Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 81 Summoning?

"Then I'll trouble Master Su." Li Xuanfeng glanced at Su Ming for a second time. He didn't expect that although this person was a second-level alchemist and had reached the spiritual level perfection, he would be so sophisticated.

"Brother Shi, you are a bit insulting to call me this. My alchemy level is completely incomparable to yours, how dare you call me a master." Su Ming said with a bitter smile.

Although he now has perfect spiritual base cultivation, he can only refine high-grade spiritual base pills. He is still far from a perfect spiritual base pill. I am afraid that he can only succeed if he enters the spiritual pill realm.

"Brother Su is too modest." Li Xuanfeng could only reply with a smile.

Su Ming shook his head and smiled bitterly when he heard this. He stopped talking about the matter and started to lead the way.

Su Ming led the way, followed closely by Li Xuanfeng and Jiang Liu. They quickly walked out of the place and came to the right one of the three attics. At the teleportation array in front, they took out the token and pressed it into the groove of the teleportation array. The three of them teleported directly to the teleportation array. The seventh floor.

In the attic on the right, there are ten floors in total. The top three floors are for third-level alchemists, the fifth, sixth and seventh floors are for second-level alchemists, and the bottom four floors are for first-level alchemists.

Although first-level alchemists occupy four floors, they are the most crowded. Because there are more first-level alchemists than second-level and third-level alchemists combined.

The lower four floors where the first-level alchemist lived were divided into hundreds of rooms, which seemed particularly crowded.

The third floor where the second-level alchemist lives has only more than a hundred rooms, and each room is several times larger than the room of the first-level alchemist.

There are only dozens of rooms on the third level, and there are still many empty rooms. The size of the rooms is equivalent to an entire floor of other buildings in Danling City.

Su Ming led Li Xuanfeng to a room near the center on the seventh floor, which was the highest floor where the second-level alchemist was located.

"Brother Shi, this is your room. If you need help, just ask me. I will live next door to your left."

"This is the alchemist identity token and alchemist robe." Su Ming handed the two men's tokens and robes to Li Xuanfeng. Li Xuanfeng's robe has two alchemy furnaces tattooed on it, while Jiang Liu's is an attendant's robe.

Su Ming had already sensed that Jiang Liu was still a cultivator, so he guessed that he was an attendant accepted by Li Xuanfeng. However, the most suitable identity for Jiang Liu at this time was that of an attendant, who could live with Li Xuanfeng in the Alchemy Alliance's room.

Su Ming also exchanged sound transmission numbers with Li Xuanfeng to facilitate sound communication. Sound transmission jade slips require a sound transmission number to communicate. Without a sound transmission number, the target of the sound transmission cannot be confirmed.

"Thank you, Brother Su!" Li Xuanfeng thanked him sincerely. Su Ming came to receive him in person, showing enough respect for him.

Although Li Xuanfeng knew that Su Ming valued his alchemy qualifications, it also saved him a lot of effort, which is worthy of his gratitude. And when you first come to Danling City, having many friends is always good.

"Brother Feng is so awesome. He was treated so grandly by the head receptionist as soon as he arrived." After Su Ming left, Jiang Liu, who had watched the whole process, couldn't help but sigh, and even treated Su Ming with great dignity.

Ming called him the receptionist.

The room arranged by Su Ming is not small. It is nearly five feet high and more than thirty feet long and wide. There is a staircase connected to a small building above the room. The small building only takes up half of the room, dividing the room into two floors. style, the space rises again.

There are various carved murals in this room, and the layout is elegant. It is divided into several small rooms, including a hall, an alchemy room with an alchemy furnace, and two bedrooms. There are also two bedrooms on the second floor.

"This room is really nice and elegant." Jiang Liu couldn't help but sigh again. For him who used to live in a dilapidated thatched house, seeing this room was like seeing a palace.

After Li Xuanfeng took a closer look, he found that the entire room was protected by a formation and was isolated from the outside world. The alchemy room also has inner array protection to prevent the furnace from exploding and destroying the room. Nodding, it looks pretty good.

"Choose a room for your own practice." Li Xuanfeng handed him Jiang Liu's token and robe, as well as a storage bag containing one hundred spirit stones.

"There are spirit stones in the storage bag. For meals and daily consumption, you can go to the city to deal with it yourself." Li Xuanfeng said calmly, not wanting to waste time on these trivial matters, just let Jiang Liu handle it on his own.

One hundred spirit stones is already a large amount, which can be regarded as very rich in the ordinary world, and it is not a small amount of spirit stones for the spirit-melting realm.

