After treating the wound for Hyuga Kyou, Anko knew each other's situation, didn't say anything more, and quietly returned to her room.

Hyuga Kyou was lying on the bed, thinking about what happened today.

There is no doubt that today's task is a trap, and Sha Yin is also involved in it. If there is no Scorpion to disrupt the situation, what he will face today is probably Sha Yin's assassination team.

Perhaps, if necessary, add the captain next to Chuichi Mitsui!

As for why Sandyin was involved in the cleaning operation of Konoha, Hyuga Kyou pondered a little and had the answer.

Sandyin's fourth Kazekage was in a hurry because of the disappearance of the third Kazekage.

Without the pressure of the war, the fourth Kazekage will inevitably weaken the influence of the third Kazekage in the sand hidden, so the sand hidden village actually has a need to clean its own people, and this demand is much stronger than that of Konoha.

In addition, after the war, Sandyin has the will to form an alliance with Konoha.

This can also explain why Sandyin participated in the cleaning operation on Konoha's side. The top leaders of the two sides have obviously reached some kind of agreement to clean up the abandoned children for each other.

This can not only prevent one's own hands from being contaminated with the blood of fellow villagers, but also can have an excuse to shirk the blame when something goes wrong.

After figuring this out, Hyuga Kyou also understood that even if it was Danzo who presided over the cleaning in the village, the three generations and other high-level officials must have acquiesced or knew about it.

Otherwise, Danzo alone would not be able to bypass the village and negotiate such a major action with Sand Yin.

Hyuga Kyou was shocked and angry at the thought of so many people being ruthlessly abandoned by the village.

It can be said that 90% of these people are innocent, and only a small number of them have really participated in the human trial of Orochimaru, and most of them have participated in some peripheral experimental projects like Hyuga Kyou.

The real core, projects involving bloody human experiments, are almost all done by Orochimaru personally, and very few can participate, even Hyuga Kyou is not qualified to contact.

This is not Hyuga Kyou shirk responsibility, but a person who can independently conduct complex human experiments. Except for Orochimaru, there are really few people in the village who have this ability.

"Why did the village go too far this time?"

The more Hyuga Kyou thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. It was impossible for the senior management of the village to be unaware that this purge would affect many innocent people, but they still did it. There must be some reason Hyuga Kyou didn't know.

Then think of Orochimaru's active defection, and the unusual behavior of Danzo, who has always had a cooperative relationship with Orochimaru.

Hyuga Kyou suddenly felt that it was really Orochimaru who did something outrageous, which was why he was so hysterically investigated by the village's top management.

Regardless of the cause, the cleansing has already begun, and Hyuga Kyou can only restrain her divergent thoughts and calmly sort out the various threats she will face at the moment.

The threat so close at hand is undoubtedly the cleansing of the village.

Now that the cleaning has started, the village will not be an anticlimactic, so even if Hyuga Kyou dodged this time, there will be another time waiting for him, and the intensity will exceed once at a time.

In addition, the threat of scorpions cannot be ignored.

The three generations of Fengying were once known as the "strongest Fengying", but as a result, they were planted in the hands of the scorpion unconsciously, which shows how strong the ability of the scorpion to attack and assassinate.

Now having a bad relationship with Scorpion, Hyuga Kyou has to beware of Scorpion's plot.

After thinking about it, in fact, the most imminent thing is how the village will react to the death of Mitsui Chuichi. Once the village suspects that it is the hands and feet of Hyuga Kyo, then Hyuga Kyou will only have to defect.

"I don't know if the scene I played was able to hide from the village."

Hyuga Kyou let the puppets of the three generations of Kazekage play the role of wandering ninjas. In fact, it is a very good move. Because of the previous war, there are a large number of wandering ninjas who defected in various places, so the control power of each ninja village on the border is very strong. In weak areas, it is normal to encounter wandering ninjas by chance.

Coupled with the fact that the other two squad leaders in the post who were suspected of being the root had personally seen the three generations of Kazekage puppets disguised as wandering ninjas, and they had also fought against each other, which made Hyuga Kyou's words more convincing.

After thinking about it all night, Hyuga Kyou found a space the next day, recovered the three-generation Kazeyage puppet hidden near the outpost, and sealed it in the scroll that she carried.

Right now, the staff at the post is severely attrition.

Among the only four remaining ninjas, there are two wounded, Red Bean and Hyuga Kyou, so the village will send a support team over at any time, and even the support team may already be on the way.

In the support team, there must be reconnaissance ninjas. If the puppets of the three generations of Kazekage continue to linger near the post, it is likely that they will collide with the support team and be exposed.

In the final analysis, the puppets of the three generations of Fengying Ren were too dazzling.

Not to mention Hyuga Kyou, even the daring scorpion dare not use it for daily use, and once it is exposed in the hands of Hyuga Kyou, it is difficult to explain without a killer.

Although the three generations of Fengying died, after all, they were once the shadow of a village, representing the face of Shayin Village.

Even if it is just to maintain the authority of one of the five major ninja villages, Sha Yin will retrieve the puppet of the three generations of Kazekage at any cost, and kill the owner of the puppet of the three generations of Kazekage.

Hyuga Kyou, who has already been listed as a cleaning target by the village, does not want to provoke Sandyin Village anymore.

Anyway, only Hyuga Kyou and Scorpion are the only ones who know that the three generations of Kazekage have been made into human puppets, and Scorpio, as the culprit who killed the three generations of Kazekage and made them into puppets, will definitely not take the initiative to publicize this matter.

Furthermore, as far as Scorpion's temperament is concerned, it is estimated that he is still thinking about how to take back the three generations of Kazekage puppets from Hyuga Kyo, so as long as there are no mistakes on Hyuga Kyo's side, the matter of the three generations of Kazekage puppets will be for a while. Children will not be exposed.

For the next few days, everything was calm.

Taking advantage of the few remaining moments of respite, Hyuga Kyou closed the door and studied Tenseigan's ability to control puppets.

After many attempts, he found that the flexibility of the puppet was completely determined by the amount of chakra he poured. In short, the more chakra poured, the higher the puppet's flexibility.

Hyuga Kyou doesn't know much about puppets.

I don’t know if the three generations of Kazekage’s puppets are relatively high-end puppets. In short, simply activating it requires at least one-half of the chakra of Hyuga Kyou to maintain it. The human puppet has the ability to use the magnetic escape, and it needs to consume at least two-thirds of the chakra of Hyuga mirror to maintain it.

In other words, in the state where the three generations of Kazekage are activated, Hyuga can only retain half of the chakra at most, barely reaching the chakra level of the elite Chunin.

Hyuga Kyou also tried to infuse the chakra of the whole body into the human puppet of the three generations of Kazekage to see if the puppet could go further and have a small amount of autonomy.

But the result disappointed him.

I don't know if it's because his total amount of chakra is too low, or it's some other reason. Anyway, even if he poured all his chakra, the three generations of Fengying Ren puppets did not change further. The chakra of the second is more agile.

However, at this time, Hyuga Kyo has learned to adjust his mentality, and compares everything with the Toto Otsutsuki in his impression, so he doesn't feel much frustration, just a little annoyed...

There is one more update in the evening, continue to ask for recommended tickets

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