Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 908 Little Dragon!

In just one round, the attacks of Li Xuanfeng and the people of Huadan Sect caused hundreds of casualties in the alliance of cultivators and beasts.

At this time, many cultivators and beasts in the alliance suddenly felt extremely terrified. Li Xuanfeng's strength was already extremely terrifying, and with the powerful people of Huadan Sect, they were simply not able to resist!

If they were allowed to attack at the same time a few more times, their alliance of 600 cultivators and beasts would probably be directly defeated...

That would not be the dissolution of the 600-member alliance, but the death of all cultivators and beasts!

"We admit defeat, please show mercy!"

Thinking of this, most of the terrified cultivators and beasts immediately begged for mercy loudly. In order to show enough sincerity, they instantly restrained their cultivation power, as if letting the people of Huadan Sect slaughter them.

Seeing other cultivators and beasts admit defeat, the remaining half did not dare to resist at all, and immediately begged for mercy and restrained their cultivation power.

Seeing them surrendering while begging for mercy, the people of Huadan Sect immediately looked at Li Xuanfeng, obviously listening to his orders.

The cultivators and beasts of the six hundred alliances also looked at Li Xuanfeng very nervously. At this moment, their lives seemed to be in Li Xuanfeng's hands. As long as he had the intention to kill, they would be doomed.

After a short silence, Li Xuanfeng nodded slightly with an indifferent expression. The people of Huadan Sect immediately understood and did not continue to attack, but began to collect the resources of these cultivators and beasts.

After seeing Li Xuanfeng nod, the people of Huadan Sect did not continue to attack. Many cultivators and beasts of the alliance were overjoyed and even actively handed over their resources.

They were completely frightened by the terrifying strength of Li Xuanfeng and Huadan Sect, and being able to save their lives was the greatest satisfaction.

But as the people of Huadan Sect collected resources, many cultivators suddenly showed strange expressions, and even some gloated.

It was okay for the cultivators. The people of Huadan Sect only had their storage rings and magic weapons robbed, but many of the beasts looked extremely miserable.

After robbing the cultivators' storage rings and magic weapons, the people of Huadan Sect looked at these beasts, which made them suddenly feel bad.

Soon they knew that it was not only bad, but also extremely miserable!

Although the people of Huadan Sect did not kill them, they took out sharp weapons. According to the known effects, if they cut a piece of meat from this kind of beast, the beast would bleed a bucket of blood. They even broke the horns on the top of many beasts' heads and put them into storage rings...

Unlike cultivators, beasts almost all have no storage rings, and they don't store resources. They just swallow them directly after getting them.

Therefore, the people of Huadan Sect did not gain much from the beasts. They took the resources from the beasts directly after a flash of inspiration.

Although they were in great pain because the people of Huadan Sect took their resources, most beasts still did not dare to resist.

They knew very well that if they resisted, they would definitely die, and there would be no other choice.

However, there were also some violent beasts that could not stand it, and they attacked directly in anger at the excessive actions of the Huadan Sect.

However, the people of the Huadan Sect had been alert for a long time, and the women in palace dress and the Tianxuan realm masters all dispersed to protect the elders and disciples of lower realms at any time.

When these beasts attacked in anger, the women in palace dress or the Tianxuan realm masters immediately took action and killed them without hesitation.


seeing these beasts resist, the people of the Huadan Sect even showed joy in their eyes, like hungry tigers seeing prey.

As long as these beasts resisted, they could directly kill them and collect all the bodies of the beasts, and the harvest would naturally be greater.

Even the beasts in the Tianxuan realm were not spared, and their bodies were plundered by the Tianxuan realm masters of the Huadan Sect.

There were also beasts that really couldn't stand this humiliation, but they also knew that they were no match for the people of the Huadan Sect, and they chose to self-destruct directly.

However, the Tianxuan Realm Perfect Elder of the Huadan Sect had already anticipated this, and several people immediately blocked their self-explosion power at the same time, and no one from the Huadan Sect was seriously injured or even killed.

Seeing that the self-explosion was blocked by the people of the Huadan Sect, the other beasts suddenly looked extremely gloomy, and finally had to let the people of the Huadan Sect destroy them.

Seeing these scenes, the suppressed cultivators couldn't help but show their unwillingness, and even felt extremely fortunate that they were not beasts, otherwise they would also suffer such pain and insults.

This is not only pain, but also a naked insult. These beasts are like leeks that can be harvested by the people of the Huadan Sect.

Seeing the miserable appearance of these beasts, other cultivators dared not say a word, and even they felt that the means used by the Huadan Sect to treat these beasts were extremely cruel.

At this time, these cultivators were already full of fear in their hearts, and even trembled slightly, fearing that if they spoke, they would attract the people of the Huadan Sect to treat them like this.

At this time, their fear of the people of Huadan Sect has risen to several levels. They are not only afraid of their strength, but more afraid of their cruelty.

