Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 708 The growing fear!

After a little communication through voice transmission, the eyes of the two elders suddenly became firm. One of them sneered and said:

"Your Excellency, this is extremely unkind. The two of us worked hard to heal this thunder beast from injury, and you want to take it away just because you are its owner?"

After the two discussed it, they were still unwilling to let the elder of the three colors take away the duck that was already in their mouths so easily!

If the three-color elders are still so arrogant, they will test today whether the three-color elders' combat power is as amazing as the rumors!

After hearing the words of these two elders, Li Xuanfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and a hint of coldness suddenly appeared in his tone: "So, you don't want to sell me this thin noodle?"

Hearing the cold meaning in Li Xuanfeng's tone, the expressions of the two elders were slightly condensed, but their eyes were still very firm!

The elder continued to sneer: "We just feel that your Excellency is a little too unscrupulous!"

The atmosphere here instantly became extremely subtle. The violent aura that was originally filled with endless thunder and lightning seemed to be frozen instantly, exuding an astonishing cold air!

Li Xuanfeng's tone remained calm, and he said calmly: "In that case, let me learn your clever tricks!"

As he spoke, the cultivation level in Li Xuanfeng's body suddenly exploded, instantly setting off an astonishing momentum. Although his whole body was shrouded in the Five Elements Armor, he still exuded an invincible temperament!

Feeling the amazing aura emanating from Li Xuanfeng's body, the two elders also instantly exploded their own cultivation levels to confront Li Xuanfeng's aura!

Not only that, these two elders even took out protective magic weapons and formed a protective light curtain to cover their entire bodies!

They did not dare to look down upon the three-color elders, fearing that they would be accidentally injured during the fight, so they deployed protective magic weapons in advance.

Seeing this scene, the white unicorn Bai Dan sneered in his heart. It is extremely confident in its master. I am afraid that these two people will soon know what the gap is!

Li Xuanfeng's body flashed slightly, and he disappeared instantly on the spot. When he appeared, he was already in front of the two elders. He raised his right hand and suddenly made a fist, and instantly condensed the Thunder Star-Shattering Fist!

As Li Xuanfeng punched out, extremely shocking ripples instantly set off in the area, and an extremely violent punch force immediately attacked the two elders!

Feeling the terrifying aura erupted from the three-color elder's punch, the expressions of the two elders changed instantly, and they immediately used magic to resist!


Amid the earth-shattering roar, the two elders' condensed spells were instantly hit by the storm formed by the Thunder Star-Shattering Fist!

The two people's spells were originally condensed into the form of an ancient ferocious beast. At this time, under the impact of the terrifying fist storm, they were greatly distorted, as if they could no longer maintain their original form!

These two spells quickly dissipated in the distortion, but collapsed in an instant, turning into countless spiritual powers that spilled across the world!

Seeing the instant collapse of their spells, the pupils of the two elders shrank sharply. Unexpectedly, the three-color elder could show such terrifying power with just one punch, causing their spells to collapse instantly. !

Although the two of them did not perform the most powerful technique because they were in a hurry, what they just performed was already an extremely powerful technique!

The two people suddenly became extremely solemn in their hearts. Originally, they had a little bit of luck, thinking that the three-color elder might be praised by other disciples.

Only then did they become profound

Realizing that the strength of the three-color elders is not false at all, I am afraid that it will be a fierce battle for the two of them to join forces!

At this moment, Li Xuanfeng punched and turned his fist into a palm, then pinched out a seal and pointed his finger at the two elders!

The two elders suddenly saw a spiritual shadow with extremely pure aura appearing in the space in front of them, and it changed rapidly and transformed into another spiritual shadow!

In just the blink of an eye, they saw three types of spiritual shadows transform!

Although the two elders only sensed three kinds of spiritual shadows, the astonishing aura on them was clearly felt, and a sense of danger emerged in their hearts.

In just a blink of an eye, these spiritual shadows condensed into a ten-foot-sized three-color long sword and slashed at them!

This technique is naturally Li Xuanfeng's Five Elements Immortal Killing Sword!

Seeing this long sword with three colors, the two elders suddenly looked at each other. One of them murmured in great surprise: "Four attributes of spiritual power!"

At this time, they finally understood that the origin of the name of the Three Color Elder was that this person had three attributes of spiritual power in his body, and the condensed armor was also three colors.

Not only that, they also noticed the power of purple thunder and lightning lingering on the long sword, and knew that the three-color elder also had thunder-attribute spiritual power.

Although they discovered that Li Xuanfeng possessed four attributes of spiritual power, the two elders were just surprised and did not change their expressions.

After entering the second level of cultivation, there are already many monks with two or three attributes of spiritual power, and multiple attribute spiritual powers do not mean extremely high combat power. It mainly depends on the power of the artistic conception!

