Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 724 That may not be the case!

But after just thinking for a moment, the green bull gave up this idea.

It knew that it was probably impossible to kill Bai Dan with one blow, and it would be extremely difficult to even seriously injure him. Moreover, if it directly withstood a spell from this human monk, it would most likely suffer serious injuries. The gain outweighs the loss.

This human monk's combat power is already extremely amazing. If it is injured, it will probably be even more difficult to deal with this person!

After weighing the pros and cons, the green Newton suddenly gave up this idea, but suddenly turned around and slammed into Li Xuanfeng who was approaching rapidly from behind!

Seeing the green bull suddenly turning around, Li Xuanfeng instantly clenched his fist and condensed the Thunder Star-Shattering Fist, and once again had an astonishing collision with the green bull's huge head.

At the same time, Li Xuanfeng sent a message to Bai Dan: "Quickly distance yourself and look for opportunities to launch attacks from a distance to help the battle."

Li Xuanfeng knew very well that if he did not keep a distance, the green bull would keep a close eye on Bai Dan, looking for opportunities to seriously injure or even kill him, thus breaking the siege strategy of Li Xuanfeng and Bai Dan!

After hearing this, Bai Dan immediately followed the instructions and galloped away into the distance in a flash.

At this time, Bai Dan felt a lot of warmth in his heart, knowing that the owner was worried that it would not be able to withstand the attack of the green bull, so he let it go far away to avoid danger.

After this collision, Li Xuanfeng and the green bull retreated at the same time, retreating hundreds of feet in an instant!

At this time, the green bull's eyes already contained a very strong sense of solemnity. After several fights, it already knew that this human monk was extremely amazing in terms of combat power, physical body, and speed!

The power displayed by these attacks was comparable to that of it, and it seemed that it didn't take much effort to block its attacks.

Although his physical body is slightly inferior, the boxing technique he performs can allow him to explode with power that exceeds that of the late Earth Profound Realm, making it difficult for him to hurt this person!

Even though it had used its fastest speed just now to seriously injure or even kill Bai Dan, the human monk burst out with a speed that was comparable to his, and followed closely to attack and defend, forcing it to give up its dialogue. Single attack!

At this time, the green bull fully understood that in order to defeat the human monk in front of him, he needed to use more powerful spells!

Thinking of this, the green bull did not move forward again, but continued to retreat with the help of the impact just now, and retreated thousands of feet in an instant!

After exiting Qianzhang, this green Newton completely dispersed his consciousness, instantly covering the nearby area of ​​Qianzhang!

Li Xuanfeng immediately felt that the power of thunder and lightning within ten thousand feet nearby seemed to be greatly attracted, and seemed to become extremely excited while beating, and suddenly gathered towards the green bull!

Not only that, in Li Xuanfeng's opinion, this green bull seemed to be integrated with the space and the power of thunder and lightning around him!

Upon sensing this, Li Xuanfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, knowing that this green bull had fully unleashed the power of its own domain!

As the green bull expanded its territory, a large amount of thunder and lightning power within the area suddenly converged on it, forming a very strong suppressive force that enveloped Li Xuanfeng!

Feeling this astonishing suppressive power, Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed slightly, overlapping shadows suddenly appeared on his body, and five clones separated instantly.

Then the main body and the five clones quickly made secrets, condensed countless golden marks at an extremely fast speed, and gathered at their feet, forming an immortal-killing formation in an instant!

As the Immortal Killing Formation gathers

When he came out, an extremely astonishing violent force suddenly emitted, causing the domain suppression that the green bull had enveloped Li Xuanfeng to completely dissipate!

Feeling the astonishing aura emanating from this golden formation, the green Newton suddenly condensed his expression and immediately condensed his magic!

I saw the two horns on its head flashing with bright thunder and lightning. The power of thunder and lightning merged rapidly, and finally a dark purple thunder ball condensed between the two horns!

After the thunderball condensed to the size of a human head, it suddenly galloped out at an extremely alarming speed and was approaching Li Xuanfeng in an instant!

Li Xuanfeng's eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand and pressed it lightly. The golden spiritual light beam in the center of the Immortal Killing Formation suddenly compressed rapidly and instantly turned into a golden long sword, slashing at the thunder ball!


Amid the astonishing roar, the golden sword and the purple thunder ball instantly touched each other, unleashing an astonishing power that instantly caused the nearby thunder and lightning to collapse, causing extremely violent distortions in the space!

As the astonishing violent power spread, the golden sword and purple thunder ball suddenly collapsed at an extremely fast speed, and all disappeared in an instant!

Seeing that his thunder ball technique was blocked by Li Xuanfeng, the green bull's eyes showed an extremely solemn look. He never expected that he could even block his own technique!

That is its most powerful technique, and its explosive power can already reach the peak of the late Earth Profound Realm!

I originally thought that this technique would definitely hurt this human monk, but I didn't expect that it was still completely blocked by him!

