


The sound of water droplets echoed in the dark passage, causing Hyuga Kyou to unconsciously tighten her robe.

He hated it very much. The dark passage in front seemed to lead straight to hell, which always made him have all kinds of bad associations, but the one-eyed pit viper on his shoulder made him dispel the thought of turning away.


At the end of the passage, Hyuga Kyou opened the door, and behind the door was a well-equipped laboratory with a figure standing inside.

The figure turned around: "It's Lord Jing."

Hearing this hoarse voice, Hyuga Kyou's heart trembled, and she quickly lowered her head: "Master Orochimaru!"

Orochimaru stared thoughtfully at Hyuga Kyou before saying, "This laboratory will be yours in the future."

Feeling Orochimaru's real attention, Hyuga Kyou didn't dare to think wildly, and hurriedly bowed and replied, "Please rest assured, I will definitely work harder!"

Orochimaru averted his eyes and glanced around the laboratory for a while, and there was a bit of melancholy in his eyes.

"I may have to leave the village. For the future materials, you can think of a way!"


Hyuga Kyou nodded in a proper manner, saying yes, without the slightest hesitation, while the one-eyed pit viper standing on his shoulder lazily spat out scarlet letters.

Finally glanced at Hyuga Kyou, Orochimaru didn't explain anything, and left with a flash.

With the departure of Orochimaru, the huge and gloomy chakra that filled the laboratory slowly subsided.


Hyuga Kyo let out a sigh of relief.

Recently, Orochimaru's aura was getting colder and colder, and it seemed to have a bloody smell. Even if Hyuga Kyou only reported the progress of the experiment from a distance, she would feel extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this difficult day seems to be over.

However, after thinking about it, Hyuga Kyou was a little confused.

According to the vague memory of the previous life, Orochimaru seems to have been forced to defect by the three generations of Hokage who led the team to raid the secret laboratory, and all the stolen goods were obtained.

But the performance of Orochimaru just now seems to have already made plans to defect and can be launched at any time.

"What went wrong and caused Orochimaru to take the initiative to defect? ​​Is it because of me?"

After carefully combing through everything in the past, Hyuga Kyou still couldn't come up with a reason, but Orochimaru's defection was a good thing for him after all. As for whether he defected actively or defected passively, for him , without further meaning.

For Orochimaru, Hyuga Kyou's feelings are complicated.

If it wasn't for Orochimaru's shelter, Hyuga Kyou knew that she would not have survived the war so easily. After all, seven or eight out of ten of her classmates had already died on the battlefield.

Even a genius like Kakashi almost lost his life on the battlefield, and in the school group confrontation, he couldn't even catch Kakashi's move.

Living in this world, being weak is the original sin!

It has been more than ten years since he traveled here, but to this day, Hyuga Kyou still finds it difficult to adapt to this ninja world full of slaughter, which is one of the reasons why he took the initiative to join Orochimaru, because when it comes to fighting talent, he is inferior to his peers. In a big way, especially between life and death, his reaction is always slower than others.

Sometimes, he really admires the ninjas in this world. Often, they have the ability to kill at the age of six or seven. It is common for them to go to the battlefield at the age of ten. Even worse, like Kakashi, at the age of twelve, he has already killed countless enemies. The forbearance.

Hyuga Kyou doesn't have this talent, but fortunately, he was born in the Hyuga clan and was born with Baiyan, and with the help of Baiyan, he was able to face danger on the battlefield several times.

But luck does not always favor him. Watching his classmates die one by one in the same period, Hyuga Kyou resolutely joined Orochimaru.

Survive first, living is the most important thing!

Hyuga Kyou is not without his own advantages. With his good education in his previous life, his comprehension ability is far better than that of ninjas of the same age. In addition, he has the natural advantage of white eyes, and he soon stood out in Orochimaru's laboratory. He became an important experimental assistant of Orochimaru, and learned a lot of genetic technology from Orochimaru.

Perhaps after experiencing too many deaths, Orochimaru was very obsessed with the mysteries of life at the end of the war.

The most intuitive reaction is that Orochimaru no longer cares about the three generations, no longer sticks to the moral bottom line that is not very high, and starts a large number of cruel and bloody human experiments.

Along with that, Orochimaru also developed a strong interest in Mu Dun, Baiyan, and Shailunyan.

Hyuga Mirror's initiative to take refuge in, allows Orochimaru to study the secrets of white eyes more easily, so Orochimaru is still doing his best in guiding Hyuga Mirror.

The two sides hit it off, so there was a scene just now.

Of course, the reason why Hyuga Kyou dared to join Orochimaru was because he knew that it would not take long for Orochimaru's attention to be attracted by the forbidden arts in the villages such as 'reincarnation of the dirty earth', 'The Art of Eight Qi' and so on. In addition, he has the protection of a "caged bird", so he is not worried that Orochimaru will directly conduct human experiments on him.

Yes, the 'caged bird' is indeed a kind of protection for the current Hyuga mirror.

Or to be more precise, for all the weak and struggling Hyuga clansmen, the 'caged bird' is not only a form of confinement, but a form of protection. coveted outside.

As for another reason to take refuge in Orochimaru, that is Tenseiyan!

With Hyuga Kyou's mediocre talent, apart from Tenseisen, he really couldn't think of any other way to turn him over and take his fate into his own hands.

As for immortality, even Orochimaru is difficult to master, let alone him.

In fact, let alone a mediocre talent like Hyuga Kyou, it was Neji Hyuga, the genius of the Hyuga clan in his memory from his previous life, who was also an inexplicable sad character who died in the end.

Baiyan is indeed in the lower, middle, and even upper ninja stages, giving the Hyuga clan an unparalleled advantage.

But once they reach the shadow level, or even the super shadow level, the advantage of Baiyan is not very obvious, and for the Hyuga clan who specialize in soft boxing, they simply use soft boxing to compete with Susanenghu, Renzhuli, Xianren, etc. Waiting for an enemy of this level is really powerless, so Tenseisen can almost be said to be the only hope for the Hyuga clan to intervene in the Super Shadow-level battle.

This was also something that Hyuga Kyou never forgot at the beginning of time travel.

But it's easier said than done to evolve Baiyan into Tenseigan. Hyuga Kyou has almost no knowledge reserve in the field of blood, so to achieve this goal, the only person in the entire village who can help him is the scientific maniac Orochimaru...

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