the Bai tribe to Li Xuanfeng, the Lord of Samsara swept his eyes across the Samsara Secret Realm, and there were many memories in his expression, as if he was recalling the past.

After a moment, the Lord of Samsara shook his head and smiled and said: "Okay, I will send you out of the secret realm, otherwise if I disappear, you will also be trapped in the Samsara Secret Realm until you have the ability to open the secret realm, or wait for the secret realm to open again after a thousand years."

Li Xuanfeng clasped his fists again and said: "Junior thanks the senior."

As the Lord of Samsara quickly pinched his hands, a large amount of spiritual power in the space quickly gathered, and instantly formed a rapidly rotating vortex above!

This vortex is not big, only ten feet in size, emitting a crystal gray light.

When the vortex condensed, Li Xuanfeng instantly felt a very familiar breath emanating from it, which was the breath of the spiritual continent.

Feeling this breath, Li Xuanfeng already knew that this vortex was connected to the spiritual continent.

All the Bai people also saw this vortex, and there was an extremely strong expectation in their eyes, but there was also a lot of gloom. They knew that although this vortex that left the secret realm was right in front of them, they could not enter it.

Li Xuanfeng bowed respectfully to the Lord of Samsara again and said in a deep voice: "Junior, I bid you farewell, and I hope to see you again in the future!"

Hearing his words, the Lord of Samsara laughed and said loudly: "Haha, you are quite good at talking."

The meaning of Li Xuanfeng's words was naturally that he hoped that the Lord of Samsara would be able to get rid of the reincarnation and wake up in the future, and meet Li Xuanfeng.

At this time, the Great Elder of the Bai Clan also led many Bai Clan people to bow respectfully and shouted loudly: "Farewell, Master!"

Li Xuanfeng nodded slightly and soared into the sky, rushing towards the vortex above. His body disappeared in the vortex in the blink of an eye, and the vortex gradually dissipated.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng's figure disappear in the vortex, the Lord of Samsara smiled and murmured: "Then this old man also sincerely hopes that you can succeed!"

As he spoke, a large amount of spiritual power began to overflow from the spirit of the Lord of Samsara!

This is the spirit of the Lord of Samsara dissipating rapidly!

Sensing that the spirit of the Lord of Reincarnation was rapidly dissipating, the expression of the Bai clan elder suddenly showed a lot of complex meanings. After a moment of silence, he kowtowed respectfully and shouted in a deep voice: "Farewell to the Lord of Reincarnation!"

After seeing the body of the Lord of Reincarnation rapidly turning into spiritual power and dissipating, the Bai clan elder already knew that the Lord of Reincarnation who appeared this time was just a spirit!

The Bai clan elder's mind is very good. After a little hesitation, he completely understood that everything now was calculated by the Lord of Reincarnation!

The Bai clan has spent tens of thousands of years in the secret realm of reincarnation, which means that the Lord of Reincarnation has calculated tens of thousands of years later!

This ability is really shocking!

Although the Bai clan elder knew that everything in their clan today was caused by the Lord of Reincarnation, he couldn't help but admire this strong man who could calculate countless years into the future!

Under the attention of the Bai clan elder and everyone, the speed at which the Lord of Samsara's spirit disappeared suddenly became faster and faster, and his body began to disappear from his feet!

Starting from his feet, the Lord of Samsara's figure quickly dissipated upwards, and soon his entire body disappeared, leaving only a head.

The Lord of Samsara did not care at all that his body was rapidly dissipating, and there was even a lot of smiles in his expression, and his eyes stayed on the place where Li Xuanfeng disappeared.

In a flash, the Lord of Samsara's body completely disappeared, and only the Bai clan was left in this space.

After seeing that Li Xuanfeng and the Lord of Samsara had disappeared from this place, the Bai clan elder said in a deep voice: "Everyone get up."

All the Bai clan members stood up immediately, and the Bai clan elder immediately stopped the injury of the broken arm, and took out a healing pill with extremely amazing medicinal effects.

This pill melted in the mouth, and turned into an extremely powerful spiritual power in the Bai clan elder's body, which quickly recovered his injuries!

In just half an hour, the arms of the Bai clan elder grew back. Although his body was still a little weak, he was no longer in danger.

Seeing that the elder's injuries had recovered, the Bai clan leader came to his side and said in a very worried tone: "Grand elder, now that this kid has become our master, what should we do?"

Other people from the Bai tribe also looked at the great elder eagerly, hoping that he could come up with a countermeasure.