In their opinion, the way the people of Huadan Sect treat these beasts is already extremely cruel.

But they don't think that if they were in the position of the people of Huadan Sect at this time, they would probably be even more cruel, and even kill all these beasts directly and collect their bodies.

After a while, the people of Huadan Sect finally stopped. At this time, the appearance of many beasts was extremely miserable. Although they were full of frustration and anger in their hearts, they still did not dare to show it.

At this time, a small number of beasts had died, all of them were killed because of resistance, and the remaining beasts had considerable injuries, and some even became extremely weak due to excessive blood loss.

Seeing the people of the Huadan Sect stop, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as if they had survived a catastrophe.

And then seeing the people of the Huadan Sect distribute the resources forcibly taken from them, they felt even more frustrated.

After seeing the people of the Huadan Sect quickly distribute the resources, Li Xuanfeng glanced at these cultivators and beasts without warmth, and then waved his sleeves and said: "Let's go."

The people of the Huadan Sect immediately said yes respectfully, and immediately followed Li Xuanfeng into the cave, through the cave and back to the main hall.

Seeing the people of the Huadan Sect leave, the fear in the eyes of many cultivators and beasts here gradually dissipated.

After the fear dissipated for the most part, the hatred they had forcibly suppressed surged out again, and a sinister look appeared in their eyes.

They had secretly sworn in their hearts that if they had the chance, they would never let go of the ruthless Li Xuanfeng and the people of Huadan Sect.

This was the psychological comfort they had formed for themselves, otherwise they would probably be unable to recite smoothly and would be angry.

Just when Li Xuanfeng and others returned to the main hall, they suddenly felt a huge vibration on the ground and walls!

This was the entire black palace shaking, as if an amazing existence had awakened under the secret realm!

At the same time, the other two black palaces also shook greatly, causing countless fine dust to fall from the palaces.

The vibration inside the palace made the power of spiritual consciousness suppression even stronger, as if an amazing breath suddenly appeared, causing many cultivators and fierce beasts to be oppressed.

Feeling this amazing vibration, the faces of the people of Huadan Sect suddenly changed, and Li Xuanfeng also showed strange light in his eyes, and immediately alerted the surroundings to avoid sudden danger.

At this time, all the cultivators and fierce beasts in the black palace were extremely alert. They did not expect that the black palace would suddenly change, which caught them off guard.

However, many cultivators and fierce beasts were above the second realm, and they were not panicked at this time.

There were also cultivators and beasts who immediately moved forward quickly, originally wanting to find an area without vibration, but in the end they found vibration everywhere.

After a while, everyone suddenly felt that the concentration of spiritual power in the palace was increasing very quickly, as if there was a spiritual spring gushing out under their feet.

Many people immediately showed joy on their faces. The spiritual power in this secret realm has the amazing power to increase the second realm of cultivation. The increase in spiritual power concentration is equivalent to greatly increasing the growth rate of their cultivation.

Feeling this, many cultivators and beasts immediately absorbed spiritual power with all their strength, hoping that their cultivation could break through again.

Li Xuanfeng sensed that the concentration of spiritual power in the main hall was increasing rapidly, but his face changed slightly, and a trace of bad intention inexplicably emerged in his heart.

Li Xuanfeng immediately said in a deep voice: "Don't rush to absorb these spiritual powers, first form a joint attack formation and be alert!"

Although the people of Huadan Sect showed a little puzzlement in their expressions, they still immediately followed Li Xuanfeng's words and condensed the joint attack formation at the fastest speed.

In a flash, a huge eggshell-shaped spiritual shield enveloped everyone. The light curtain on the shield was extremely solid, and it obviously contained amazing protective power.

At this time, only Li Xuanfeng was outside the combined attack formation, and all other people from the Huadan Sect were integrated into the formation.

Like the people from the Huadan Sect, there were also many cultivators and beasts who did not act impulsively, but chose to use the combined attack formation to be alert to the surroundings.

After a few breaths, many black shadows suddenly rushed out from the ground in various parts of the black palace, approaching the cultivators at a very fast speed and biting them fiercely.

At this time, the main hall where everyone from the Huadan Sect was located was also the same. Li Xuanfeng immediately saw the appearance of a black shadow, which was a small black dragon.

The word "small" is only relative.

The dragon was a foot long, which was indeed very small for other dragon species, but it was still quite large for human cultivators.

And as the small black dragon approached rapidly, everyone immediately felt an extremely powerful breath.

This black little dragon has already reached the late stage of the Heavenly Profound Realm!

Not only that, after this black little dragon rushed out, several more small dragons continued to rush out, but they were of different colors, including red, blue and purple.

Li Xuanfeng immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone be careful!"

He, who had the strongest spiritual sense here, had clearly sensed that these small dragons of different colors were all above the Heavenly Profound Realm, and the purple one had even reached the perfection of the Heavenly Profound Realm!

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