Although it didn't want to admit it, it had to admit that it was difficult for it to do anything to this human monk whose cultivation was only in the middle stage of the Earth Profound Realm!

Thinking of this, the green bull did not continue to rush out to attack, but was wary of Li Xuanfeng and Bai Dan's attacks. At the same time, he said in a deep voice: "I have to admit that you are very strong. I can't do anything to you, but there is nothing you can do." I can’t take my seat!”

"I still have important matters, so I will let you go today. Moreover, you cannot enter this light gate, so please do as you please!"

As he spoke, Qingniu quickly converged the power of the field he had formed, and even the violent aura on his body was reduced a lot.

In order to prevent Li Xuanfeng and Bai Dan from thinking that he was afraid of them, the green bull used the excuse that he had something important to do and prepared to leave this place and no longer fight with Li Xuanfeng and the others.

Although he was not afraid of Li Xuanfeng and Bai Dan, he was worried that he would be injured in a fight with the two of them, which would not be worth the loss. Moreover, if the violent aura caused by the fight attracted stronger beasts, it would be really dangerous!

Although he knew that Li Xuanfeng was extremely powerful, the green bull was not afraid at all at this time, and he had great confidence in his heart.

Judging from the combat power shown by Li Xuanfeng and Bai Dan, although he could not defeat them, he was also confident that they could not do anything to him. If he wanted to leave, they could not stop him!

Moreover, he had already tried to open this light gate, but there was no way, and he could not even pry it open at all.

He had been guarding here for many years, but he thought that there must be good fortune behind this light gate, and he hoped that this light gate would open by itself.

Since this human monk and this white unicorn wanted to try, why not let them try?

With that, the green bull turned around and prepared to leave the place, leaving it to Li Xuanfeng and Bai Dan.

In this way, it can also watch from a distance and see the jokes of Li Xuanfeng and Bai Dan. If this man and beast can open this light gate, it will come to share a piece of the pie!

Of course,

the green bull hardly considered the possibility that Li Xuanfeng and Bai Dan could open this light gate.

But just as the green bull turned around and prepared to leave, Li Xuanfeng's faint voice came from behind!

"That may not be the case!"

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the green bull's expression suddenly became quite stunned, and then asked with a smile: "What do you mean by may not be the case?"

In its opinion, Li Xuanfeng and Bai Dan could not do the two things it just said, so how could there be the word may not be the case?

They could neither defeat it nor open this light gate.

Li Xuanfeng continued to answer calmly: "It's true that you can't do anything to us, but we may not be unable to do anything to you!"

Although Li Xuanfeng also knew that the strength of this blue bull was extremely good, he still said this after a little thought!

If this blue bull was released, this beast would definitely not escape directly, but would more likely watch from a distance.

If it found that they could open the light gate, it would definitely find a way to come and rob the fortune, and even put him and Bai Dan in danger!

It was thinking of this that Li Xuanfeng decided to kill this blue bull before trying to open this light gate!

After hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the expression of this blue bull suddenly became extremely gloomy. Where did this human cultivator get his confidence?

Does he really think it is afraid of them?

But it soon sensed that Bai Dan, who was far away, heard Li Xuanfeng's words, and a look of half smile suddenly appeared on his face!

Sensing this and thinking of Li Xuanfeng's words, the blue bull inexplicably felt a sense of danger in his heart. Could it be that the two of them had a stronger trump card?

However, the blue bull quickly dispelled this thought from his mind. This must be Li Xuanfeng and Bai Dan bluffing.

Thinking of this, a strong light of self-confidence appeared in the eyes of the blue bull again, and he sneered and replied: "Since you are so ignorant, don't blame me for being cruel!"

As he said this, an extremely amazing aura emerged from the blue bull's body, and the domain that had just been condensed was expanded again, covering Li Xuanfeng, forming a powerful suppressive force!

At the same time, the majestic thunder and lightning power within nearly ten thousand feet suddenly gathered towards the blue bull!

Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed slightly, and at this time he closed his eyes slightly, and suddenly exuded an extremely amazing artistic conception power from his body!

As Li Xuanfeng exuded an extremely amazing artistic conception power, a domain full of life and death aura suddenly formed within three thousand feet around him!

He also unfolded his artistic conception domain!

As Li Xuanfeng's domain spread out, the domain spread out by the green bull was immediately forced back, causing the suppressive force that enveloped him to suddenly disappear.

Feeling the domain formed by Li Xuanfeng, the green bull's expression suddenly condensed, knowing how powerful it was.

When Li Xuanfeng spread out his domain just now, its domain was immediately forced back, even if it was fully operating its cultivation, it was useless!

The green bull immediately knew that the domain power of the human cultivator in front of it was not weaker than its own, and even made it feel faintly stronger!

It was this amazing domain power that completely failed to make its little calculations in its heart.

Originally, it was going to spread out its domain power to suppress Li Xuanfeng, and then attack at the fastest speed. With the strengths of both sides decreasing, it could defeat the human cultivator with less loss.

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