Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1345 I am Hokage, I am Yama, I am Hyuga Kyou! (Ask for a monthly pass)

As the state of Hyuga Kyou's 'Blood Legion' gradually stabilized, the seven-color rainbow that resonated with his chakra that traversed the ninja world and extended to the universe gradually dissipated.

Hyuga Kyou also adjusted her mentality at this time and put away her emotions.

In short, this time, he was lucky enough to become the 'Blood Follower Snares', thanks to the gift of the ninja world, so he will do everything in his power to protect the peace of the ninja world in the future.

As for the various entanglements about killing and plundering, he has long forgotten about it.

He has always been a selfish and pragmatic person. If he could do it all over again, he would still hold this ceremony without hesitation, and attack the 'Blood Ji Snares'!

Because nothing can stop him from exploring immortality and the unknown.

After tidying up her mood, Hyuga mirror swayed.


In just an instant, he dodged and came to a few hundred meters away before Xianglin used 'Time and Space Ninjutsu' to remove Toto Otsutsuki's position. The entire 'Sknite Technique' had no trace, and he was about to catch up with the 'Flying Thunder God'. Technique' teleportation.

Afterwards, he urged the scarlet 'eye of the moon' at the center of his eyebrows to scan the surroundings carefully, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and a strange brilliance flashed on the 'eye of the moon'.

Immediately afterwards, black squares like pixels appeared in front of him.

These pixel-like black squares were constantly folded and expanded, and in a moment, a strange space door was forcibly opened on the solid space barrier.


Beside the Styx.


Carrying a continuous roar, the storm caused by Toto Otsutsuki's pupil technique 'Silver Wheel Reincarnation Burst' continued to rage beside the Styx River. The dead souls floating and sinking in the river were also unavoidable. They were caught in the storm and flew out!


Blocking the huge barrier in front of Shion, Xianglin, under the impact of the storm, suddenly heard a crisp sound.

Zi Yuan hurriedly raised her head to look, her face turned pale, because an extremely conspicuous crack appeared on the barrier!

This defensive barrier is already the strongest barrier that she can cast as a witch of the land of ghosts, but even so, it still can't stop Toto Otsutsuki's pupil technique 'Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion'.

Seeing that the cracks on the barrier were getting bigger and bigger, Ziyuan hurriedly shouted: "I can't stop it, you need to think of a way!"

Xianglin panted heavily: "Just hold on for a while, my pupil strength is not enough!"

Ziyuan shouted: "I've been insisting, otherwise we both would have died! It's not like you don't know how powerful that guy is, I can't seal the nine-tailed seal art, and you can't stop him. Send us back, and we're going to die here together!"

Xianglin replied helplessly: "I... I'm already doing my best!"

After using the 'Reincarnation Innate Technique', she can survive without death, which is already the limit of Kaolin. Then, in order to deal with Toto Otsutsuki, she forced the 'Time and Space Ninjutsu' that she just learned, so now she Completely powerless.

"You hurry..."

Ziyuan wanted to urge again, but before she could finish speaking, her barrier was completely shattered.

Panicked, she couldn't care less, she shut up quickly, and cast several enchantments that did not require a seal and could be cast instantly.

boom boom boom...

However, these hastily activated barriers, let alone blocking Toto Otsutsuki's 'Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion', could not even be delayed for a while. Almost at the moment of activation, they were destroyed by the storm one by one.

In an instant, a huge storm rushed towards Shion and Xianglin who were panicked.

The pupil power that Xianglin has accumulated at this moment is simply not enough to activate the 'time-space ninjutsu' again. Seeing that the storm is approaching, she can only raise her hands and use the only pupil strength to launch the 'Shen Luo Tianzheng'.

But the repulsive force of 'Shen Luo Tianzheng' could not resist the 'Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion' driven by the 'Gu Dao Jade'.


This thought flashed through the minds of Xianglin and Shion at the same time.

And just when the two of them fell into despair, a black space door suddenly appeared behind them. Then, two arms stretched out from the space door, and instantly twisted the back collars of the two of them, pulling them away. into the space door.

The whole process only took a split second. When the storm hit, let alone Xianglin and Shion, even the black space door had disappeared without a trace.

far away.

Looking at Xiang Phosphorus, who disappeared out of thin air, Shion and Totoro Otsutsuki looked extremely embarrassed.

With the insight of his Tenseigan, he naturally captured Xiang Phosphorus, the moment when Shi Yuan was rescued, and because of this, he felt extremely depressed.

