Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1296 The weak are really ugly! (Ask for a monthly pass)

Standing in the center of the sea of ​​trees, Madara Uchiha still kept his arms folded over his chest, looking indifferently at the Five Shadows who were crumbling in the poisonous haze of pollen.

At this time, in his eyes, there was no triumph of victory.

On the contrary, a faint loneliness lingered in his eyes.

The boring battle in front of him not only made him unable to lift his spirits, but also made him unconsciously think of the man, the man who needed him to fight with his life to have a chance of winning.

"No fun!"

After sighing again, Madara Uchiha jumped and jumped onto a towering tangled branch.

Condescendingly, he glanced at the five shadows who were staggering and dizzy in the fog of gunpowder and flowers below. His eyes gradually became more murderous, and he whispered in his mouth: "The weak are really ugly!"

Leaning on the King Kong Ruyi stick, the third Hokage asked loudly, "Uchiha Madara, why did you use the first-generation 'Mudun'?"

"Shouldn't I be the one to ask you this kind of question?" After a pause, Madara Uchiha asked in a sympathetic tone: "Why can't you, Hokage, use 'Mu Dun'? Incompetence, there should always be Limit it!"


The angry third Hokage was mocked by Madara Uchiha and coughed.

At this time, the Ninja Allied Forces had already discovered the disadvantage of the Five Shadows, and the nearest Jōnin hurriedly used the wind escape ninjutsu to disperse the poisonous pollen fog that permeated the Five Shadows, and the medical ninjas were also on the way. Under the cover of Shinobi, he entered the arena and began emergency treatment for the Five Shadows who had inhaled the poisonous haze of pollen.

During this process, the Ninja Allied Forces went up to the Five Shadows, down to the ordinary Chunin, and all of them were worried.

After the previous battles, everyone already knows that only the ninjas of the five shadow level can barely resist Uchiha Madara. As for other ninjas, even the battle-hardened Joinin, in front of Uchiha Madara, it is difficult to resist a move and a half. .

But now the five shadows are all paralyzed by poisonous pollen. If Uchiha Madara takes action at this time, although the ninja coalition is a large area, there is really no one who can stand up to resist Uchiha Madara.

Just when the Jōnin who were covering were nervous and the medical ninjas who were treating the five shadows were trembling with fear, everyone was surprised to find that Madara Uchiha, who was standing at a high place, was just watching quietly with his arms folded over his chest, and he did not take the opportunity to make a move at all. plan.


This kind of humiliation made the fourth-generation Raikage, who was sitting cross-legged, blushed, and slammed his fist heavily on the ground.

Four generations of Fengying gasped lightly, while persuading: "Leiying, save your strength!"

At this time, Yutachi Yakura stood up and asked loudly, "Why don't you take action at such an opportunity?"

Because he was standing at the back, Yakura Gotachibana inhaled less poisonous pollen. In addition, he was a human pillar, and his recovery ability was far superior to that of a normal ninja, so he was the first to recover.

"One 'Wood Dun' will solve you all, wouldn't that be too boring!" After a pause, Uchiha Madara said as a matter of course: "I want you to die under Uchiha's pupil technique!"


After thinking about it, everyone didn't expect Madara Uchiha to sit and watch the five shadows recover, but it was just for such absurd reasons.

After a while, the five shadows recovered one after another.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to treat the five shadows, the ninja coalition also recovered from the previous meteorite blow, and the wounded were sent to the rear one by one. , divided into different arrays, and surrounded Uchiha Madara again.


At this time, a ninja from the communication class rushed to Wuying's side and reported: "There is news from the headquarters that the defense line outside Konoha is about to collapse, and the situation is critical. They asked when we can return to help?"

Wu Ying's expression darkened upon hearing the words, embarrassment and anxiety were written all over their faces.

They thought they had tens of thousands of ninjas on their side, and they should be able to deal with a mere Uchiha Madara, but after several fierce fights, they not only failed to take advantage, but also paid a lot of casualties.

And judging from the current situation, it's really hard to tell the outcome, maybe tens of thousands of ninja army will be buried here.

Seeing that the five shadows had not recovered, the ninja of the communication class asked, "My lords, how should we reply to the headquarters?"

After pondering for a while, the three generations of Hokage said a little tiredly: "Let them continue to hold on, we will return to help as soon as possible! In addition, tell the headquarters what happened on our side truthfully, and let them prepare for the worst!"


