When the crimson beam of light shot straight into the sky, a large group of deep dark clouds immediately piled up in the originally cloudless sky.


In an instant, a thunderous sound that resounded through the heavens and the earth exploded abruptly in the rapidly spreading dark clouds, and a large piece of red light was reflected, turning the deep dark clouds into a crimson red.

With the rapid spread of the dark clouds, the surrounding light immediately dimmed, as if from noon to dusk.

"This... what is this?!"

Looking at the circular giant tower in front of him and the crimson beam of light shooting towards the sky in the giant tower, Kakashi looked surprised.

As Konoha's Hokage agent, he has seen countless big scenes, but the scene in front of him still shocked him. He never expected such a thing to be hidden in the giant pit.

Like Kakashi, the pocket is also very shocking.

Because of the close distance, he can easily perceive the surging chakra in the circular giant tower, and he has only felt the chakra of this scale on the tail beast.

"This giant tower is a tailed beast-level existence..."

After confirming this, Dou realized that the giant tower called the 'Spear of the Sky' was the real goal of De Sonas.

However, because he didn't know what the 'Spear of the Sky' was and what effect it had, he hesitated for a while. He didn't know whether to take decisive measures to kill Desonas, or to assist Desonas first, and then Investigate slowly.

Compared to Kakashi and Tou, the four of Asmaban were a little bit unbearable.

In particular, Shikamaru, Ino, and Dingji, the three inexperienced ninjas, first encountered the "dirty" ninja who couldn't be killed no matter how they were killed.

Asma, who led the team, was even more shocked and suspicious. He thought that this mission was just to collect clues and catch the wanted criminal who stole and exhumed the body. Shouting: "Kakashi, what should I do now?"

Kakashi didn't answer, just opened the writing wheel that was covered by Konoha's forehead, and stared at the 'Spear of the Sky'.

And Desonas, who activated the 'Spear of the Sky', laughed outrageously for a while, then hurriedly pushed the glass organ in front of him, dropped the ancient book in his hand, and ran towards the 'Spear of the Sky' with a frenzy on his face. ', and climbed up with both hands and feet.

Kakashi no longer hesitated after seeing this. Although he didn't know what effect this 'Spear of the Sky' had, it was definitely right to stop Desonas, so he immediately shot a 'Fetter' at Desonas. the sword'.


In the shriek of the wind, the 'Sword of Fetters' with the 'Flying Thunder God Technique' engraved on it shot impartially at Desonas, who was climbing towards the top of the circular tower of the 'Spear of the Sky'.

At this moment, De Sonas seemed to be completely immersed in excitement, and did not notice the 'sword of fetters' shot at him, and did not do anything to dodge.

But just as Kakashi's 'Sword of Bondage' was about to hit Desonas, with a 'Sa' sound, a lightning-fast poisonous snake rose into the air and took away the 'Sword of Bondage' that shot at Desonas. ', and swallowed it instantly.


Kakashi frowned.

The 'Sword of Fetters' was intercepted, which was not unexpected, but when he was about to use the 'Flying Thunder God's Technique' to flash over and launch the second round of offensive, he was surprised to find that he had lost the right to the sword that was swallowed by the poisonous snake. The perception of the 'sword of fetters'.

This undoubtedly shows that the body of the poisonous snake that swallowed the 'Sword of Fetters' has some kind of special sealing ability.

Kakashi, who released the poisonous snake and saved Desonas's life, said to Kakashi, "Lord Deputy, I can't let that guy die before I get the improved technique!"

At this time, under the impact of the crimson chakra beam, the clouds in the sky are getting bigger and bigger. If the clouds only covered the area of ​​​​the giant crater before, then now they are covering the entire area. earth.

And as the cloud completely obscured the sky, the only source of light around was the crimson chakra beam of light that the 'Spear of the Sky' shot towards the sky.

As a result, the sky and the earth turned a crimson hue, as if they were stained with blood, and thunder followed after another, and red lightning flashed in the clouds!

Suddenly, a red lightning slashed down from the cloud and fell into the giant pit.


In the loud noise, the earth trembled.

After following the prestige, everyone found that there was a large hole more than ten meters deep where the thunder fell, and the surrounding ground was all shattered, exuding a pungent burnt smell.


Everyone's heart froze.

This exaggerated power is by no means an ordinary thunderbolt in nature.

But before everyone could calm down, another monstrous red lightning fell from the cloud and smashed hard on the cliff outside the giant pit, shattering a large piece of the cliff.




The red lightning fell faster and faster and more densely.

At first, it was just one after another. Gradually, there were two falling at the same time. Later, the red lightning that fell in the cloud came one after another, and it was continuous, as if there were thunders falling all the time!

And under the constant bombardment of the falling thunder, the surrounding buildings, trees, lakes, and even the ground were smashed to pieces!

The faces of the people that were constantly illuminated by the red light were full of horror, and the doomsday scene in front of them caught them off guard, and they no longer cared to catch Desonas who was still climbing.

far away.

Hyuga Kyou, who was standing on the cliff, carefully evaluated the "Spear of the Sky" that was being activated, and muttered, "Who made such a weapon?"

There is no doubt that at this point, anyone can see that the 'Spear of the Sky' is a powerful chakra weapon.

It absorbs the natural energy in the leylines and converts it into a red radial chakra. After it is activated, it will shoot these chakras, making these chakras create terrifying thunderclouds in the air, and then use the lightning The situation bombarded everything around indiscriminately.

Hyuga Kyou, who had opened Tensei Eyes, stared at her feet again, her face sank.

In his Tensei Eye's vision, there is still a steady stream of natural energy in the depths of the ground converging in the direction of the 'Spear of the Sky', which means that the 'Spear of the Sky' is still absorbing the natural energy in the earth veins.

In other words, as long as the natural energy in the leylines is not exhausted, the 'Sky Spear' will continue to create clouds of destruction that can drop red lightning. more and more.

If no one stops it, this disaster has the potential to spread to the entire surface...


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The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

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