"It's time-space ninjutsu again..."

After muttering to himself, Toto Otsutsuki's already gloomy eyes became more solemn.

Although it was only a short moment just now, he still vaguely sensed the chakra fluctuations on Shion's people who rescued Xianglin and made him feel palpitations.

What made him even more disturbed was that in the chakra fluctuations, there was a very pure Tenseigan Chakra!


Snow country.

Looking at the barren scene in front of her, Ziyuan, who was rescued, was still a little stunned. She didn't recognize that this was the Land of Snow, and subconsciously asked Xianglin next to her, "Where did you send us?"

Xianglin also looked dull: "It's not me!"

Hyuga Kyou, who was behind the two, put her hands on the backs of the two at this time, and while delivering some chakra to them, she said, "Don't worry, you are all safe!"

"Sir!" The two turned their heads at the same time and looked at Hyuga Kyou in surprise: "You saved us?"


Hyuga Kyou nodded lightly.

The 'time and space ninjutsu' that he performed just now is called 'Yangquan Hirazaka'. It was the 'time and space ninjutsu' that he realized after he was promoted to 'Blood Jisara' and possessed the 'eye of the moon' between his eyebrows. '.

'Huangquan Hirazaka' is a 'time and space ninjutsu' at the level of 'Blood Jisao'. It can open the door of space and travel through various spaces at will without the need for seals.

It can be used for various purposes such as moving, dodging, and raiding.

Just now, Hyuga Kyou saw the traces of Xianglin's 'Santuchuan' casting through the 'Eye of the Moon' between the eyebrows, and then followed this trace to find the Stygian River, and took advantage of the situation to rescue Xianglin and Shion.

Xianglin, Shion finally found that she had returned to the ninja world at this time, but looking at the unrecognizable 'rainbow ice wall' and the endless desolation all around, the two of them were taken aback and asked in unison: "Sir, what happened here? what's the matter?"

After Shion recovered a little for Xiang Phosphorus, Hyuga Kyou said, "We'll talk about this later, the two of you will deal with this place first, remove all traces of the ritual, and then bring the unconscious Gaara and Neji to drive. Air fortress out of here!"

The reason why Hyuga Kyou rescued Xianglin and Shion first was not only to save their lives, but also because they needed their help to deal with the aftermath.

As for Toto Otsutsuki, Hyuga Kyou has no time to deal with it for the time being, and there is no need to rush to deal with it, because he is also the owner of Tenseigan, and he knows better than anyone that Toto Otsutsuki is trapped in the Styx River. How embarrassing.


After listening to Hyuga Kyou's orders, Xianglin and Shion all agreed.

Then, Zi Yuan looked around curiously and asked, "Where's the Chuan lord?"

Hyuga Kyou waved her hand and said, "Don't worry about him for now."

Because Shiro can control natural energy, when Hyuga Kyou hit the 'Blood Jisao', he noticed something wrong in advance, and immediately escaped from the 'Rainbow Ice Wall' with Fenghua Xiaoxue stranded nearby, and evacuated the distance 'Rainbow' Ice Wall' closer to some of the Snow Land residents.

Xianglin asked, "Sir, what about you?"

Hyuga Kyou looked in the direction of Konoha Village and said lightly, "It's time to end this ninja war!"


On the battlefield outside Konoha Village.

When the splendid rainbow above the head that traverses the Ninja world gradually dissipated, the dazzling night sky once again enveloped the world, as if everything just now was just an illusion of nothingness.

Floating in the sky, Obito's eyes gradually became condensed.

The scarlet 'eye of the moon' at the center of his eyebrows was staring into the distance, staring at the direction of the seven-color rainbow, as if waiting for something!

At this moment, the survivors on the battlefield also began to gradually understand that the high-altitude swept the ninja world, watching Obito in the distance, waiting for the presence of the seven-color rainbow to come.

Who made the seven-color rainbow just now?

Will he come?

This is the ultimate battle for the survival of the ninja world, who will win?

Questions came one after another, pouring into the hearts of the survivors on the field.

However, there was no noise or discussion, everyone was like Obito in the sky, looking at the direction where the seven-color rainbow was thrown from afar, waiting silently.

As a result, the entire battlefield fell into a strange and unspeakable silence.

At this moment, the 'eye of the moon' at the center of Obito's eyebrows suddenly moved and focused on a spot in the air.

Almost at the same time, Nagato, who had woken up after being treated by Tsunade's slug on the ground, also looked at the place in the sky with the strange eyes in his sockets.

