Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1346 Battle of the Immortals (Ask for a Monthly Pass!)

During the confrontation, the 'eyes of the moon' between the eyebrows of Hyuga Kyou and Obito gradually swelled, and the color of the gouyu on the scarlet pupils also became deeper and deeper, each exuding a strange light, as if they had encountered each other. Strong rivals are generally!


At the moment when the chakras began to entangle with each other, the two people in the air did not have any unnecessary nonsense, and slammed into each other in a sharp and piercing wind screaming!

At this moment, the speed of the two of them exceeded the limit of the ninja, and just a few hundred meters of impact, they each brought out a series of sonic booms.


In a blink of an eye, the two collided, causing a loud noise!

In a trance, the survivors on the battlefield vaguely saw the moment when the two collided, and the bright night sky was slightly distorted, as if the space barrier was shattered.

Immediately afterwards, the torrent created by the collision of the two men was vented from the sky, forming a storm that swept the entire battlefield.

The already messy battlefield became even more messy after being hit by this storm.

Moreover, the scope of the storm's impact was even larger and wider than that of the previous series of battles. Even the distant Konoha Village was affected, and a long section of the outer wall of the village collapsed instantly under the impact of the storm!

"Is this the fairy?"

"Damn, I can't even open my eyes!"

"Hey, should we evacuate first, it doesn't feel very safe here!"

The survivors who were struggling in the storm panicked one by one.

The two immortals in the air were just an ordinary shock, and the aftermath caused such a storm. They really couldn't imagine what kind of disaster would be caused if the two continued to fight.

As a result, a thought flashed in everyone's mind at the same time, that is to escape!

On the side of the ninja alliance, all the ninjas who were still able to move took the wounded who were still breathing around them, and quickly retreated in the direction of Konoha Village. Among them, Tsunade took the seriously injured Jiraiya, and Kakashi carried on his back. Kay, who is like a gossamer, brings Naruto, who is also hanging by a thread, on the fourth Hokage, and Sasuke who is unconscious on his back.

Under the threat of death, everyone burst out with a huge will to survive.

In the chaos, Jiraiya, who was supported by Tsunade, suddenly found that Orochimaru was not following, and quickly turned back to the Orochimaru who was still standing there and shouted, "Why are you still standing there!"

Tsunade also urged: "Orochimaru, their battle is not something we can interfere in, run away!"

Orochimaru shook his head, speaking in his unique hoarse voice: "You don't have to worry about me!"

Jirai also thought that Orochimaru didn't want to go back to Konoha Village, so he persuaded: "Don't worry, the old man has forgiven you long ago, this time you have made up for it, and no one will embarrass you when you return to the village!"

"I'm embarrassed?!" After a light snort, Orochimaru jokingly said, "Do you think I still care about this now?"

After knowing the secret identity of the leader of the Hyuga Mirror God Organization, Orochimaru is not afraid of any pressure, but it is not a pleasant thing for a person like him to be sheltered by a disciple.

What's more, with the unveiling of Hyuga Kyou's mysterious identity, many of the doubts that plagued him in the past have all come to light at this moment.

Why did the god organization 'Flaming Demon' infiltrate the ceremony site of Beiliuhu and watch Beiliuhu's 'Blood Successor Fusion Ceremony'...

Why does the God Organization assist Danzo to further develop the 'Gui Yara Technique'...

Why did Danzo mysteriously disappear...

Why did the God Organization collect Chakra sources such as the 'Grell Mine' and 'Sky Spear'...

Why did the God Organization crack the 'ghoul seal' of the fourth Hokage and take away half of the nine tails that were sealed in the fourth Hokage...

These doubts in the past left Orochimaru clueless.

Because the god organization was too strong, its leader 'Yan Luo' was a unique immortal in the ninja world at that time, and Beluhu's "Blood Ji Fusion Ceremony" had obvious flaws, so he instinctively ruled out the god organization in the world. The possibility of planning the 'Blood Ji Fusion Ritual', it is thought that perhaps only a member of the god organization became interested in the 'Blood Ji Fusion Ritual'.

