Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1171 Blur the boundary between life and death (seeking monthly ticket)

Walking slowly in the dark passage, Shinichi had some doubts on his face. He didn't understand why Hyuga Kyou called him here late at night.

After a while, Shinichi, who had passed through the winding passage, finally came to the brightly lit hall, and what caught his eyes was the Hyuga Kyou, who was sitting at the table studying something, and a freezer in the center of the hall.

His eyes narrowed for a moment.

He was very familiar with this freezer, because it contained nothing but the corpse of his girlfriend Yui Uchiha, whom he wanted to resurrect.

At this moment, Hyuga Kyou raised her head and glanced at Zhen Yi, who was a little stunned: "Come on!"

Shinichi looked puzzled: "Boss, are you...?"

Hyuga Kyou slowly closed the scroll of the "Art of Reincarnation of Dirty Earth", got up and went to the freezer, and said, "Remember our first transaction, right?"

Zhen nodded: "Well, I worked for you for fifteen years, boss, and you helped me resurrect Yui."

Hyuga mirror said with emotion: "Count the days, there is not much left in the fifteen-year period."

When Shinichi defected, Naruto and Sasuke were only two or three-year-old children. In a blink of an eye, Naruto and Sasuke are now thirteen or fourteen years old, and more than ten years have passed.

Shinichi also walked to the freezer, looked at his girlfriend under the glass cover of the freezer, and said, "How time flies!"

Now, he actually no longer struggles with the fifteen-year deadline. Even if the time limit is exceeded, he will not force Hyuga Kyou, because he believes that Hyuga Kyou will never forget his original promise to him.

Hyuga Kyou said at this time: "At present, I have no way to revive her perfectly, but I have recently mastered a technique that can revive her spiritual body..."

Saying that, Hyuga Kyou told Shinichi about the situation of the "artificial reincarnation of dirty soil" in detail.

Hearing this, Shinichi was stunned, and fell into a tangle.

Obviously, 'Reincarnation' is not a real resurrection.

"I'm just giving advice, it's up to you to decide whether to go ahead or not!"

Hyuga Kyou didn't urge, and after finishing speaking, she stepped aside and let Shinichi think about it.

Shinichi asked, "Boss, is this the only way?"

Hyuga Kyou shook her head: "No, this is just a temporary solution, and I will resurrect her completely."

Shinichi breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked again: "Will doing this affect her complete resurrection later?"


Because the body of Yui Uchiha is well preserved and can be used directly as a sacrifice, Hyuga Kyou plans to use Yui Uchiha's body as a sacrifice for the 'dirty body', so that the spirit body of Yui Uchiha can return to her own. in the corpse.

Moreover, doing so will not affect the subsequent resurrection of the "Samsara Innate Technique". Uchiha Madara, who was "reincarnated in the dirt" in the original time and space, was directly resurrected through the "Reincarnation Innate Technique".

Of course, the premise is that the accuracy of 'Reincarnation from Dirty Earth' must be high enough, and the spiritual body must be channeled relatively completely.

Shinichi didn't think for too long, and nodded quickly: "Boss, then please!"

With Shinichi's permission, Hyuga Kyou didn't talk nonsense, and directly prepared the ceremony of 'The Art of Reincarnation of Dirty Earth'.

Because it was his first attempt, he was meticulous in every step and detail, and it took him more than half an hour to complete the initial preparations for the ceremony.

Afterwards, he instructed Shinichi to take Yui Uchiha's body out of the freezer and put it in the center of the ceremony, which was engraved with various psychic techniques.

After completing all the preparatory work before the operation, Hyuga Kyo closed her eyes, and then slowly opened them, revealing the splendid Tenseikan in her eye sockets.

Whether it is the second generation or Orochimaru, their development and research on the 'artificial reincarnation technique', in fact, are still at the stage of application, and deeper things, such as the 'underworld' involved in the technique , 'spiritual body' and other core elements, these two developers actually know little about it.

This is not a strange thing, because the process of developing a secret or forbidden technique is often full of accidents.

Therefore, the success of the developer is more or less due to luck, so even the developer of the technique may misjudge or not understand the potential and the underlying principles of the technique.

This is the case with the 'Reincarnation Technique' developed by the second generation, and the same is true of the 'Gui Yara Technique' developed by Beiluhu, and even the 'Reincarnation Technique' developed by Orochimaru, there are many Lian Orochimaru. What developers don't understand.

In the same way, even if Hyuga Kyou's cloning technology is very mature, he can't explain why the miracle of Feng Dun's unique talent occurs, and there is no way to copy it.

Therefore, even if he has completely comprehended all the contents on the scroll of "The Art of Reincarnation of Dirty Earth", Hyuga Kyou cannot take it lightly.

At the same time, he would also take this rare opportunity to experience the connection between the underworld and the ninja world, and to experience firsthand how the 'reincarnation of the filth' blurs the boundaries between life and death.

Seeing that Hyuga Kyou even opened Tensei Eyes, Shinichi also became nervous: "Boss, is it okay?"

Hyuga Kyou didn't answer, she just waved her hand, motioning Shinichi to step back a little, then follow the requirements on the scroll to seal in sequence, and then slammed down on the ground: "Reincarnation of the dirt!"




In an instant, there was a gust of wind in the underground laboratory, and then, a screeching sound that seemed to come from the Nether came from the mouth of Yui Uchiha's body.

Seeing this strange scene, Shinichi's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously opened his kaleidoscope writing wheel.

And Hyuga Kyou also opened her eyes wide, and the Tensei Eyes in her eyes shone with brilliant brilliance.

At this moment, countless talismans came to the ninja world from another world, not only appeared out of thin air, but also swarmed around Yui Uchiha's body.

The body of Yui Uchiha, wrapped in the talisman paper, struggled violently, and then everything gradually calmed down, and his expression gradually became alive from the initial dullness.

Soon, Yui Uchiha was horrified and stared at Hyuga Kyou: "This... where is this? Who are you?!"

Hyuga Kyou calmly looked at Yui Uchiha's "dirty body" and asked tentatively, "Yui Uchiha?"

"Yes... it's me..."

Yui Uchiha's 'dirty body' nodded, and her eyes changed from panic to suspicion, because she noticed that Hyuga Kyou was wearing a Hokage Yushen robe.

And out of the corner of Hyuga Kyo's eyes, Shinichi, who had retreated to the corner, was crying like an idiot.


The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

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