The ninja in the communication class suddenly raised his head and looked at the three generations of Hokage in surprise.

From the tone of the three generations of Hokage, he tasted a hint of ominous meaning, as if the tens of thousands of ninja army led by the five shadows might not be able to return to the teacher to rescue Konoha.

What made him even more disturbed was that the surrounding shadows all acquiesced to the order of the three generations of Hokage, and no one questioned.

The third Hokage waved his hand at this time: "Retreat!"

"Yes Yes!"

After answering, the ninja from the communication class hurriedly withdrew.

Madara Uchiha, who was standing at a high place, twisted his neck impatiently, and said contemptuously, "Are you all right, shadows?"

The three generations of Hokage slammed the King Kong Ruyi stick on the ground and shouted to the ninja coalition: "Everyone, this battle is about the life and death of the five major ninja villages. We have no way to retreat, only the death battle!"

There is no doubt that the five shadows have realized that even if the five of them join forces, there is no chance of victory, so they decided to cooperate with the ninja coalition to launch the last fight with the advantage of the number of people, and win by death!

"There are so many of us, it's draining him to death!"

"Fight him!"

"With the Five Shadows, we will definitely win!"

With the mobilization of the three generations of Hokage before the war, the ninja coalition suddenly became restless. Although everyone knew the power of Madara Uchiha, the ninja itself was a profession that licked blood, and there was not much fear of death.

What's more, they do have an absolute numerical advantage, and their dignity as a ninja does not allow them to show cowardice at such a time.

As a result, a chilling air soon formed in the ninja coalition. This chilling aura intersected with each other, gathering more and more, and finally seemed to have substance, shrouded above the head of the ninja coalition.

Madara Uchiha's mouth twitched. Not only was there no fear at all, but instead, he rushed towards the ninja coalition with some excitement.


In an instant, the roar of the explosion resounded incessantly on the battlefield!

The shouting, wailing, and whistling and roaring of ninjutsu, intertwined, and evolved into a movement that belongs to the battlefield, to the ninja, and to the killing.

In the firelight of the red sky, the light beam of 'Dust Escape' flickers from time to time, the brilliant golden sand rises and falls, the dazzling thunder light shuttles back and forth, and the tailed beast jade is like shooting stars, dragging the smoke and carrying the ear-piercing Screaming across the battlefield!

The fighting continued, from day to evening.

The air is full of pungent gunpowder smoke and disgusting blood, as if even the wind has become a lot spicy!

"Cough cough..."

The fourth Raikage, who was coughing up blood, wanted to get up and fight again, but as soon as he got up, he fell to the ground with no strength.

Because of the excessive consumption of chakra, he could no longer maintain the 'Lightning Chakra Mode' an hour ago, so he was already bruised and bruised without the protection of the 'Lightning Armor'.

There are also four generations of Fengying who are also physically weak. At this time, the Jinsha that is like a wave can no longer be seen on the battlefield.

Three Hokage and Three Tsuchikage aren't much better either.

The three generations of Hokage were half-squatting on the ground at this moment, and even the King Kong Ruyi stick was unsteady, while the three generations of Tsuchikage were unable to continue flying in the air and fell to the ground.

Although the two of them knew how to use chakra more reasonably because of their experience, they were still old and frail, and after a long period of high-intensity fighting, they all reached their limits.

This is still a situation where a large number of ninja coalition forces cooperate. Without the cover and cooperation of other ninjas, it is impossible for them to persist until now.

Among the five shadows, the only one who is in better condition is the fourth-generation Mizukage Yutachi Yakura, who is Ren Zhuli, but even Ren Zhuli is exhausted after this fierce battle.

Five shadows are like this, not to mention ordinary ninjas.

As far as the eye can see, the battlefield is full of corpses. Some of the corpses have even been half buried by the wind and sand. Only half of the amputated limbs are exposed, silently telling the killings that took place here.

The center of the battlefield.

Standing under 'Susanoo', Uchiha Madara clapped his palms: "As expected, my expectations were too high..."

The five shadows who survived looked at the corpses everywhere, and they were both ashamed and angry.

Obviously, compared with the five shadows in the original time and space, the configuration of the five shadows in this time and space is much worse.

The three generations of Naruto belong to the all-round ninja. Taijutsu, ninjutsu, sealing, ninja throwing, and even illusion have no shortcomings. Such ninjas are almost impossible to target, and they can be used on most battlefields.

