Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1140 Ceremony Location (Ask for a Monthly Pass!)

Facing Gaara's doubts, Hyuga Kyou's face was taken for granted: "If you can't beat it, why should it listen to you? If you can't even do the most basic equal dialogue, how can mutual understanding come from Woolen cloth?"

"I understand."

Gaara nodded knowingly.

Hyuga Kyou explained with a smile: "Tailed beasts have nearly eternal life and power far beyond that of ordinary people, which is doomed that they will not face us ninjas easily, so showing strength is the basis of dialogue. Gradually understand."

After explaining a few more words, Hyuga Kyou sent Gaara back to the air fortress.

Today, Gaara has mastered the power of Shouhe's tailed beast, and can enter the tailed beast without restrictions, and use all the abilities of Shouhe, and among all the tailed beasts, although the one-tailed Shouhe is Cha The one with the least carat weight, but it is proficient in 'Magnetic Escape' and 'Seal Technique'. As long as it is used properly, its combat power is very impressive.

Therefore, as long as Gaara can figure out the "Magnetic Escape" through the power of Shouhe's tailed beast, and master the ability to control Jinsha like his father, the four generations of Kazekage, then Hyuga Kyou will be rich.

No, then Gaara has officially entered the movie level.

If Gaara mastered Shouhe's 'sealing technique' again, he would be considered good among all shadow-level powerhouses, at least much stronger than him in the original time and space. The wave spot will not be unable to intervene.

After letting go of Gaara's affairs, Hyuga Kyou continued to focus on her 'Blood Fusion Ceremony'.

Through some experiments on the island just now, he has confirmed that the strength of this Yang Escape clone fully meets the requirements of the ceremony, and no additional effort is needed to develop it.

However, this step of fitting the spirit body and the clone body cannot be omitted.

Hyuga Kyou needs to use the spirit body to stay in this clone for several months to improve the fit between the spirit body and this clone a little bit, and eliminate the jerky feeling between this clone and his spirit body. .

While taking advantage of the time when the spirit body and the clone body fit together, he can visit the ninja world, find a suitable ceremony site, and do all the preparations before the ceremony.

After making up his mind, Hyuga Kyou instructed Xianglin, who was staying at the air fortress, and after a few words, Gaara drove the Yangdun clone and left the air fortress without resting.

Because it was a secret search, in order not to attract other people's attention, Hyuga Kyo did not wear the costumes of the God Organization this time, but casually put on an ordinary black cloak, with bandages all over her face, and her whole face was deeply covered. Hiding under the brim of the hood, and carrying an inferior long knife on his back, he was dressed like a wandering warrior.

And this kind of wandering samurai is very common in the ninja world.

Bandits, robbers, wealthy businessmen, bodyguards, caravan guards, etc., are almost all composed of these wandering warriors with uneven strength. After all, there is no need to hire expensive ninjas for a long time in general business activities.

After crossing the boundless sea and landing on a coast in the Land of Fire, Hyuga Kyou stopped on a cliff, pulled out an exquisite map from the ninja bag at her waist, and spread it out on the ground to ponder over it carefully. stand up.

The location of the ceremony should be hidden first, after all, safety is the most important thing.

If Danzo got rid of Hyuga mirror and Orochimaru back then, and secretly performed the last step of the ceremony, although it would take some risks technically, at least there is no need to worry about being disrupted by the ceremony.

So with Danzo's lesson, Hyuga Kyou will naturally not allow her rituals to be interfered with.

"During the ceremony, the chakra fluctuations should be very violent. Even if the enchantment is arranged in advance, it is difficult to block the perception of the perceptive ninja, so the location of the ceremony cannot be near Shinobi villages, large towns, and various military strongholds. "

Soon, Hyuga Kyou drew restricted areas on the map.

Without exception, these restricted areas are all areas where a large number of ninjas are stationed, including not only Konoha, but also the other four major ninja villages, as well as small ninja villages such as Kusanagi and Taki.

The map in Hyuga Kage's hands is not simple. The information on it is collected by his own Hokage identity and the power of the god organization. It can be said that the ninja deployment is the most detailed and accurate in the current ninja world. of a map.

Belongs to the top secret within the top secret!

After eliminating all the dangerous areas one by one, there are still more than 90% of the blank areas on the map for him to choose from. After all, there are not too many ninjas in the ninja world. They are scattered in various villages and countries, and the number Relatively less.

"The attributes of my deity plus six clones are roughly balanced, only the Huo Dun clone is slightly weaker, so the best place to perform the ceremony is in a place with a higher ambient temperature..."

Although Huo Dun avatar has recently mastered the brand new 'Blood Continuing Elimination', 'Zi Yan', but because the proportion of 'Zi Yan' Zhong Yin Dun Chakra is very high, it is almost the same as that of Huo Dun Chakra, so the main attribute is only checked. In terms of carat strength, the Huo Dun clone is still the weakest of all clones at present.

To compensate for this, it is very necessary to choose a place with a warmer ambient temperature to hold the ceremony.

However, the shortcomings of the Huo Dun clone are not too deadly, so Hyuga Kyou does not need to limit the ceremony site to a more special area such as a volcanic lava cave like Danzo. He can choose a relatively high temperature, or choose the noon A time period with a higher ambient temperature to perform the ceremony.

Thinking of this, Hyuga's gaze shifted to the Land of Winds below the map.

Ninety-five percent of the territory of the Land of Winds is desert and Gobi, and habitable river channels and oases only account for less than five percent of the country's land area.

Therefore, as long as you master the military deployment of Sandyin Village, it is very easy to avoid Sandyin ninjas in the Land of Wind. After all, there are large areas there are no-man’s land, and some large deserts, even Sandyin ninjas dare not easily set foot.

Ambient temperature is high, and inaccessible.

The endless deserts of the Land of Winds clearly satisfy Hyuga Kyou's two requirements.

With a thought, Hyuga Kyou put away the map, and then went directly to the Land of Winds along the coastline.

After a week of searching, Hyuga Kyou has roughly delineated seven ceremonial sites in the Land of Wind. These seven candidate sites are all in the depths of the deserted desert and hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest town, even if it is earth-shattering. , and it is difficult to get other people's ideas.

In addition, the temperature of these locations at noon is extremely high, which satisfies the needs of the Hyuga Mirror ceremony, and the fire escape clone can be slightly enhanced through the environment, making the balance between the various chakra attributes more stable...


The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

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