Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1197 Greer's Stone (Ask for a Monthly Pass!)

Squatting next to the corpse of the Sandyin investigation team and inspecting it, Ningci said solemnly, "The body temperature is close to the ambient temperature, and the time of death has been at least five hours."

Looking around, Tiantian added: "There are traces of ninja tools and ninjutsu around, and the battlefield should be here."

Xiao Li was a little puzzled: "There are not many traces of battle here. Does it mean that the strength of the two sides is not at the same level, and the Sandyin investigation team was completely destroyed by the other side without too much resistance?"

As Ningci got up, he nodded lightly and said, "Well, judging from the footprints left nearby, there should be a lot of enemies, at least a dozen people, and it seems that there are only one or two people who can do it, and from these sand hidden ninjas From the wounds on their corpses, it can be seen that the man who did it used a weapon with a large edge and a very sharp edge."

Kai, who was vigilant on the side, said with satisfaction: "Your analysis is good."

Neji asked, "Mr. Kai, what should we do next?"

Kai pondered for a while and said, "The Sandyin investigation team has been wiped out, our support mission has failed, but we still shoulder the responsibility of investigation, so we must find out who the enemy is and what their purpose is!"

Neji, Xiao Li, every day nodded in unison.

The few of them didn't want to officially launch the mission for the first time, and they failed because of the accidental annihilation of Sandyin's side.

Soon, Kaiban followed the footprints left by the enemy and began to track.

I don't know if the other party has no intention of concealing the traces at all, or if the other party is not a ninja and has Neji's Kaiban, the tracking of the footprints is very smooth.

Of course, Neji didn't open Tenseigan, but tracked the footprints with white eyes.

And with Hyuga Kyo's Tenseikan's insight, even if it's just an ordinary white-eyed state, all traces in the surrounding environment can be reflected in Neji's mind.

So that Neji didn't need to stop to distinguish at all, and he could track all the way.

This is a slightly abnormal scene, not to mention Xiao Li on the side, every day, even Kai is secretly surprised.

After a long time, Neji, who was at the front of the line, suddenly made a gesture to his companions behind him, then flashed and hid behind a big tree.

The rest of the team knew that it was Neji who had discovered the enemy, so they immediately dispersed and hid in various nearby bunkers.

After hiding their bodies, several people slowly stuck their heads out.

Taking a closer look, they found that in a valley far away, two groups of people were vaguely lined up. One of the people was wearing heavy armor, and the style of clothing was very different from that of the ninja world. On the other side, there were actually two ninjas wearing red cloud suits from the Akatsuki organization. Judging from their appearance, it seemed that they were the Kakuto and Fei from the Akatsuki organization. part.

"Who are those people in heavy armor? How did they get involved with the Xiao organization?"

For a time, these two doubts flashed through the hearts of everyone in Kaiban.

And once the matter is involved with the Xiao organization, even ordinary members of the Xiao organization must not take it lightly, so Kai immediately gave Tian Tian, ​​who was in charge of communication, a look.

Knowing Tiantian, he quickly retreated into the grass, and then quietly channeled a communication eagle, which passed the information back to the village.

in the valley.

Jiao Du stared at the group of aliens in front of him, and said coldly: "We have already helped you to solve the ninja of Sandyin as agreed, now you should pay the reward."

Feiduan, who was carrying the Bloody March Scythe on his side, yawned: "Hurry up and finish it, it's so boring!"

Feeling the slights of Jiaodu and Feiduan, the group of aliens on the opposite side were filled with righteous indignation.

However, a middle-aged man wearing a monocle led by the aliens smiled, then took out a box and said, "It's hard work for you two."

Jiaodu opened the box and found that there was only a sky-blue crystal stone the size of a child's slap, and his face immediately turned cold: "Hyde, it doesn't look like gold!"

The middle-aged man named Hyde who wore a monocle on his left eye explained: "I'm sorry, we can't take out that much gold, but this Greer Stone is a treasure far beyond gold, so you will surely be satisfied. of."

An alien blond boy standing beside Hyde said: "You two ignorant fellows, compared with Greer's Stone, gold is nothing at all!"

Hyde quickly scolded: "Timsy, don't be rude!"

At this moment, Jiaodu refocused his gaze on the sky-blue crystalline stone the size of the palm of the child's palm in the box, which was called the 'Grell's Stone' by the aliens. chakra response.


The flying section on the side also snorted.

Both of them have seen the world, and they are considered prominent figures in the ninja world, but this is the first time they have seen this kind of crystal stone with rich chakra.

Seeing that the expressions of the two changed slightly, Hyde smiled and said, "You two should be satisfied, right?"

Jiao Du and Feiduan looked at each other, then nodded slowly.

Hyde said: "Then the next commission will be troublesome for the two of you. As long as you catch the escaped caravan leader for us, we will definitely pay you a commission to your satisfaction."

After putting away the box, the corners stretched out two fingers: "In two days, we will deliver the person to you."


As soon as the words fell, Jiaodu and Feiduan disappeared in front of the aliens.

And in Jiaodu, after Fei Duan left, the blond boy named Timsy hurriedly asked Hyde: "Lord Hyde, why do we want to cooperate with these two unidentified people? The precious 'Grell Stone' was handed over to them?"

Hyde smiled: "The situation on this continent is much more complicated than we expected before. You have also seen those enemies called 'sand hidden ninjas', their strength should not be underestimated. !"

The blond boy Timsey said, "That's not the case with those sandy ninjas. I can deal with them just as well."

Hyde said calmly: "Timcy, don't worry, as long as we successfully find the ore vein of Greer's Stone, then no one can stop us from building our ideal country, and the two called 'Xiao' Ninjas are nothing but tools in our hands, hired to save precious time."

There is no doubt that this group of aliens is from the continent on the other side of the sea.

And they came across the sea from far away for only one purpose, that is, to find the vein of Greer's Stone hidden at the junction of the land of wind and the land of rivers.

It's just that after landing in the Land of Wind, they encountered Shayin's ninja head-on. The two sides clashed, and then attracted the attention of Akatsuki, so Hyde, the leader, hired Akatsuki who was familiar with the situation in the ninja world...


The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

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