Li Xuanfeng began to live in Danling City. In addition to refining pills every day, he also practiced. Buy herbs, refine elixirs, and sell them into spiritual stones in exchange for spiritual cores needed to increase the spiritual power of your body's attributes.

The Alchemy General Alliance provides free medicinal herbs to alchemists. Similar to the Xuanling Sect Alchemy Pavilion, half of the refined elixirs need to be handed over. However, the free herbs provided by the Alchemy Alliance to Li Xuanfeng at this time were only at the second level, which was far less than the elder level provided by the Alchemy Pavilion at that time.

This amount of medicinal herbs was a living thing for Li Xuanfeng, and he had finished refining it in two or three hours. Li Xuanfeng could only buy herbs to refine, then sell the elixirs in exchange for a large amount of spiritual stones, and then buy spiritual cores.

For Li Xuanfeng, who has a very high refining efficiency, it is not difficult to earn spiritual stones, as long as he spends time.

After Li Xuanfeng certified as a second-class alchemist, his reputation soon spread, and was known to Zhang Wen's attendants, and then spread to Zhang Wen's ears.

"Shi Feng? It's a name I've never heard of before. It must have been a burst of luck to refine the perfect spirit pill. How can it be compared with me?" Also on the seventh floor of the attic where Li Xuanfeng was, a very ordinary-looking young man listened. After receiving the report from the attendant, he said with contempt in his tone.

This young man is Zhang Wen. Although his appearance is ordinary, his alchemist robes are extremely high-profile. The word "strongest" was embroidered next to the two alchemy furnaces, as if he was worried that others would not know about it.

The reason why it is said that Li Xuanfeng was lucky enough to refine the Perfect Spiritual Foundation Pill is because he was unable to refine the Perfect Spiritual Foundation Pill before he participated in the last alchemy conference. However, he suddenly realized it during the conference, and with his extraordinary performance, he successfully refined the perfect spiritual pill.

Obtained the identity of the strongest second-level alchemist.

After the alchemy conference, after his experiment, he found that his chance of refining a perfect spirit base pill was only half a percent, but it was still enough to be proud of all second-level alchemists.

After the alchemy conference, after more than half a year of improvement, Zhang Wen's chance of refining the perfect spirit base pill was only 10%, but it was enough for him to be confident that he would gain the strongest level two status again at the next alchemy conference.

But he didn't expect that this stone peak would appear now and refine the perfect spirit base pill in one go. Zhang Wen didn't know what his success rate was, but he already had a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

He knew very well that Shi Feng was able to refine the perfect spirit base pill in one go, so he must be an extremely talented alchemist, and would even pose a threat to him in the next alchemy conference!

If Li Xuanfeng had a higher success rate in refining the perfect Spirit Base Pill, the Alchemy Conference would be the time when he would lose his status as the strongest second-level alchemist.

"Master Zhang is right. How can this Shi Feng compare with you? You are the strongest alchemy genius in the Alchemy Alliance, and you can refine the perfect spirit base pill at the spirit base level." His attendants flattered him respectfully.

Zhang Wen was very pleased when he heard this. This attendant was good at flattery and quick at work, so he kept him by his side.

"Master Zhang, look, how about I summon this Shi Feng to pay homage to you." Seeing that Zhang Wen was happy, the attendant immediately suggested.

This attendant knew Zhang Wen very well and liked the way other alchemists treated him respectfully. Many newly promoted second-level alchemists were summoned by this person to pay homage to Zhang Wen. Of course, when you come to see me, you have to be polite.

Because of this, this attendant was even more reused by Zhang Wen, and he gained countless cultivation resources from it.

"Since it was your suggestion, I will reluctantly meet this Shi Feng and let him know how big the gap is between the best and the strongest!"

Zhang Wen frowned and thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. It seemed that meeting Shi Feng was extremely reluctant.

"Okay, I will inform Shi Feng to come and see you." The attendant immediately took the order and left.

Not long after Li Xuanfeng and Jiang Liu settled down, Li Xuanfeng was refining elixirs, while Jiang Liu was working hard to absorb spiritual energy into his body.

Suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door, very hard and without any politeness.

Li Xuanfeng swept his spiritual sense and sensed a person who looked like an attendant outside the door. This attendant had contempt in his eyes and sarcasm in his mouth. It was obviously not the first time he had been so arrogant.

Jiang Liu opened his eyes when he heard the sound and was about to run to open the door, but was stopped by Li Xuanfeng.

"No rush."

Hearing this, Jiang Liu no longer ran to open the door, but stood aside and watched curiously as Li Xuanfeng refined the elixir.

The violent knocking on the door did not affect Li Xuanfeng's refining at all. His movements were still smooth and methodical, and the aroma of the elixir soon wafted out again.

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