In the process of forming the Five Elements Immortal Killing Sword, the two elders immediately made secrets and used their own techniques. One of them took out the jade slip and arranged an attack formation, forming an extremely solid spiritual light beam!

Another elder also took out a short sword full of rust, but it exuded an astonishing evil spirit. He used spiritual power to activate it and slashed hard. A huge black sword shadow suddenly formed and slashed towards the Five Elements Immortal Killing Sword. Come!

As the magic skills condensed by these two elders bombarded the Five Elements Immortal Killing Sword condensed with Li Xuanfeng, a deafening roar echoed again!

Although the Five Elements Immortal Killing Sword and the two people's magic collapsed at the same time in the roar, there was an extremely terrifying spiritual power storm that swept around rapidly!

In the impact of the spiritual power storm, Li Xuanfeng and the two elders were naturally the first to bear the brunt, and suddenly retreated rapidly in the storm!

The protective light curtain laid outside the two elders instantly had countless cracks, and then collapsed directly, and the violent power hit them, causing their blood to surge!

However, the two saw that this spreading violent power fell on the three-color elder, but only made him retreat ten feet, and his three-color armor was still intact!

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the two people suddenly became extremely ugly. They had realized that the protective power of the armor outside the three-color elder was extremely amazing. If there was no strong enough magic, they might not be able to hurt the three-color elder at all!

At this moment, the two elders suddenly saw a small lightning force flying rapidly on the three-color elder, as if he had instantly turned into a thunder man!

The two of them suddenly looked dignified. The two spells that the Three-Color Elder had just used contained amazing lightning power. Now that he could let the lightning power cover his whole body, it seemed that the Three-Color Elder was still an extremely good thunder cultivator!

The two did not dare to delay at all, and immediately pinched their fingers to condense the spells, fearing that the Three-Color Elder would suddenly attack them!

Their fear of the Three-Color Elder

had reached an unprecedented level. Seeing that Li Xuanfeng was covered by lightning power, they were afraid that he would use some kind of spell again!

At this moment, Li Xuanfeng, who was covered by lightning power, suddenly shook slightly and disappeared from the spot!

The two elders' expressions suddenly changed. Although they vaguely sensed that the Three-Color Elder was rushing towards them, they could not sense the specific location at all!

At this time, they realized that the Three-Color Elder was not performing spells, but was urging an extremely amazing body technique!

They had never expected that the speed of the Three-Color Elder was so terrifying. It was probably that he had completely reached the terrifying level of the peak of the middle stage of the Earthly Profound Realm!

They were not strong in speed, and they had already deeply felt the gap with the Three-Color Elder!

The two of them immediately accelerated the magic in their hands, and even covered their bodies with their consciousness, alerting the Three-Color Elder to sneak attacks on them!

Although the two of them were extremely frightened by the speed of the Three-Color Elder, as long as the Three-Color Elder attacked them, he would inevitably expose his breath!

The two elders looked at each other and decided that they must gather together and not separate. Otherwise, with the terrifying speed of the Three-Color Elder, they might be easily defeated one by one!

As long as they did not separate, they could attack together and protect each other to resist the Three-Color Elder.

It was inevitable to expose the breath when attacking, because the attack would produce a violent force with amazing power!

In order not to be sensed by the two of them, unless the Three-Color Elder did not choose to attack, but left this place, the two of them could not stop him at all.

Thinking of this, the two elders could not help but feel a little hopeful. If the three-color elder gave up attacking them and took the white unicorn away, everyone would be happy...

Although they were unwilling to admit it, they were actually afraid of the three-color elder. They had a strong feeling that they were not the opponent of the three-color elder!

Just as they were alert with all their consciousness, the two elders suddenly sensed that the lightning power nearby seemed to be mobilized at a very fast speed, but they could not sense the specific direction of convergence!

After sensing this, the two became more alert. This was the three-color elder absorbing the lightning power to condense the magic!

After a moment, the two elders suddenly sensed an astonishing violent aura behind them, emitting a wave that made them tremble with fear!

The two immediately sensed that the three-color elder appeared behind them, and they pinched their left hand and clenched their right fist!

Then the three-color elder pinched his fingers and pointed at one of them, and punched the other one!

A three-color long sword surrounded by purple lightning quickly condensed and slashed at the elder on the left, while the right fist burst out with extremely powerful fist force and rushed towards the elder on the right!

Seeing this scene, the two elders' pupils shrank immediately, and an extremely strong sense of fear emerged in their hearts!

These were the two spells that the three-color elder had just performed, and now they were performed at the same time!

Because they had felt the power of the two spells that burst out at the peak of the middle stage of the Earth Profound Realm, the two elders thought in their hearts that this was already one of the strongest spells of the three-color elder, and it must not be performed multiple times in a short period of time!

Unexpectedly, the three-color elder not only performed it again in a short period of time, but also performed two spells at the same time!

In this case, is this just a relatively ordinary spell of the three-color elder? ? ?

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