Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 691 A dazzling and dangerous place!

Two hours later, the people on the giant sword suddenly found a very bright purple glow in the distant sky!

Li Xuanfeng and many cultivators all looked at it intently and found that the purple glow was still flickering and changing, which looked very beautiful.

Moreover, the range of this purple glow was extremely vast, making the distant sky completely reflected in a bright and dazzling purple, as if forming a purple star field.

Many people's eyes were full of brilliance, which contained appreciation. They had been staying in the sect for many years, but they rarely saw such a beautiful scenery.

Seeing their expressions, the elders of the Earth Profound Realm and some old disciples smiled, and some even shook their heads with emotion.

Sensing their expressions, Li Xuanfeng observed the terrain below and thought about it.

This place is close to the southernmost part of Hongyuan Star. Could it be that the bright purple glow in front is the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pool?

As they approached the purple glow, many monks began to feel the extremely shocking violent power in the purple glow ahead, which made them feel dangerous!

Feeling this, many people's expressions changed slightly. They didn't expect that such a bright glow would contain dangerous violent power!

As they continued to approach, they began to see the huge purple glow more and more clearly, and found that it was not completely floating in the air, but connected to the ground!

Not only that, there were countless tiny purple lightnings in the purple glow, which were flying rapidly, and it was a very vast thunder pool!

The reason why this purple glow was constantly flickering was because of the flickering formed by these purple lightnings while flying rapidly!

Feeling this, the appreciation in everyone's eyes suddenly dissipated completely, and at this time they also understood that this purple glow was the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pool.

From a distance, the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pool is indeed a rare beauty, which has caused countless monks to have illusions.

But if you get close, the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pool is a terrifying place that makes countless monks extremely frightened!

The Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond seems to prove a truth, that the more beautiful the place, the more dangerous it is!

The Dixuan Realm elders and old disciples who had been to the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond before naturally knew that this brilliant purple glow was the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond, while the other disciples did not know and were enjoying the beautiful scenery just now.

As they got closer, the people of the Huadan Sect suddenly felt the increasingly powerful and violent power, and an extremely strong sense of crisis had emerged in their hearts!

At this time, they no longer had the slightest thought of appreciating the beautiful scenery, because according to their estimation, as long as they entered this purple thunder pond, they would be wiped out in a very short time!

According to the exploration of countless ancestors of Hong Yuanxing, everyone already knew that when the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond was not in the weakening period, even if they were outside the thunder pond, they needed cultivators with cultivation above the Dixuan Realm to withstand it!

If a cultivator below the Dixuan Realm entered it, he would be instantly annihilated in the terrifying power of thunder and lightning!

It is for this reason that the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond has become one of the four dangerous places on Hongyuan Star!

As they approached, they also found that in front of the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond, there were many cultivators sitting cross-legged in the nearby mountains.

In front of the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond, there was a rather vast mountain range, which blocked most of the violent power emitted by the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond.

Many cultivators who practiced thunder attribute spiritual power chose to build caves in this mountain range to absorb the thunder and lightning aura emitted by the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond.

And every time before the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond entered the weakening period, this mountain range became a place where many cultivators sat cross-legged.

Seeing the giant sword where everyone was rushing, the cultivators in the mountains also turned their heads to look, and after discovering that it was someone from the Huadan Sect, one of the elders of the third realm stood up and bowed to Liu Chen from a distance.

This person is also from the five major forces, and has long been familiar with Liu Chen. At this time, he smiled and said, "Old Liu, you are late."

Liu Chen smiled and clasped his fists in response, "It's not too late, we still need to wait here for two days."

With the arrival of the people from the Huadan Sect, the five major forces have already arrived at three, and there are still two parties that have not arrived. The other two forces that have arrived have already chosen a mountain to sit cross-legged.

When Liu Chen was greeting this great elder, the great elder of the other force just opened his eyes and glanced at the people of the Huadan Sect lightly, and then continued to close his eyes to rest.

The relationship between this force and the Huadan Sect is not good, and it is even quite tense. At this time, they will not give Liu Chen a good face.

Liu Chen did not care at all. At this time, he also chose a high peak, took many cultivators from the Huadan Sect to fly down from the giant sword, sat cross-legged and waited quietly.

Now it has not yet reached the weakening period of the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pool, and it is not something that many elders and disciples below the Tianxuan Realm can bear.

Therefore, many forces will wait in this mountain range for the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pool to enter its weakening period, and by the way, let the elders and disciples who need to enter the adventure experience the amazing power of the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pool in advance.

In the next few hours, the other two forces of the five major forces also arrived here. After exchanging a few words with the forces with whom they have a better relationship, they also chose a mountain to settle down.

As time passed, the number of cultivators gathered here increased, and it gradually slowed down after a day, with only a few cultivators arriving.