Just as the two of them focused their attention, black pixel squares suddenly appeared in the air, and quickly folded and expanded, opening a space door that seemed to lead to the Nether.

Then, a figure wearing a black-bottomed gold-trimmed cloak of the divine organization and a mask with a pattern of evil spirits walked out of the space door and floated in the sky like Obito.

Obito's eyes narrowed: "Yan Luo, you are finally here!"

Seeing the appearance of 'Yan Luo', all the survivors in the field felt that way, because the person who created the seven-color rainbow is 'Yan Luo', which is the most logical. After all, in the eyes of everyone, only Only the immortals can match the immortals!

Hyuga Kyou glanced at the battlefield, and then turned to Obito: "Are you not wearing a mask this time?"

Obito tore off the burqa on his body, revealing the shirt with the Uchiha group's family crest on the back, with an indifferent expression: "I don't need to disguise anymore, I'm Uchiha Obito! Yama, let me see See your true face!"

Hyuga Kyou slowly reached out to the grimace mask on her face.

In an instant, whether it was Obito in the sky or the survivors on the ground, they all stared at the face of 'Yan Luo' intently, wanting to see the immortal who founded the god organization and has been secretly maintaining peace in the ninja world. What is it like.


He took off his mask and tore off the cloak's Hyuga mirror, revealing the Hokage Yushen robes flying in the wind.

Looking at Hyuga Kyou's face under the grimace mask, and the conspicuous five-generation Hokage's imperial robe, Obito was struck by lightning, and he was stunned on the spot: "Hi...Hyuga Kyou?!"

Not only Obito, but the whole audience was shocked by this scene.

Kakashi said in surprise: "The divine organization 'Yan Luo' is a mirror?!"

Recalling the past transactions between the God Organization and the village, Mute exclaimed: "This... how is this possible! How could Jing be the leader of the God Organization, and he also did transactions with the God Organization on behalf of the village!"

Asma said somewhat uncertainly: "We won't be still in illusion!"

the other side.

Jiraiya suddenly looked at Orochimaru: "What's going on?"

Orochimaru looked sluggish, and murmured, "This kid..."

Tsunade's face was full of disbelief: "The leader of the Akatsuki organization is Uchiha Obito? The leader of the God organization is Hyuga Kyou? What happened to this ninja world?"

At this time, she couldn't help recalling that when she was selecting disciples at the ninja school, Hyuga Kyou and Uchiha Obito were pitifully standing at the end of the long queue.

At that time, Hyuga Kyou and Uchiha Obito were the penultimate and the penultimate in the same period. They were veritable crane tails, a pair of brothers and sisters, so she didn't even look at these two people at that time, and directly chose Kato Duan. The niece is mute as a disciple.

I never thought that the last two crane tails of the ninja school had not only grown into existences that she had to look up to as Konoha Sannin, but also became the key figures in determining the fate of the ninja world. !

At this moment, she didn't know whether she was crazy or the world was crazy!

Not far away, Risari and some surviving Hinata clansmen were also stunned.

They guessed that the leader of the god organization 'Yan Luo' was a ninja with white eyes and blood, but they all subconsciously assigned the immortal 'Yan Luo' to the Otsutsugi clan. tribe.

The Zong family's Hyuga Taka asked with a look of surprise, "Is this true?"

The completely ignorant daily difference couldn't answer this question at all. The shocks he received on this day were so many that he no longer knew how to think.

Fuyue let out a long sigh of relief: "I guessed right!"

After realizing that all the kaleidoscopes in the family except himself, including his son Itachi, betrayed him and joined the god organization and became the confidant of the five generations of Hokage, he guessed that the surface looked ordinary The fifth Hokage Hyuga Kyou is probably the 'Yan Luo' who secretly manipulated the divine organization.

another side.

The three generations of Tuikage looked at the three generations of Hokage beside him in disbelief, and asked in a trembling voice: "God...God organization was also formed by you Konoha secretly?"


The three generations of Hokage pointed to Hyuga Kyou who was wearing the Hokage Yushen robe in the sky. He wanted to explain, but he opened his mouth and didn't know how to explain it for a while.

The leader of the god organization is the fifth Hokage, let alone other shadows, even he who has been actually controlling the power of Konoha is at a loss, unaware!

The fourth generation of Raikage stared blankly at the third generation of Hokage: "You Konoha are forming the Xiao organization, and the god organization, and playing us around, what are you going to do?"


Three Hokage's face wrinkled into a ball.