It can be said that Hyuga Kyou's superb performance and the invincible character of "Yan Luo" seriously interfered with Orochimaru's judgment and made him miss the correct answer.

Now that Orochimaru knows the secret identity of Hyuga Mirror 'Yan Luo', it is natural to understand that Hyuga Mirror has long been eyeing the 'Xueji Fusion Ceremony' of Beiruhu, and it is most likely because of the 'Xueji Fusion Ceremony' Only then did he gain the power of the immortal.

The temptation of immortal power is simply irresistible to Orochimaru!

The only thing he can't figure out right now is that he can't figure out where Hyuga Kyou has recruited so many loyal shadow-level, even super shadow-level members of the god organization.

If it weren't for so many powerful and never-missing members of the God Organization, the invincible character of the leader of the God Organization, "Yan Luo", would not have been so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!


At this time, Yaoshidou, Junmalu, Chongwu, and Yamato gathered around Orochimaru.

Because of Chongwu's treatment, Yaoshidou's injury has recovered, and because Chonggo has lost too many cells and tissues all at once, his body has become smaller.

Glancing at a few subordinates, Orochimaru ordered, "Follow me!"


Saying that, Orochimaru flashed, heading in the opposite direction to Konoha Village, rushing into the smoke and dust in the sky.

Yao Shidou and the others did not hesitate, immediately followed, and disappeared one by one from the sight of Jiraiya and Tsunade.

"Orochimaru, where are you going?"

Jiraiya shouted, but got no response.

Tsunade seemed to have thought of something, and asked suspiciously, "This guy is not staring at Nagato, right?"

Tsunade had noticed before, Orochimaru has been secretly observing the strange eyes in Nagato's eye sockets, especially when Nagato was attacked and passed out, Orochimaru was about to move several times, so Orochimaru's this time The strange behavior immediately reminded her of Nagato's eyes.

"Is he crazy? It's such a time, why does he still care about this!"

Jirai was helpless for a while, and after saying that, he wanted to catch up and stop Orochimaru from attacking Nagato. After all, Nagato was his disciple, and he had helped the ninja coalition just now.


At this moment, another turbulent torrent came from the air, and swept the entire battlefield in a rumbling noise. Tsunade and Jiraiya, the two powerhouses in the Ninja world, were like ants. Immediately involved.

Immediately afterwards, a 'Gu Dao Jade' flew out of nowhere, and slammed into the ground not far from Tsunade, not far from Jirai!


In an instant, accompanied by a dazzling light, the entire land was blown up and tossed.

Tsunade and Jirai were also like riding a roller coaster, with the violent ups and downs of the ground, they were violently bumped up and down, and they were knocked out in a burst of earth-shaking.

After they were relieved, they were dizzy and couldn't tell the direction for a while.


Jirai also struggled to get up from the ruins.

Tsunade, who had just climbed up from the ruins, looked over and exclaimed, "Your face..."

"What's wrong with my face?"

As Jiraiya spoke, he touched his face subconsciously, but the moment he touched his face, his hands were covered in blood.

At this time, blood was oozing from his eyes, nose, mouth, and even the ears on both sides. It was obvious that he had suffered a serious shock and suffered internal injuries.

"Can't stay here any longer, or we'll all die!"

Tsunade said it firmly.

Not to mention Jiraiya, even she who has the blood of the Qianshou family is faintly lacking in support.

The battle between the immortals is really terrifying. Even if they are stronger than them, they will die if they are not careful, so Tsunade can't care about anything other than escaping for his life.

Jiraiya is still a little worried: "But Nagato he..."

Tsunade pouted: "Don't worry, that disciple of yours is much better than you!"

Zilai was also speechless for a while.

the other side.

Kakashi, who has withdrawn to the entrance of the village, handed over the unconscious Kai to Mute, who is a medical ninja, and organized a barrier class to set up a defensive barrier around the village.

