Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1195 Correcting mistakes (seeking a monthly ticket!)

How big the potential of 'Xianshu' can be tapped, it is difficult for Hyuga Kyou to make an effective assessment at present, but one thing he can be sure of is that as long as he masters 'Xianshu', The shortage of Chakra sources required for the ceremony should be alleviated to a certain extent.

It's just that he is still in the state of "dirty soil", and there is no way to practice "immortal arts", so now he can only collect information as much as possible, and then try again after resurrection.

At this time, Hyuga Kyou's gaze moved to the 'Witch's Crown' on the side, and she pondered secretly.

In fact, there has always been a huge Chakra source beside him. This Chakra source is not someone else, it is Shion who is the current witch in the country of ghosts.

The previous shrine maiden told Hyuga Kyou personally that Shion was the most talented among the shrine maidens of all dynasties, so the previous shrine maiden made a seal bell to seal Shion's power.

"'魍魉' is the dark side that the witch of the land of ghosts stripped from herself, the other half that the witch tried to give up, and its chakra volume has surpassed that of ordinary tailed beasts, I am afraid it is only below the nine tails, so as a The chakra amount of Shion on the bright side should be comparable to the dark side of 'Spider'..."

With just a simple analysis, Hyuga Kyou can infer that Shion, who has completely unsealed the seal, should not be under the 'Spider' level of chakra.

If the tailed beast is used as a yardstick, then the amount of chakra contained in Shion's body should only be lower than the most special nine-tailed beast, stronger than the other single eight-tailed beast.

In other words, in addition to the '魍魉', Hyuga Kyou also has Shion, a chakra source whose chakra is below the nine tails and above the eight tails.

"Does it need to be like that..."

Hyuga Kyou whispered to herself, her tone full of tangle.

Obviously, Shion's potential is not just the amount of chakra she possesses above the Eight-Tails. Her real potential is actually a shrine maiden who has merged with her dark side's 'spirit' and returned to her full state.

The difference between the split body and the whole body cannot be simply measured by addition and subtraction.

Just like the chakras of the split nine-tailed beasts add up, far less than the chakras of the ten-tailed beasts after the fusion. In the same way, once the split Shion and the '魍魉' are combined, the amount of chakra they have is by no means simple. one plus one.

Hyuga Kyou had made an estimate before that once Shion re-accommodated the 'Spider' as her dark side and returned to a complete state, she was the only one in the same period who was likely to catch up with Naruto, Sasuke, and impact the 'Six Paths'. people.

However, the risk of doing so is also huge. If you are not careful, Zi Yuan may be merged with the 'Spider', giving birth to a demon close to the strength of the 'Six Path'.

And this is exactly why Hyuga Kyou is tangled.

If he can succeed, he will not only get a subordinate with a strength close to the 'sixth level', but also a very powerful chakra source, which will greatly alleviate the chakra gap required for the ceremony.

But once he fails, he will face a powerful enemy who is close to the 'sixth level' and is good at all kinds of strange 'sealing techniques', insidious, cunning, brutal and bloodthirsty.

Playing with the 'Miko's Crown', Hyuga Kyou gradually fell into contemplation.

The dark side actually exists in everyone. The witch's practice of forcibly stripping off her dark side now seems to be a failure and not desirable.

Or it was precisely because of the witch's attempt that it caused endless trouble for the later witches.

Because the 'spirit' and the witch are one and two sides, as long as the witch does not die, the 'spirit' that is part of the witch can never be destroyed, so the witch can only seal the 'spirit'.

But this kind of seal cannot be permanent. Even the seals cast by the Six Path Immortal Brothers may be broken, let alone the seals cast by the witches who only possess half of their strength.

As long as time goes on, there will inevitably be various flaws in the seal, and every flaw is a test of life and death for the witch, because the strength of the 'Spirit' and the sorceress are close, and ' There is obviously no such thing as a moral bottom line, so in the contest, the witch is often on the defensive, or even at a disadvantage. Shion's mother died in this disaster.

"Shion is the most talented shrine maiden. Maybe she can correct the mistakes that the shrine maiden made and bring things back to normal..."

It is not the best way to peel off the seal on the dark side. The real proper way is to keep the dark side in one's body, seal it with oneself, and use it as a whetstone to sharpen oneself. The witch wants to solve the dark side once and for all, but the result is only endless harm.

And Shion's innate talent as the strongest priestess may be to correct this mistake.

If you look at it from this angle, then with Shion's strongest miko's talent, plus Hyuga Kyou's assistance, it is indeed the best time to deal with this historical problem.

After making up his mind, Hyuga Kyou decided to give it a try.

However, this kind of attempt concerning the life of the witch must obtain Shion's consent, because only when Shion willingly accepts the 'sphinx' can such a fusion be successful.

As soon as the thought moved, he controlled the ninja, and sent a message to Shion who stayed in the village.

Next, he left Miku and went to the operating room to prepare for Xianglin's transplant operation tomorrow.


Suddenly, a roar interrupted his thoughts.

He summoned this Ninja with water mist on its wings, removed the communication scroll from Ninja's leggings, and unfolded it, frowning gradually.

This communication ninja was sent from Wuyin Village.

A week ago, Wuyin discovered a huge unidentified ironclad ship in the waters of the Land of Water. Afterwards, the ironclad ship passed through the waters of the Land of Water and landed directly in the Land of Tea. After passing through the Land of Tea by land Disappeared in the southeastern bay shared by the land of fire, the land of wind and the land of rivers.

"Iron armored ship!?"

The first thing that flashed in Hyuga Kyou's mind was Kongnin Village, because Kongnin Village did have some ironclad ships, but Kongnin Village was destroyed by him many years ago, and even the leader of Konginu Village, Shennong, was captured by him. , so this time it should be unlikely to be the village of Ninja.

Moreover, the ironclad ship was able to land and cross on the road, which made him a little curious.

"Is there such a thing in the ninja world?"

Although he was a little concerned, he obviously couldn't get away to investigate at this moment, and this kind of trivial matter was not worth investigating personally, so he gave an order to Wuyin to closely monitor the ironclad ship and report any news immediately. ...


The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

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