Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1315 This is impossible! (Ask for a monthly pass)

dong dong...

With a sound like a heartbeat, a brilliant halo suddenly appeared on the giant Tenseisen enshrined in the Otsutsugi Temple, and then, the vision of the giant Tenseisen began to gradually focus and cast towards the world of ninjas.

With the help of the giant Tenseigan's vision, Toshito Otsutsuki began to spy on the Ninja world.

His gaze was first locked on the territory of the country of fire, and then on the incomparably tall 'Susanoo' who were fighting fiercely, and his expression changed slightly.

The fierce battle of those 'Susanoo' was completely beyond the scope of ordinary ninjas.

The 'Susanoo', which is as huge as a mountain, is like a god, and there is great power in every gesture. Wherever they pass, whether it is woods, mountains, or lakes, they are ravaged, leaving only a mess.

This kind of fierce battle that is rare in a century, it is difficult for Otsutsuki to not pay attention.

However, his eyes didn't stay there for too long, because he knew that this was not his goal, so he manipulated the giant Tenseigan to shift his vision and glanced elsewhere.

However, as soon as his vision shifted, his glance stopped again.

Because he found that another terrifying battle was going on in another part of the Fire Country, that is, on the outskirts of Konoha Village.

There are countless seas of trees growing frantically, the scale of which is huge and the chakra fluctuations are so strong that he now feels a burst of heart palpitations.

And against the sea of ​​trees, there were a few ninjas wearing tailed beast coats. For some reason, the tailed beast coats on those ninjas made him instinctively feel jealous.

"What happened in the ninja world?"

In an instant, a doubt welled up in Totsuki Otsutsuki's heart.

Although he did not have a complete grasp of the situation in the ninja world, he knew that a fierce battle of this scale was absolutely extraordinary in the ninja world, let alone two at the same time.

No matter how obtuse people are, when they discover this situation, they will realize that there is probably some kind of war or some kind of change going on in the ninja world.

As soon as his thoughts changed, Toto Otsutsuki suppressed the unease in his eyes and regained his composure.

His calmness is not without reason.

Today, he has a pair of Tenseigans that belong to him, plus the giant Tenseisen that belongs to the Otsutsuki clan enshrined in the temple, no matter what happens in the ninja world, he doesn't think it can threaten him.

It was also this detached mentality that kept his eyes from lingering, and continued to search the Ninja world.

Although the two battles that are breaking out are eye-catching, they are not his goals. What he is really looking for is the mysterious chakra fluctuation that resonated with his Tensei Eye just now.

After examining the entire continent, Toto Otsutsuki, who was not found, was puzzled, and then manipulated the vision of the giant Tenseigan to turn to more remote polar regions.


In an instant, Otsutsuki Sheren's expression froze, and his face showed uncontrollable astonishment.

Through the vision of the giant Tenseigan, he was horrified to discover the sky-high beam of light located at the "Rainbow Ice Wall" in the Land of Snow, and the Hyuga Mirror standing in the center of the altar.

If it was just a huge chakra fluctuation, it wouldn't make Toto Otsutsuki so gaffe.

What really shocked Otsutsuki Sheren, what he couldn't hold back, was that he discovered that in the eye sockets of the Hyuga clansman standing on the altar, there were actually a pair of Tenseigans!

You must know that even as the direct bloodline of Otsutsugi Yumura, he has spent a lot of effort and experienced many difficulties and dangers before he can get the Tenseigan, so it is really difficult for him to accept a lowly Hyuga clansman who has the same family. His eyes are the same.

And I don't know if it was an illusion or not, he faintly felt that the other person's Tenseisen seemed to be purer and brighter than his Otsutsuki's Tenseisen!

"This is impossible!"

Otsutsuki Toru let out a hysterical roar, his face no longer calm.

The noble and pure blood, and the incomparably powerful Tenseigan, are the bottom line he sticks to and the inverse scale that no one can touch. Anyone who dares to touch these will be his unbearable mortal enemy.

But since the opponent also has Tenseigan, he cannot underestimate the enemy's carelessness, so he forcibly suppressed the monstrous anger and observed it carefully...


on the altar.

Hyuga Kyou's face was still calm, and he methodically tried to merge the properties of Yin Yang, Five Elements, and Seven Chakras.

As for the stare from the giant Tenseigan on the moon, he noticed it right away, and it was expected to him, so his emotions didn't fluctuate too much, and he was malicious towards Toto Otsutsuki The prying eyes turned a blind eye, still focusing on his ritual.

After the ceremony has advanced to this stage, a large amount of chakra is needed to maintain it every moment.

Therefore, Hyuga Kyou had to increase the chakra extraction of Gaara, Neji, and Naruto in the array, and gradually began to extract Shion's chakra.

in the array.

Gaara was sweating profusely, and Neji was pale.

Among the four people who entered the circle, although both of them were Ren Zhuli, they belonged to the monsters in the eyes of normal ninjas, but compared with Shion and Naruto, they were obviously inferior.

In addition, Hyuga Kyou deliberately extracted the chakra from the two of them first, so the two of them were the first to show signs of failure.

And Naruto's more than a dozen shadow clones have been sucked up by Hyuga Kyou, and the remaining six or seven are still struggling to support.

Just like that, time passed little by little.

Toto Otsutsuki didn't appear immediately, and Hyuga Kyou didn't care too much. At this time, he was gradually immersed in the fusion of yin-yang and five-element full-attribute chakra.

'Gu Dao Jade' is the product of the fusion of yin-yang and five-element full-attribute chakra properties, so the fusion of the seven full-attribute chakra properties is not only a way to improve strength, but also a way to complete a life transition.

Compared with swallowing chakra fruits, inheriting from parents, getting gifts from powerful people, etc., Hyuga Kyo's way of attacking the 'sixth level' by completing the fusion of yin and yang, five elements and seven chakra properties is actually more simple. , more down-to-earth.

On the contrary, the Otsutsuki family planted a divine tree, absorbed the natural energy of the entire planet through the divine tree, and then condensed the chakra fruit, which was undoubtedly more tricky.

bang bang...

Two more muffled sounds came from the magic circle.

And with the muffled sound when the two shadow clones shattered, there were no more shadow clones in the circle, and both Shion and Naruto's shadow clones had been sucked up by Hyuga Kyou.

In the magic formation at this time, Gaara and Neji were obviously unable to hold on, their bodies began to tremble, and their tails and dragon veins were almost exhausted.

Shion and Naruto are slightly better, but they are also severely damaged and out of breath.

on the altar.

Hyuga Kyo, who seemed to sense something, moved his expression, and with a 'smack', his hands clasped together. Immediately, black-colored 'Dao Jade' appeared on his back as he wished...


The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

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