In the face of allies who had fought bloody together, he really wanted to explain it well and clear up the misunderstandings between them, but the Hokage Yushen robe on Hyuga Kyo in the sky was too dazzling, making him feel that his explanation was meaningless at all. .

Four generations of Fengying laughed bitterly and said: "Oh, it turned out to be a long time, all of you Konoha people! In this case, you can just play a game with the door closed, why do you want to pull us!"


Three generations of Hokage wanted to open his mouth several times, and closed it again several times.

Seeing this, Tuying, Raiying, and Fengying asked in unison, "What the hell are you talking about!"

The third Hokage looked bitter and helpless: "I really don't know anything!"

Deidara got up from the ground at this time and cursed at Kakashi: "You despicable Konoha ninjas, you have formed a god organization in the dark, and you are still asking me every day if I am a member of the god organization. Is it me? Members of the God Organization, do you have no idea in your heart?"

Kakashi quickly explained: "Misunderstanding! This is a misunderstanding!"

Darui of Yunyin, Yecang of Shayin, Terumi Mei of Kiriyin, and others, all of them looked at Kakashi at this moment.

Because at the Five Shadows Conference after the end of the Chunin Exam not long ago, Kakashi also vowed to propose the formation of a fake God organization to deal with the Akatsuki organization.

Now that I think about it, everyone thinks that Kakashi, the Hokage agent's routine, is too deep, and they don't dare to think about it deeply, and they shudder when they think about it!

Asma, Hong, and Mute all looked at Kakashi and asked, "Kakashi, you already knew?"

" would I know!"

Kakashi was speechless.

Mute said: "Then why do you propose to form a fake god organization?"

Hong also echoed: "Yes, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to make such a proposal at all. If you didn't know that the leader of the god organization is Jingjing, how can you be sure that the god organization will allow us to form a fake god? What about the organization? If you think about it, you know it's impossible!"

Asma said angrily: "Kakashi, you are hiding from me!"

Kakashi waved his hands again and again: "Misunderstanding, this is really a misunderstanding!"

Nagato in the distance slowly got up, staring at Hyuga Kyou in the sky, and exclaimed in his heart: "'Yan Luo' is actually the fifth Hokage of Konoha?"

Before that, he had never put this Hokage from the Hinata clan in his eyes.

He even felt that Konoha's five generations of Hokage were just a puppet Hokage that Konoha temporarily introduced in order to balance the contradiction between the Hokage family and the Uchiha family.

So when Obito proposed to him that he wanted to recruit Wudai Hokage to stay in Konoha's eyeliner, he agreed without much care.

I never thought that Konoha's most inconspicuous Hokage would be his strongest enemy all along, and he never thought that the eyeliner that Obito had picked at the beginning was the real leader of the god organization.

"We've all been tricked!"

Facing this reality, Nagato was speechless.

The periphery of the battlefield.

Staring at Hyuga Kyou in the distance, Ci Xian's expression became more and more solemn, and he whispered, "How is this possible!"

The previous Obito who became the ten-tailed person Zhuri and stepped into the 'sixth level' in one fell swoop has completely exceeded his expectations, because in his opinion, at the moment when Kaguya Otsutsuki's bloodline is gradually thinning, in the ninja world There should not be a new 'six-level' powerhouse, because this does not conform to the laws of nature.

The appearance of Obito, the 'sixth class', can be said to be a coincidence, or it can be said to be the aggregation of the last essence of the ninja world. After all, although the ten tails of Kaguya Otsutsuki were dismantled, no matter whether it was a 'outlander' as a body The golem', or the nine-tailed beast as a spiritual body, still remains in the world of ninja, and there is still the possibility of reuniting.

But when Hyuga Kyou appeared later, he couldn't explain it at all.

And based on his perception, he can easily judge the chakra strength of Hyuga Kyou, and even on top of Obito, who became the ten-tailed pillar force, he is almost close to Kaguya Otsutsuki who swallowed the chakra fruit.

Therefore, he was very puzzled.

He didn't understand how Hyuga Kyou did it. He knew that even for a pure Otsutsugi clansman, it would be very difficult to attack the 'Blood Jishangluo'.

"What the hell is going on in the ninja world..."

Ci Xian rubbed his forehead, feeling a very headache.

high in the air.

After experiencing the initial shock, Obito immediately recalled that he had sneaked into Konoha to threaten Hyuga Kyo, and used the 'Cage Bird Curse Mark' as a bait to lure Hyuga Kyo to become his eyeliner and investigate the matter of the God Organization for him, and his face turned red. : "You bastard, Hyuga Kyou, you have been watching my jokes!"

