After a while, Gaara and the puppets of the three generations of Fengying Ren, who were patrolling the perimeter, were summoned by Xianglin.

Then they started the intense dismantling work. After all, many materials for arranging the enchantment can be reused. After removing these materials, they can be reused in the next ceremony, which can save a lot of expenses for Hyuga Kyou.

Hyuga Kyou himself did not participate in the demolition work, but stood quietly on the altar, constantly looking around.

Through the test of this ceremony, he found that the arrangement of his ceremony was relatively reasonable, and there were no mistakes in the first and second stages.

Only in the third stage, a little accident happened.

He obviously underestimated his power after opening the 'door of death'. The altar was not built strong enough. As a result, after he opened the 'door of death' in the third stage, the central area of ​​the altar collapsed instantly, and the entire altar was full of cracks. Shaky.

Because Hyuga Kyou forcibly aborted the ceremony in the third stage, the damage to the altar did not affect him. The influence of his ritual will be enormous.

This point must not be ignored, otherwise his next ritual will likely be planted on this seemingly trivial detail.

"The location of the ceremony can no longer be chosen in this kind of place..."

Then Hyuga Kyou whispered.

For the sake of safety and concealment, Hyuga Kyou chose the location of the ceremony in the vast sand sea. keep calling.

Beluhu realized that his chakra was insufficient, so he chose the ceremony site on the top of the mountain, and also specially selected a day when the vision of heaven and earth would appear.

"Even Beiliuhu knows how to use the power of nature, but I neglected this point. Sure enough, arrogance can make people stupid!"

The contempt for the losers such as Beluhu and Danzo made Hyuga Kyo unconsciously become arrogant, thinking that he was fully prepared, but the fact taught him a good lesson.

It now appears that the chakra he prepared can only support him in completing the first three stages of the ritual.

And the consumption of the fourth stage of impacting 'Blood Jisnaruo' is likely to be more than ten times that of the first three stages. In other words, the chakra prepared by Hyuga Kyou for this ceremony is only one-tenth of what the ceremony really needs. .

It's not a matter of lack of preparation anymore, it's a catastrophic big mistake.

Just as Hyuga Kyou silently reviewed the various mistakes made in this ceremony, Xianglin, Gaara and the others had completely removed the two-layer barrier and returned to the altar area.

Under the sandstorm, Xianglin asked loudly, "Sir, does the altar need to be demolished?"

Because of the absence of the barrier of the wind barrier, the previously peaceful altar area was instantly swallowed by the sandstorm, and turned back to the same darkness as the rest of the sand sea.

"Forget it, go back to the air fortress!"

Hyuga Kyou shook his head.

This time the altar was originally not up to the standard, and the damage was so serious that it was no longer worth dismantling and reusing it. As for the traces of the destruction ceremony, they don't actually need to do it. Without the wind barrier, everything here will be buried by wind and sand in less than half an hour. Even if Hyuga Kyou wants to find it again, it will not be easy.

Afterwards, Hyuga Kyou launched 'Rotation Ruyi', holding seven portable storage bins, and returned to the air fortress in the sky.

Xianglin with Samsara Eye, Gaara, who can control sand, and the three-generation Kazekage puppet who mastered the 'Magnetic Escape' also flew up and returned to the air fortress behind Hyuga mirror.

After returning to the air fortress, Hyuga Kyou immediately got busy.

He first took out his Yin Escape deity and six clones from the portable storage bin one by one, then carefully treated the wounds for them, and then put them into the giant nutrition tank.

The giant nutrition tank has its own repair function, which can restore at least 60 to 70% of the injuries of these bodies.

As for the remaining complex and serious injuries, Hyuga Kyou decided to wait for these bodies to recover to a certain extent before proceeding to deal with them.

Immediately afterwards, Hyuga Kyou checked her Tenseisen through the instrument and found that the chakra fluctuations of Tenseisen were seven times stronger than before the ceremony, and there were also some subtle changes in appearance, which looked more Closer to crystal, not flesh.

After moving Tenseigan into a higher-precision constant temperature nutrition tank, Hyuga Kyou left the laboratory and came to the practice ground of the air fortress.

With his hands sealed, he shouted in a low voice, "The art of reincarnation from dirty soil, solve it!"


As the mist dissipated, he who released the 'dirty soil reincarnation' on his own, got rid of the control of the magician, Xiang Phosphorus, and became a 'free soil body' like Uchiha Madara in the original time and space.

Clenching his fist and feeling the changes in his body, Hyuga Kyou said, "Although the sacrifices I prepared are very strong, the weakening after becoming a 'dirty body' is still obvious!"

Because Hyuga Kyou is very familiar with the feeling of controlling the Yangdun clone, he knows that although this sacrifice is similar in strength to the Yangdun clone, using the 'soul descending technique' to control the Yangdun clone is the same as using the 'reincarnation of the dirty earth' to enter this Sacrifice, the feeling is completely different.

Not to mention the difference in bodily functions, the stagnant feeling between the spiritual body and the sacrifice alone makes the strength of the 'dirty body' a bit worse than that of the Yangdun clone. If only the body is considered, the Hyuga mirror' The strength of the filthy earth body is only about 70-80% of that when he controls the Yangdun clone.

However, considering that this 'dirty earth body' has Tenseikan, and the Yangdun clone only has white eyes, the strength of the 'dirty earth body' and the Yangdun clone is not easy to compare.

After the seal was completed again, Hyuga Kyou tried to enter the 'Tensimura Chakra Mode', but several attempts were unsuccessful.

"It doesn't seem to be a real Tenseisen, and it is impossible to enter the 'Tanishingan Chakra Mode'."

Although slightly regretful, he was not surprised by the result.

The Tenseisen on his 'filthy earth body' is actually a simulation of the Tenseisen pupil power contained in his spirit body, not a real Tenseisen. Like the basic pupil technique of Tenseisen like 'Reincarnation Ruyi', he can use it freely. To perform, but the most profound pupil technique such as 'Tanishingan Chakra Mode', the fake Tenseisen is helpless.

At the same time, he also discovered that his 'free and dirty soil body' is not immortal. The body as a sacrifice is constantly being eroded by his spirit body with the breath of the underworld. It is expected that with the passage of time, , his 'dirty soil body' will naturally collapse slowly, and the length of maintenance time depends on the strength of the sacrifice.

"The free and dirty soil really has limitations, and it is not realistic to want to live forever through this method!"


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The third is here. There are only two days left in this month. I beg students who still have monthly tickets to support us! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

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