At this time, most of the cultivators have arrived here, and the major forces have all arrived. The few who came are almost all some scattered cultivators.

In addition to the five major forces, a large number of small forces also came here during this period.

After the small forces arrived here, the first thing they did was to pay respect to the five major forces, and then they chose a small mountain to sit cross-legged.

Although the number of small forces coming from all sides is far less than that of the five major forces, the advantage is that the number of small forces is greater, and the total number of people combined is already comparable to that of the five major forces.

With the arrival of all five major forces, Li Xuanfeng also noticed that Cai Hao and Tang Fei, whom he met outside Hong Yuan Star, had also arrived here, apparently preparing to enter the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond.

Cai Hao and Tang Fei also saw Li Xuanfeng, and a lot of surprise suddenly appeared in their expressions. They did not expect that Li Xuanfeng, an alchemist, would also come to take risks in the Soul-Destroying Lei Pond.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng, Cai Hao had a cold smile on his lips, and said silently in his heart: "I originally thought that I would never have the chance to meet you, but I didn't expect to find you through the iron shoes. It takes no effort at all!"

Because of his amazing performance at the Alchemy Conference, most of the monks here were able to recognize Li Xuanfeng, and almost all of them were surprised to see Li Xuanfeng here.

After meeting Li Xuanfeng, many people had a strange expression on their faces, as if they were already making plans in their minds!

Li Xuanfeng, who has been staying in the Hualan Sect, may not know

What Xiao knows is that in the past three years, his fame has been at its peak, and he has even been touted as Hong Yuanxing's number one genius!

Hong Yuanxing's position as the first genius has been debated for countless years. It is a title that countless geniuses want to get, but it has never been decided.

They never expected that when Li Xuanfeng appeared this time, he would instantly occupy the position of No. 1 Tianjiao by virtue of being an alchemist of the Earth Profound Realm and cultivating the Earth Profound Realm!

With Li Xuanfeng's alchemy qualifications and cultivation qualifications, it is true that no one can match him, but many top geniuses refuse to accept and let a weak alchemist become the number one genius!

Many people even thought in a very gloomy way that with the alchemist's meager combat power, it was simply an insult to the title of the first genius!

But there was nothing they could do. Li Xuanfeng had been in seclusion since he entered the Alchemy Sect. He had no chance to meet him, and it was impossible for him to put down his body to challenge the fighting power of an alchemist.

Seeing that Li Xuanfeng was about to enter the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond, many people's minds immediately became excited. Some even muttered gloomily in their hearts: "Since you are here to join in the fun, then we will treat you, our number one genius!"

"I wonder if your number one genius will still be fine when the weakening period of the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond ends!"

At this time, the eyes of a large number of monks were focused on Li Xuanfeng, and he was naturally aware of it. Although these people's eyes were extremely obscure, he still sensed a hint of malicious intent!

Jiang Chen and Yang Xue, who were beside Li Xuanfeng, were also vaguely aware of the gazes gathered by many monks. They were slightly shocked in their hearts and quickly understood the conspicuousness of Li Xuanfeng.

The two of them immediately looked at each other, and then there was a tacit understanding in their eyes. They had already made a plan. If they encountered an irresistible danger in the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond, they would naturally choose to protect themselves wisely!

They are not fools, on the contrary, they are extremely smart people. Naturally, they will not take advantage of the great elder's instructions and risk their own lives to protect Li Xuanfeng!

Li Xuanfeng, however, did not pay attention to the gazes of many monks. Instead, he used his spiritual consciousness to scan the area. A rough estimate showed that there were about 9,000 people in the mountain range at this time!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng was also keenly aware that the violent power emanating from the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond was gradually getting weaker and seemed to be shrinking!

Upon sensing this, Li Xuanfeng immediately knew that the period of weakness of the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond had begun!

A year ago, when Liu Chen sent Li Xuanfeng the resources distributed by the Alchemy Sect, he also brought him a jade slip documenting the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond.

Liu Chen knew that Li Xuanfeng came to Hong Yuanxing not long ago and must not know much about the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond. If he entered hastily, he would most likely experience many dangers because of his lack of understanding.

By showing Li Xuanfeng the jade slip recording the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond, he can quickly understand the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond and gain more confidence after entering it.

Through the jade slips given by Liu Chen, Li Xuanfeng already had a very good understanding of the weakening period of the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond and knew that it was very similar to the ebbing tide of sea water.

Every hundred years, the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond will undergo a period of weakness. The power of thunder and lightning within it will shrink like an ebbing tide. Extremely violent power will enter the depths of the Thunder Pond, weakening the external power of thunder and lightning several times.

Because of this, when the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond enters its weakening stage, the dangers monks encounter when entering it will be much less severe.

Therefore, the period of weakness every hundred years has become a bustling time for the Soul-Destroying Thunder Pond. Normally, few monks come here.

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