Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 73 Missing Father!

"Mute brother, you can talk, what's your name?" Jiang Liu was surprised to hear the mute brother talking.

But his mute brother continued to stare at the river in a daze and did not answer his question.

"Brother, where are you from?" After the mute spoke, Jiang Liu stopped calling the mute brother, thinking it was impolite, and changed his words to call him brother directly. Jiang Liu talked more and asked the same question again, but did not get an answer from the hemp-clothed boy.

Jiang Liu talked to himself for two quarters of an hour beside the hemp-clothed boy, but did not get any answer. Maybe he was tired of talking, and finally sat down quietly with boredom, looking at the river with the hemp-clothed boy and chewing the steamed bun in his hand.

The hemp-clothed boy who was at the riverside at the beginning was Li Xuanfeng who fell from the cliff before. Although he was in a coma with a strong body, his injuries were still recovering slowly until he woke up three days ago.

He didn't know how many days he had been floating in the river, and then he was rescued by Xiaolan's father Jiang Hua and came to this village called Qinghe Village. It was just that the sadness in his heart made him not want to speak, so he was mistaken for a mute.

Shortly after waking up, he checked the storage bags of all the people in the Corpse Demon Sect branch that he had robbed. The bodies of all the villagers were there, but there was no father's body!

When he left, he made sure to take away the storage bags of all the disciples in the Corpse Demon Sect branch, and even took away the storage ring of the Spirit Infant Elder after killing him with the small sword, but he didn't find his father's body!

So where is his father's body?

In Pang Kun's memory, there is a little impression that his father's body was taken away by Wang Chong in Taoyuan Village. But there was no storage bag in Wang Chong's storage bag, nor in other disciples, nor in the storage ring of the Spirit Infant Elder, so only Wang Chong knew where it went. But Wang Chong had been killed by Li Xuanfeng, and even his body was shattered together with the cave when the sword energy was cut down.

Li Xuanfeng didn't know how to find his father's body for a while, and he had no clue. Now he couldn't do it to eliminate all the people of the Corpse Demon Sect and find his father's body.

I thought that by killing all the people in this branch of the Corpse Demon Cult and taking away all their storage bags and demon corpses, I could find all the bodies of my parents and villagers, but I didn't expect that my father was the only one missing!

My hands were covered with blood, and I killed dozens of people at all costs, but why couldn't I find my father?

Li Xuanfeng's eyes suddenly became extremely firm. Everything was because of insufficient cultivation! If his cultivation was sufficient and he reached a realm beyond everyone in the Spiritual Continent, he would definitely be able to find his father's body by searching the Spiritual Continent at this time!

During the time when he was unconscious and washed to this village by the river, his injuries had recovered by themselves for a little bit, and after three days of conditioning, he had completely recovered at this time.

Li Xuanfeng didn't care about Xiaolan's mocking words at all. In his opinion, the people in this village were just passers-by.

He was not from the same world as them, and he would leave soon, so why bother about these trivial matters?

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng's mind has become extremely powerful since his transformation. In the words of the mortal world, he is calm even when a mountain collapses in front of him.

"It's time to go!" Li Xuanfeng stood up and muttered to himself.

"Brother, where are you going? You haven't told me your name yet?" Jiang Liu immediately stood up and asked.

"Shi Feng!" Li Xuanfeng's calm voice echoed, and at the same time he moved towards the village. He was going to do the last thing and then leave.

Shi, a stone with a heart as hard as stone!

Among the people who killed the Corpse Demon Sect branch, Wang Chong and the woman surnamed Cai both guessed Li Xuanfeng's name, and he knew that his reputation had spread to the Corpse Demon Sect. His name is no longer suitable for use outside, let alone let the people in this village know, otherwise it may bring disaster.

"Then I will call you Brother Feng, let's go back to the village." Jiang Liu immediately followed and changed his words to call Li Xuanfeng Brother Feng.

For their safety, he didn't want them to know that he was a cultivator, so Li Xuanfeng chose to walk.

The two soon arrived at the village. It was already evening. The setting sun shone into the village, giving it a layer of rosy glow, gentle and gorgeous. A large number of villagers who had been busy outside all day returned home, sitting under the big tree to enjoy the cool and chat, the roofs were smoking, and the women were preparing dinner. Everything seemed so comfortable.

