Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1190 The Second Longmai Ren Zhuli (Ask for a Monthly Pass!)

Although his consciousness was gradually blurring, Neji did not give up. After hearing Hyuga Kyou's whisper, he forcibly formed the seal of signing a contract with the dragon veins.

This kind of contract, even when he is fully awake, may not be successful.

But he understood that this was his only chance to control his own destiny. He didn't want to be a useless person, and he didn't want to be a bird that was locked in a cage forever.

Therefore, although his hands were trembling, they were extremely determined!

Hyuga Kyou, who stepped aside, watched this scene silently.

Giving Ningji a chance to sign a contract with Dragon Vein is already the limit of what he can do. After all, he is not yet at the level of Six Paths, so he cannot directly give power like a Six Path Immortal.

As for the dragon veins, his handling was not on a whim.

During the ceremony, he discovered that his contract with the dragon veins had affected his impact on the 'Six Paths', because this contractual relationship similar to the human pillar force would cause him to be too closely connected with the dragon veins, causing his spiritual body to interact with the investigators. Carat is not pure enough.

This situation has no effect in the first stage and the second stage of the ritual, but in the third stage involving the improvement of the life level, the impact gradually emerges.

The most direct impact is that the contractual relationship is too close, which will make some dragon veins chakra unconsciously participate in the key chakra fusion.

The chakra fusion in Hyuga Mirror has been calculated by him precisely. There is an extremely delicate balance between chakras of different attributes. Once other uncontrollable chakras flow in, it will interfere, even upset this balance.

Secondly, this kind of contract similar to the human pillar involves the soul level, and the chakra of the dragon vein is too large, which will affect the spiritual body of Hyuga Kyou in all aspects.

These effects are not necessarily all bad things. For example, when Hyuga Mirror is in the illusion, the dragon veins can invade into Hyuga Mirror's body autonomously, dispelling the illusion for Hyuga Mirror.

But at the same time, this influence will cause Hyuga Kyou's spiritual body to be less pure.

And pureness is what Hyuga Kyou can rely on in the ceremony to go farther than Beiliuhu and Danzo!

It is precisely because he has solved the problem of soul impurities in fusion and the problem of body rejection that he can easily complete the first stage, the second stage, and enter the third stage that no one has explored. Therefore, for the sake of purity, he We must abandon the identity of Longmai Ren Zhuli and attack the 'Blood Jisnaruo' with a clear and unsullied body.

This is also the reason why he did not immediately re-sign the contract with Longmai after he was 'reincarnated from filthy soil'.

If it weren't for Neji's persistence in front of him, his next step would likely be to hand over the dragon vein to Xianglin or Bai, and let one of them become the new dragon vein person Zhuli.

If Xianglin becomes the pillar force of the dragon vein person, then she can make better use of the eye of reincarnation and use the 'Samsara Innate Technique' as soon as possible to resurrect Hyuga Kyou.

If Bai becomes the pillar force of the Dragon Vein, and with Bai's talent to control natural energy, he can almost exert all the power of the Dragon Vein. At that time, he can become an important chakra source in the Hyuga Mirror ceremony.

Of course, these assumptions were disrupted by the immediate changes.

Just as Hyuga Kyou's thoughts gradually dissipated, a roar suddenly erupted from the gourd instrument, resounding throughout the operating room, causing the surgical instruments in the tray to 'crack'.

Hyuga Kyou's eyes suddenly froze, and he knew that this was the reaction of the dragon veins after being stimulated by the contract.

And whether this contract can be concluded, we will see it soon. If Longmai accepts the contract, then Neji will become the second Longmai person Zhuli after Hyuga Kyou. If Longmai refuses to accept it, then Hyuga Kyou will We must take action immediately to remove Tenseigan for Neji.

Neji seemed to realize this too, endured the pain and exhaustion, and looked nervously at the gourd magic weapon.

At this time, a dragon-shaped chakra phantom slowly protruded out of the gourd magic weapon, stared at Neji from a distance, and then looked at Hyuga Kyou who had retreated to the side.

Hyuga Kyou nodded towards the dragon-shaped phantom.

The dragon-shaped phantom hesitated for a while, and then plunged into Neji's body.

Ningci was startled for a moment, and then there was a hint of joy on the face that had been suppressed.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of dragon vein chakra was poured into his body, and then it was greedily absorbed by Tenseisen, and after absorbing enough dragon vein chakra, Tenseisen finally calmed down.

"Teacher, I... have I succeeded?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Neji fell headlong on the operating table.

Looking at Neji, who passed out due to extreme fatigue, Hyuga Kyou said with emotion, "This kid is better than me!"

three days later.

The awakened Neji found Hyuga Kyo outside the cave and hurriedly bowed: "Teacher, thank you."

Hyuga Kyou said, "You don't need to thank me. You fought for the opportunity yourself, and Tenseigan didn't give it to you. It's just for you to help me warm up temporarily. What's there to thank?"

Ningci hurriedly assured: "Please rest assured, I will definitely protect your Tenseigans."

"Protect it?!" With a smile, Hyuga Kyou pouted: "You should think more about how to protect yourself!"

Because they are in the same family and have similar blood ties, Hyuga Kyou and Neji's gene sequences are similar, and the difference is only in the number of recessive special gene sequences that are turned on.

Therefore, when others transplanted Tenseisen, at most they only possessed the power of Tenseisen, but if they had transplanted Tenseisen, it was possible to activate those recessive special gene sequences in his body due to the stimulation of Tenseisen.

And this is both a big opportunity and a big crisis!

The principle is similar to the injection of genetic fluid, the only difference is that the stimulation method is changed from genetic fluid to Tenma.

This was actually discovered by Hyuga Kyou accidentally when he checked the body of Neji who was in a coma for the past two days. abilities that he doesn't know much about.

In a word, the Tenseigans connected with his bloodline have become one of the strongest treasures in the ninja world today.

The degree of danger of genetic recombination caused by the activation of special gene sequences is self-evident. To describe it with the word "nine deaths" is definitely an overly optimistic expression.

The reason why Hyuga Kyo did not conduct in-depth research on the gene fluid is because it has nothing to do with technology, and it is simply too dangerous to activate all the special gene sequences after gene recombination. He has simulated many times through instruments, and the success rate is 0%. One or less.

That is to say, if all the members of the existing Hyuga clan are gathered together to use the gene fluid, there is a high probability that the entire army will be wiped out, and no one will succeed...


The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

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