Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 737 Current Combat Strength! (Part 2)

Feeling Li Xuanfeng's breath appearing above his head, the tiger-shaped thunder beast knew that his speed could not be compared with this person. In fear, he immediately hit the top hard, trying to use his strong physical strength to force him back.

However, Li Xuanfeng did not retreat, but raised his hand and pressed it down!

Li Xuanfeng's palm instantly pressed on the top of the tiger-shaped thunder beast's head. While resisting its amazing impact force, the extremely powerful spiritual power suddenly rushed into the tiger-shaped thunder beast's sea of ​​consciousness!

"Soul-searching technique!" An extremely cold word came out of Li Xuanfeng's mouth, causing the tiger-shaped thunder beast to have an indescribable fear from the bottom of its heart, but it could not resist at all!

As Li Xuanfeng's powerful spiritual power rushed into its sea of ​​consciousness, the tiger-shaped thunder beast suddenly felt a blank in its mind, and there was an amazing pain!

Li Xuanfeng's extremely powerful spiritual power forcibly searched for memories in the sea of ​​consciousness of this tiger-shaped thunder beast, causing the tiger-shaped thunder beast's body to tremble extremely violently.

As he started the soul-searching technique, Li Xuanfeng immediately obtained a lot of memories of this tiger-shaped thunder beast, but he immediately ignored those boring memories of living in the soul-destroying thunder pool and looked at what had just happened.

Li Xuanfeng used the soul-searching technique on this tiger-shaped thunder beast not to find any secrets from its memory, but to see what it had just sensed.

In the memory of the tiger-shaped thunder beast, as Li Xuanfeng pinched his fingers and pointed out, three kinds of spiritual power shadows in front of the three earth-profound realm perfect thunder beasts suddenly transformed rapidly, and finally condensed into a three-color long sword.

Although the tiger-shaped thunder beast could sense the lightning power in the Five Elements Immortal Killing Sword, it did not sense the water and wood spiritual power in it.

Sensing this, Li Xuanfeng's palm shook slightly, and suddenly rushed out an extremely powerful spiritual power, which suddenly erupted in the body of this tiger-shaped thunder beast, generating a terrifying spiritual power storm, causing this tiger-shaped thunder beast to collapse directly!

The reason why Li Xuanfeng checked the memory of the tiger-shaped thunder beast just now was to see if it could see his six kinds of spiritual power.

Because after practicing the Five Extremes Thunder Method, Li Xuanfeng's five elements of spiritual power have been integrated with thunder attribute spiritual power, and there have been significant changes. He is worried that the concealment method left by the Five Elements Venerable will be ineffective.

Facts have proved that the concealment method of the Five Elements Venerable is extremely exquisite. Even if Li Xuanfeng's spiritual power changes, he can still hide his water and wood spiritual power.

Only then did Li Xuanfeng feel relieved. Otherwise, if the five elements of spiritual body were exposed, it would most likely cause fear or covetousness from the strong.

All this is a long story, but it happened in a flash. In the blink of an eye, Li Xuanfeng killed three thunder beasts in the perfect earthly realm again, and after searching the soul, he killed a native thunder beast in the perfect earthly realm.

In just a moment, Li Xuanfeng had killed six thunder beasts in the perfect earthly realm!

From beginning to end, these thunder beasts in the perfect earthly realm had no chance to resist and were killed instantly by Li Xuanfeng!

Bai Dan was extremely shocked when he saw this scene. He didn't expect that the master's combat power had reached this level. It seemed to be much stronger than he expected!

I'm afraid that the master is no longer able to compete with the early stage of the earthly realm!

After killing this tiger-shaped thunder beast, Li Xuanfeng raised his hand and grabbed it, and instantly formed an amazing vortex, collecting all the lightning essences scattered by the six thunder beasts that fell and condensed them into a ball of light.

Then he waved it towards Bai Dan, and the ball of light flew towards Bai Dan, and it immediately began to absorb it after being caught.

As the six thunder beasts in the perfect earthly realm were killed, the thunder beasts in this area seemed to fall into riots in an instant, and a large number of thunder beasts rushed to where Li Xuanfeng was!

And it seemed that they knew that Li Xuanfeng's combat power was too strong, and the lowest cultivation among the thunder beasts that came was also in the late earthly realm!

Seeing this scene, Li Xuanfeng's eyes shone with even more amazing brilliance, and he said loudly: "Come on!"

In the blink of an eye, five thunder beasts came within thousands of feet of Li Xuanfeng, approaching him at an extremely amazing speed, and there were even more thunder beasts rushing in from behind!

Seeing this scene, Li Xuanfeng raised his hand and waved, and immediately spread out the lightning field, covering the six thunder beasts.

Although these huge thunder beasts can control the power of thunder and lightning, they now feel the extremely amazing pressure of the nearby thunder and lightning power, which makes their speed and

As the thunder and lightning field spreads, the speed of the thunder and lightning power within a radius of three thousand feet suddenly becomes extremely amazing, and instantly merges into a large number of thunders as thick as arms, which quickly wander in the field!

While wandering, these thunders suddenly fall on the thunder beasts close to Li Xuanfeng, causing these thunder beasts to be instantly covered by the violent thunder and lightning power, and the amazing power suddenly erupts!


With several amazing roars almost simultaneously erupting, the six thunder beasts near Li Xuanfeng exploded instantly and turned into rich thunder and lightning essence.