But comprehensive, which means not extreme enough.

The three generations of Hokage can deal with all the battles from the lower ninja to the shadow level, but when the level of the battle reaches the super shadow level like Uchiha Madara, the three generations who have not mastered the 'Blood Rejection' and the 'Blood Restriction' Hokage was obviously powerless.

In this regard, the upper limit of the three generations of Tsuchikage who mastered 'Dust Escape' is much higher, so the three generations of Tsuchikage who are the greatest threat to Uchiha Madara among the five shadows are also the three generations of Tsuchikage.

In the original time and space, due to the existence of Tsunade, the strongest medical ninja, the three generations of Tsuchikage can exert their ultimate output and use the "dust escape" to the extreme, so it has caused a lot of trouble for Uchiha Madara.

The three generations of earth shadows in this time and space naturally do not have such treatment.

On the battlefield, the three generations of Tuikage had to deal with Uchiha Madara's attack carefully to avoid injury. At the same time, he also had to accurately calculate the chakras that were not many, so he couldn't use the 'dust escape' to his heart's content, so it caused Madara Uchiha to suffer. threat is very limited.

Although the two-armed Raikage performed better than the one-armed fourth Raikage in the original time and space, but because of the lack of the assistance of the strange Tsunade, he was the only one in the head-to-head confrontation, even if he could crack Uchiha occasionally Madara's 'Susanoo', and no one cooperated with him to expand the victory, so repeated attacks were unsuccessful, and he was injured all over.

The performance of the four generations of wind shadow and the fourth generation of water shadows is obviously stronger than that of the five generations of wind shadows and five generations of water shadows in the original time and space, but if they can't break the "Susanoo", everything is meaningless.

All in all, when facing a super-shadow-level powerhouse like Madara Uchiha, apart from mastering the three-generation earth shadow of 'Dust Dun', the other shadows are actually very limited, either strong or weak. , has little impact on the situation.

It is precisely Tsunade, who is relatively unusual, who would not be selected as the medical ninja of the shadow of a village under normal circumstances, but it is more helpful to the situation.

Of course, the Five Shadows didn't realize this, or, in other words, the Four Shadows other than Tsuchikage were unwilling to admit that they were dispensable to the situation.

Madara Uchiha walked towards the five shadows at this time, and said, "Since I don't even have the ability to make me serious, then your life is of no value!"

Fourth Raikage roared: "What are you talking about, you were fighting hard just now!"

Four generations of Fengying also snorted coldly: "Even if we fail, we will not accept your humiliation!"

"Fighting hard?!" Madara Uchiha stopped and smiled: "Hashima is the only one who can make me fight hard! Well, although you guys are incompetent, you are still shadows, so let me use my real power. Let's end you!"

After all, Madara Uchiha made a seal on both hands.

In an instant, his 'Susanoo', which was originally extremely tall, swelled in an instant, and suddenly became several times larger, and even surpassed the meteorite with a diameter of hundreds of meters that fell on the battlefield before. .


Whether it was the Five Shadows or the remaining ninja allied forces in the field, all of them were sluggish.

Everyone has seen a lot of 'Susanenghu', but it is the first time everyone has seen such a big and majestic one!

Flying to the diamond-shaped area on the forehead of 'Susanoo', Madara Uchiha looked down at the five shadows as small as ants below, and said coldly: "Let you all see the true power of Uchiha before you die!"


Driven by Madara Uchiha's thoughts, the complete body 'Susanoo' instantly drew his sword and slashed into the distance!

A huge sword light swept across the battlefield, accompanied by a loud 'bang', and chopped the 100-meter-diameter meteorite that fell on the battlefield into pieces!

And Daomang castrated unabated, straight across the desert, cutting the mountain dozens of miles away in half!


With just one draw of the knife, the air wave that swept the entire battlefield, like a storm, sent the five shadows and the remaining ninja allied forces flying out like insects and ants!

In the face of Madara Uchiha, the complete 'Susanohu', every ninja in the ninja coalition became a small to insignificant ant, even the five shadows who bear the title of 'Shadow', It seems to be no exception.

And it wasn't until this moment that the Five Shadows, who were lifted into the air by the air wave, realized Madara Uchiha's true power...


4000 words, two chapters in one. It's in the late ten days, students who have monthly tickets in hand, please support, please! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

4000 words, two chapters in one. It's in the late ten days, students who have monthly tickets in hand, please support, please! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

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