Hyuga Kyo shrugged: "I have to say, you are indeed very talented when it comes to choosing eyeliners! When you approached me and asked me to investigate myself, I was in a dilemma!"

Obito shouted, "Enough!"

Hyuga Kyou said lightly: "Fate is really interesting!"

"When did you notice me?" After a pause, Obito suddenly woke up: "That time, it was you who met me at the root base?"

Obito recalled the mysterious person he encountered in the root secret library when Shinichi defected to the root base. At that time, the two of them tested each other and found that they could not do anything to each other, so they searched each other tacitly and joined forces to Danzo's secret vault was emptied.

It was also the first time Obito had an impression with a mysterious person who was suspected of being the god organization "Yan Luo".

Hearing Obito mention it, Hyuga Kyou also recalled: "Oh, you said that time!"

Obito was both shocked and suspicious: "You had a Tensei at that time? But you were only in your teens at that time? How could you be the tail of a crane like you..."

Halfway through the words, Obito stopped abruptly, and suddenly felt a toothache, because in the graduation exam of the ninja school, this guy Hyuga Kyou ranked above him.

"You are the tail of the crane, didn't you wake up to the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye when you were in your teens?" After pouting, Hyuga Kyou chuckled softly: "Do you remember what I said to you back then? It's really thanks to you. The last one in the exam, I didn't rank at the bottom!"

Obito was ashamed and ashamed, and felt like he was being publicly executed.

On the battlefield, the surviving ninjas also looked at each other in dismay.

No one thought that one secretly formed the Xiao organization, the other secretly formed the god organization, and controlled the ninja world behind the scenes, playing the entire ninja world between the palms of the two immortals, turned out to be Konoha Ninja School. The first and the penultimate two crane tails.

The three generations of Tuying glanced at the three generations of Hokage on the side with contempt: "These two peerless geniuses don't know how to cultivate, you Konoha are really reckless!"

The fourth generation of Raikage took it seriously: "If such a genius is in our cloud, he will definitely receive the best training, and he will never be reduced to the tail of the crane in the same period!"

Four generations of Fengying said with emotion: "It's really surprising!"

Although he was also very disgusted by Konoha for playing with himself and Shayin, but after it was revealed that the fifth Hokage was the leader of the god organization, Yama, he immediately restrained his emotions and no longer openly questioned the three Hokage.


The three generations of Hokage were at a loss for words.

He really wanted to say that the two guys, Hyuga Kyou and Uchiha Obito, were real vegetables when they were in the ninja school. It wasn't that he had no vision, but looking at the two immortals hanging in the sky at the moment, he couldn't say what he said. .

On the other side, Konoha's Sannin looked strange.

When they were selecting disciples at the ninja school, they were not optimistic about the penultimate Obito and the penultimate Hyuga Kyou, but it turned out that these two crane tails caused such a big mess in the ninja world.

The amazing organization of Akatsuki, and the mysterious organization of God, are all the handwriting of these two guys.

Now, one by one, they have become immortals who disdain the ninja world and can sweep all ninja villages and overwhelm the world with one person. This is really unbelievable for them!

Kakashi looked at Hyuga Kyou and Obito in the sky, and said to himself, "They say I'm a genius, they've wronged me!"

Yunyin's Darui glanced at Kakashi, Hong, Asma, and Mute, and asked, "I'm suddenly curious, who is the third-to-last in your episode?"

Asma pointed to the "Eight Gates Dunjia Formation" in the distance, and kicked the tin stick that changed from the "Gu Daoyu", forcing Obito to evade Kai: "Hey, that's the one!"

Deidara said at this time: "Hey, are the tails of the cranes in your village so strong?"

high in the air.

Obito said coldly: "Since you mentioned the graduation exam, then you should know that the reason why I ranked below you is just because I was late and absent!"

The corner of Hyuga mirror's mouth twitched, and she joked, "Why, do you want to challenge my ranking?"

Obito twisted his neck: "Let's finish the competition that we couldn't do today!"

Hyuga Kyou said: "Okay, I accept your challenge!"

In an instant, the 'eyes of the moon' between the two eyebrows looked at each other fiercely...


A large chapter of 7,000 words, almost three and a half chapters as usual! It will be Monday soon, the list will be updated, please ask for a recommended ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

A large chapter of 7,000 words, almost three and a half chapters as usual! It will be Monday soon, the list will be updated, please ask for a recommended ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

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