Otherwise, their lives are in the hands of this ruthless boy, and they may have to worry about their heads falling to the ground from time to time!

The great elder of the Bai clan frowned and thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "This is the fate of the Bai clan and cannot be avoided. It is not yet known whether this is a blessing or a disaster, so you don't need to worry too much."

Now he knows that Li Xuanfeng's becoming the leader of the Bai clan was arranged by the Lord of Reincarnation many years ago, and it is not something they can change!

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng's qualifications are so terrifying that he may be able to become the pinnacle of the cultivation world in the future. It is very possible to take the Bai clan out of the secret realm and let the Bai clan show their glory again!

After hearing the great elder's words, they immediately knew that there was nothing he could do. Although the Bai clan leader and everyone felt a little lonely, they also understood the great elder's thoughts.

Now that Li Xuanfeng has taken control of the Bai clan's slave mark, life and death depend only on the other's thoughts, and they have no ability to resist!

In the psychic continent, in the wooden house of Taoyuan Village, a small small beam suddenly appeared again.

From the whirlpool, Li Xuanfeng, wearing a blue robe, stepped out again.

The vortex appeared silently and dissipated instantly after Li Xuanfeng walked out, without attracting the attention of any monks.

Feeling the familiar atmosphere and scenery around him, Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed slightly and he sat down cross-legged in the room.

Entering the Secret Realm of Reincarnation this time, although his cultivation level did not increase at all, he got what Li Xuanfeng wanted most now!

There is a way to resurrect Senior Sister!

After receiving the reincarnation soul-nurturing technique, most of the gloom in Li Xuanfeng's heart was instantly swept away, and his mind was already full of fighting spirit, like a depressed person who had cheered up again!

The reason why I decided to leave Duling Star and enter the starry sky was to find a way to resurrect my senior sister while improving my cultivation.

But it seems that no one has ever succeeded in resurrecting the dead. Li Xuanfeng actually knows very well that, relatively speaking, improving one's cultivation is very simple, but finding a way to resurrect is even more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack!

But now that he has obtained a method of resurrection, Li Xuanfeng can just work hard to improve his cultivation.

You can pay a little attention to the method of resurrection while practicing. It is best to find a simpler method. If you can't find it, you will no longer be helpless.

Thinking of this, Li Xuanfeng has decided to enter the starry sky as soon as possible to find a way to improve his cultivation.

But before leaving Duling Star, he still needs to make some preparations.

That is to unlock another layer of Zi Mie Guang's seal!

Thinking of this, Li Xuanfeng didn't hesitate at all. After sitting down cross-legged, he took out the purple slaying stick, and then took out a jade slip and integrated it into his spiritual consciousness for inspection.

This jade slip was left by the Master of the Five Elements. It contains instructions for teaching Li Xuanfeng how to remove the seal of the Purple Mie Guang.

There are not many things recorded in this jade slip, there is only one seal, and it does not indicate that it is the seal to unseal the Purple Miegun.

At the beginning, the Five Elements Venerable only told Li Xuanfeng verbally that the seal engraved in this jade slip was to unseal the Purple Miegun.

In this way, even if others get this jade slip, they will only get this seal. At most, they can only deduce that it is an unsealing seal, but they have no way of knowing what this seal is for.

This was to prevent others from knowing the secret of Zi Mie Guang after this jade slip was obtained, which would bring danger to Li Xuanfeng.

Looking at this jade slip, Li Xuanfeng suddenly remembered the good intentions of the Five Elements Venerable, and his eyes couldn't help but feel a little moist.

Although the Five Elements Master has no relationship with him and is not his master, he considers everything for him, and even goes so far as to help him save Shen Luoyan's soul, even at the cost of completely dissipating his only remaining soul!

Li Xuanfeng knew in his heart that he owed the Lord Five Elements a great debt that he would never be able to repay!

For Li Xuanfeng, who has been recognized as the master of Zi Mie Guang, it is not difficult to perform this seal.

After understanding the seals written on the jade slips, Li Xuanfeng quickly made the seals with his hands, using the majestic power of cultivation in his body. At the same time, he emitted his spiritual consciousness, mobilized the majestic spiritual power from heaven and earth, and instantly poured it all into the purple. In the midst of destruction!

After the majestic spiritual power entered the Zi Mie Stick, it gathered directly towards the nine-story tower in the center of the Zi Mie Space, and suddenly rushed into the tower!

With the infusion of majestic spiritual power and cultivation power, the lower five floors of the tower lit up instantly, bursting out with extremely bright light!

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