Staring at the long and dense list in front of her eyes, Hyuga Kyou couldn't help being a little discouraged.

To complete his grand vision, the equipment, equipment, technology, and various materials required are too many. He just sorted it out a little and listed a large pile.

And these are only one-tenth of all that is needed.

"To accomplish this vision, it is absolutely impossible for me to do it alone."

Pushing the list aside, Hyuga Kyou gently shook her head.

He soon realized that there was no way to accomplish this idea by relying on his own strength. He needed to rely on the strength of the family, the strength of the village, and even the strength of Orochimaru to do it.

After thinking for a long time, he muttered to himself while destroying the list he had just made: "It looks like I'm going to build a new laboratory."

The laboratory that Orochimaru left him before was only a laboratory that focused on genetic observation. Although Hyuga Kyou also made some modifications in private, it only added some small petri dishes and gene extraction. Simple equipment, the entire laboratory still does not have the conditions for large-scale in vivo experiments.

This is also the main reason why Orochimaru has noticed the changes of Hyuga Kyo for a long time, but did not doubt that Hyuga Kyo's white-eyed research has achieved significant results.

Because Hyuga Kyo's laboratory does not have the conditions for large-scale in vivo experiments at all!

In Orochimaru's scientific view, any experimental results are stacked by countless failures, so he does not believe that Hyuga Kyou can skip the most important link of in vivo experiments and achieve research success at one time.

Of course, it all boils down to Orochimaru's ignorance of Tenseigan's secret.

Moreover, it is very unlikely that Hyuga Kyou can survive the genetic recombination. Even in retrospect, he is also afraid of his recklessness.

Afterwards, he had estimated the probability.

According to his own mediocre aptitude, to activate all the special gene sequences, he needs to survive sixteen genetic recombinations, and each genetic recombination is a parade before the gate of hell. He can survive sixteen times in a row, and the success rate is almost less than one percent.

So if he succeeded, he really won the jackpot, just like he won the SSR with only one shot.

However, for a fight like this, one time is enough.

Hyuga Kyou knows that luck will not favor him forever, so he will not gamble with his own life again. For all subsequent experiments, he will first conduct meticulous demonstrations and a large number of living experiments. Only after confirming safety will he imposed on itself.

Thinking of this, Hyuga Kyou took out the artificial-tailed beast scroll obtained from Orochimaru, and recorded some of the data and experience when he made the artificial-tailed beast on the scroll one by one.

The matter of the dragon veins can be hidden from others, but it cannot be hidden from Orochimaru!

After all, the artificial tailed beast scrolls on the Hyuga mirror were obtained from Orochimaru.

What's more, he also promised to share the experimental data with Orochimaru. Considering that Orochimaru will be used in many places in the future, he did not want to go back on this matter and destroy the cooperative relationship with Orochimaru.

Moreover, Hyuga mirror speculates that Orochimaru may not be interested in artificial tailed beasts.

You must know that Orochimaru has quite a few projects in his hands, whether it is 'Reincarnation from the Dead', 'Reincarnation from Dirty Earth', or 'Curse Seal', etc., they are all promising research projects.



After a burst of smoke, the one-eyed pit viper spitting out Nobuko appeared in front of Hyuga Kyou.

After handing the artificial-tailed beast scroll to the one-eyed pit viper, Hyuga Kyou didn't say anything more, just lifted the psychic spell, and sent the one-eyed pit viper who swallowed the scroll away.

Sharing the data of the artificial-tailed beast with Orochimaru has another purpose.

That is, Hyuga Kyou wanted to pass this incident and vaguely inform Orochimaru that she was already a member of Longmai, and after that, the relationship between the two parties was no longer a relationship between superiors and subordinates, but an equal cooperative relationship.

After sending the one-eyed pit viper away, Hyuga Kyou sat cross-legged in the room again, thinking about the assistant.

His ideas are very complicated, so he needs a capable and loyal experimental assistant, just like the pocket that has been standing behind Orochimaru.

But for a genius as talented as Dou, there are not many people in the entire ninja world.

After all, that guy is one of the very few who can master immortal arts by their own abilities. In this respect, his talent even surpasses Orochimaru and Jiraiya.

Thinking of the assistant, Hyuga Kyou also considered the issue of funds.

"Funding is also a big problem!"

Thinking of his empty wallet, he couldn't help but feel worried.

dong dong dong...

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the courtyard.

Hyuga Kyou opened her eyes and looked around, and found that her fiancee, Hyuga Rin, was waiting outside the door with a bamboo basket.

Welcoming the bell in, Hyuga Kyou smiled and said, "It seems that I have a good time today."

Ling smiled and put the dishes in the bamboo basket on the table at one end, and asked curiously, "What kind of ninjutsu are you studying when you lock yourself in the house these days?"

"Hey, this is a secret."

After a casual remark, Hyuga Kyou tasted Suzu's cooking.

I have to say that in terms of cooking, Ling is indeed very talented, and the taste is no worse than the dishes in the restaurants in the village.

Ling held her cheeks with both hands, and she sweetly watched Hyuga Kyo eating the dishes she made, while chatting, "Master Rizai asked me to thank you, Uncle Chundou, he was successfully promoted to Joinin."

Hyuga Kyou waved her hand indifferently: "I didn't help much either."

Hyuga Haruto was the one from the Hyuga clan who had asked Hyuga Kyo to canvass votes to be promoted to Jōnin before, but Hyuga Kyou didn't actually get many votes, at most he got a few votes from his colleagues in the eleventh class, so Hyuga Haru Speaking of Dou's promotion, it really doesn't have much to do with him, it should be done after the daily errands.

The sun is setting, and the sky is getting darker.

After eating the dishes, Hyuga Kyou and Suzu were leaning against each other, chatting without a word. Hyuga Kyou had not enjoyed such a warm and free time for a long time.


Suddenly, there was a soft noise from the roof.

Judging from the sound, it should be the footsteps of a ninja in the village galloping past the roof of Hyuga Kage's house.

Ling Dai frowned slightly and pouted, "It's rude!"

Hyuga Kyou blinked and stood up.

Under normal circumstances, the ninjas in the village will not pass through the roofs of other people's houses casually, and often only do so when carrying out urgent tasks.

Walking to the balcony, he looked out.

I found that in the night, there were many figures running up and down in the village. Looking at the direction, they all seemed to be rushing towards the Hokage Building...

For the first update, I would also like to thank [Advancer 3] [I have fraternity] [Yi Shannan] [Book Friends 20170606195433293] for their rewards!

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