As before, Li Xuanfeng put away the thunder crystal, and then condensed the thunder and lightning essence and passed it to Bai Dan through the air.

Bai Dan felt a little emotional. In this short moment, it has absorbed the thunder and lightning essence of several thunder beasts in the perfect earthly realm, and even felt that its body was a little bloated...

Now that the master has given it the thunder and lightning essence of six thunder beasts in the perfect earthly realm again, will it burst directly in a while...

However, Bai Dan has already felt that after absorbing the thunder and lightning essence of these thunder beasts, its cultivation in the body has been constantly approaching the perfection of the earthly realm.

Feeling this, Bai Dan's mind became ruthless, and he continued to absorb the thunder and lightning essence of these thunder beasts crazily!

As he continued to absorb, the aura emanating from Bai Dan became stronger and stronger, and several thunder beasts were already galloping around Li Xuanfeng again!

Li Xuanfeng once again controlled the lightning field, and unleashed a thunderstorm of incredible power, instantly engulfing all the thunder beasts!

These thunder beasts were instantly crushed in the thunderstorm, the thunder crystals were taken away, and the thunder essence was condensed by Li Xuanfeng and given to Bai Dan, becoming the nutrient for its cultivation growth.

Even though there were several native thunder beasts with perfect earthly realm, they were still extremely fragile in the thunder field displayed by Li Xuanfeng and were killed instantly!

Perhaps it was because Li Xuanfeng killed too many perfect earthly realm thunder beasts here, and an invisible aura was transmitted. At this time, a huge thunder beast with an extremely amazing aura suddenly galloped in the distance!

Sensing this thunder beast, Li Xuanfeng's eyes suddenly condensed, and the thunder beast of the sky realm finally came!

This is a native thunder beast in the shape of a grizzly bear. It is already five hundred feet in size and exudes an extremely powerful aura.

This grizzly thunder beast was invincible when it rushed over at a high speed, without any avoidance at all.

A thunder beast in front of it was smashed to pieces because it could not dodge in time!

Feeling the powerful aura emanating from this grizzly thunder beast, Li Xuanfeng's eyes condensed slightly, but then he burst out with an extremely amazing fighting spirit!

At this time, his eyes were shining. Although he was shrouded in the five elements armor, his figure was still extremely upright, like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed.

Feeling the powerful aura erupting from Li Xuanfeng and the grizzly thunder beast in the early stage of the Tianxuan realm in the distance, Bai Dan felt surprised. The master was finally going to fight the thunder beast in the Tianxuan realm!

When this thunder beast was galloping over, Li Xuanfeng raised his foot and stepped hard, leaving a very obvious footprint in the space, and then his body suddenly rushed out!

This seemed to be a mark left by a huge force in the space. It was not until Li Xuanfeng left the original place for a breath that the footprint he left gradually dissipated.

After Li Xuanfeng rushed out, although he rushed directly towards the grizzly thunder beast, there were still several thunder beasts rushing in between.

However, Li Xuanfeng's body did not stop at all. He instantly unfolded the lightning field and condensed several thunders, killing these thunder beasts instantly!

These thunder beasts were only in the late stage of the earthly realm and perfect cultivation. They could not withstand the thunder magic that Li Xuanfeng casually performed.

Although he killed these thunder beasts, Li Xuanfeng's speed did not decrease at all. After killing them, he waved his hand to collect the thunder crystals in their bodies, and at the same time gave the scattered thunder essence to Bai Dan.

In the burst of speed, the distance between Li Xuanfeng and the grizzly thunder beast suddenly shrank rapidly, and in a moment, there was only a hundred feet left.

Li Xuanfeng raised his hand and clenched his fist, instantly condensing the Thunder Star Fist, and the grizzly thunder beast saw this and rushed towards Li Xuanfeng fiercely!


Li Xuanfeng and the grizzly thunder beast approached each other instantly, and their fists and heads collided brazenly, causing an astonishing muffled sound, causing the nearby space to be astonishingly distorted!

As the muffled sound echoed, an extremely powerful impact force erupted, causing the grizzly thunder beast to instantly retreat rapidly, with a large dent on the top of its head. As its breath surged violently, a mouthful of blood spurted out of its mouth!

However, it was extremely shocked to find that the human cultivator who fought with it only retreated ten feet away, and his breath was still extremely stable, and it seemed that there was no injury at all!

The pupils of the grizzly thunder beast could not help but shrink slightly, and a strong question emerged in his mind. Is this person really just a perfect cultivation in the Earth Profound Realm?

Originally, it felt that Li Xuanfeng's lightning field was extremely powerful, so it wanted to rely on its own strong physical strength to attack Li Xuanfeng at close range, so as to kill him at the fastest speed.

However, it never expected that the fist technique performed by this human cultivator had reached the terrifying power of the early stage of the Tianxuan realm, and even caused it to suffer considerable injuries in an instant!

The grizzly thunder beast could not help but spread its consciousness to sense Li Xuanfeng's cultivation, but no matter how it sensed, it was very clear that it was in the perfect state of the Dixuan realm.

The grizzly bear was immediately full of disbelief. If this person was really only a perfect cultivator of the Dixuan realm, then this person's combat power had completely crossed the huge gap between the Dixuan realm and the Tianxuan realm!

The strength of the Dixuan realm and the Tianxuan realm is very different. Even if several Dixuan realm perfect cultivators join forces, they may not be able to match a Tianxuan realm early cultivator!

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