This was the life that Li Xuanfeng envied, but unfortunately he could only envy it.

"Oh, the little mute is willing to come back! Jiang Liu, I advise you to stay with the little mute less, so as not to be infected and become a stupid person." Xiaolan happened to see the two people returning to the village, and shouted in a yin and yang tone.

"My brother Feng is not a mute. He spoke by the river and told me his name. It is even more impossible for him to be a stupid person." Jiang Liu rolled his eyes and defended Li Xuanfeng.

"What, the little mute can speak, was he pretending before?" Xiaolan was surprised when she heard it. Then he looked at Li Xuanfeng with suspicion: "Tell me, what is your purpose in pretending to be dumb in my house?"

"Who pretended to be dumb? Brother Feng just didn't say anything. As for the rubbish in your house, is there anyone who would care about it?" Jiang Liu was so angry when he heard Xiaolan's words against Li Xuanfeng that he choked.

"It's hard to say whether others care about it or not, but you two orphans without parents will definitely care about my family's property." Xiaolan was also angry with Jiang Liu. In order to target Li Xuanfeng and Jiang Liu, she spoke without thinking.

"Xiaolan, don't be rude. I taught you to respect others. Didn't you remember a word?" Jiang Hua heard the voice, limped out of the house, and shouted at Xiaolan.

Jiang Xiaolan heard her father's scolding,

had to bow her head and step back a few steps with a trace of unwillingness, and stopped talking.

Jiang Hua became a cripple because he was bitten by a tiger while hunting when he was young. Fortunately, his wife and daughter took care of him and often helped him go fishing and do farm work in the river. He lived a comfortable life.

After rescuing Li Xuanfeng in the river, the simple Jiang Hua applied medicine to Li Xuanfeng's wounds. But during the days of applying medicine, he felt that Li Xuanfeng was unusual.

When he was rescued, Li Xuanfeng's wounds were shocking, and even a little white after soaking in the river for a long time. Jiang Hua thought that this person could not be saved, but just applied medicine to him with the idea of ​​trying.

But after applying medicine to him, Jiang Hua felt that this person recovered too fast. In just three days, the relatively small wounds had all healed and he woke up.

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng's eyes only showed a moment of confusion when he woke up, and then turned into a strong and lingering calmness, which was something Jiang Hua had never seen before, as if nothing could frighten him. Jiang Hua could be sure that this person must have experienced great storms.

What made the simple Jiang Hua helpless was that his daughter was arrogant and rude, and did not inherit his character at all, which made him always feel sorry for her.

"My friend, my daughter is arrogant and ignorant, please don't take her words to heart, I will deal with her when I get home." Jiang Hua apologized to Li Xuanfeng. Jiang Xiaolan was even more unwilling, and she was angry at her father for being a good guy.

"It doesn't matter, I should thank Uncle Jiang for his treatment." Li Xuanfeng's clear and calm voice appeared in the ears of the villagers for the first time.

"It turns out that he is really not dumb!" Many villagers were surprised and talked about it.

"He is so handsome!" The villagers also began to notice Li Xuanfeng's appearance, and several girls couldn't help but exclaim.

Compared with the dark skin of the villagers who worked all year round, Li Xuanfeng was indeed very handsome.

The young man next to him heard the girl's exclamation, and couldn't help but feel jealous of Li Xuanfeng in his heart, looking at Li Xuanfeng as if he was facing a love rival.

Previously, they thought Li Xuanfeng was dumb, and although the villagers didn't feel disgusted like Xiaolan. But they never looked at him, and never looked at Li Xuanfeng more than once. Unexpectedly, Li Xuanfeng was not dumb at all. When they looked at him, they noticed the appearance that they had ignored before.

Although Li Xuanfeng looked calm, he couldn't help laughing and crying in his heart. In Xuanling Sect, his appearance can only be regarded as above average, and there are many people who are more handsome than him. The appearance of the third senior brother can even beat him by several streets. Unexpectedly, coming here can still cause the girl to exclaim.

At this moment, a huge black bear suddenly rushed out of the mountains next to the village, breaking the tranquility of this place.

After a huge roar, the black bear rushed towards the villagers under the big tree. Sharp claws emerged from its paws and it pounced on the villagers!

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