Asma on the side looked at the high sky in the distance: "Is it my illusion? How can I feel that every blow of Kyo and Obito is similar to the power of Kai's 'Eight Gate Dunjia Formation'!"

Kakashi shook his head: "No, this is not an illusion!"

Hong looked surprised: "Could it be that each of their blows has the power of Kai to open the door of death?"

Kakashi nodded with a serious face: "Judging from the speed and strength, it is like this!"

Because of the transplanting of a three-hooked jade writing wheel eye, coupled with his own rich experience, it is not difficult for Kakashi to judge, purely in terms of speed and strength, both Hyuga Kyou and Obito have the ability to open the 'dead door'. power.

In other words, the "Death Gate", the forbidden gate that burns life in the eyes of ordinary ninjas, is a normal state without cost for Hyuga Kyou and Obito whose life level has changed!

"Is this an immortal?" After a pause, Asma said unwillingly: "When did the two guys, Jing and Obito, become so strong!"

Hong said with emotion at this time: "I finally believe in the legends in the myth that the world was destroyed by the battle of the immortals!"

"Yeah, I used to think that those were just legends!" After a pause, Asma looked at the busy enchantment class nearby and said worriedly, "Can the enchantment stop them?"

Kakashi shook his head.

Obviously, as long as Hyuga Kyou and Obito insisted on fighting around here, no matter what kind of barrier they set up, it would be difficult to ensure the safety of Konoha Village.

high altitude.

In the shock of the torrent, after a confrontation, Hyuga Kyou and Obito confronted each other again.

Although the fight just now only lasted a few dozen breaths, the two sides fought each other for dozens of rounds, and the air around them was burnt due to the intense friction.

At this moment, Hyuga Kyou glanced at the ground and looked at the huge pit with a diameter of several hundred meters that had just exploded due to the explosion of the 'Gu Daoyu'.

That 'Gu Dao Jade' is a piece of soil.

During the confrontation just now, Hyuga Kyou didn't care too much, and just knocked it out, without thinking, a huge crater like a meteorite hit appeared on the ground.

In fact, after reaching the real 'Six Path Level', the role of the 'Dao Jade' plummeted.

Because the 'Gu Dao Jade' cannot obliterate the 'Six Path Level' powerhouses, so for the 'Six Path Grade' powerhouses, the 'Gu Dao Jade' is just an extremely condensed chakra that can be changed at will.

This is also the reason why Hyuga Kyou easily knocked Obito's 'Gu Daoyu' into the air just now.

It's just that Hyuga Kyou obviously hasn't fully adapted to the changes in her own strength. The 'Gu Dao Jade', which is not threatening to him, is the ultimate weapon that can easily destroy a forest. His unintentional move just now is likely to accidentally hurt the battlefield. the survivors.

For him, whose level of life has changed, many inadvertent little things may be related to the life and death of countless people!

Withdrawing his gaze, Hyuga Kyou focused on his eyes.

In addition to the reincarnation eye in the eye socket, Obito at the moment also has the 'moon eye' between the eyebrows, and his own pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes transplanted into the palms of his hands.

Not counting the strength of the ten tails, Obito mastered at least two kinds of 'space-time ninjutsu', 'Shenwei' and 'Round Grave'.

The "Suzanohu" who can activate the "Six Path Class" and the "Six Path Class" "Earth Blast Star", as well as the forbidden art "Izanagi" that fools fate.

Coupled with the fact that he has been shriveled over many years, his physical skills have also been exercised very well, so Obito has no obvious shortcomings.

And although 'Xueji Snares' is stronger than 'Six Paths' in level, but in terms of combat power, the advantages of 'Xueji Snares' over 'Six Paths' are not so significant.

This can be clearly seen from the fact that Kaguya Otsutsuki lost to Yui Otsutsuki, the Hamamura brothers, Naruto and Sasuke.

The 'Blood Follower's Snares' cannot win without thinking in the face of the 'Six Paths'. If the tactics are not used properly, the loser will still lose.

And now Obito, who has opened the 'Eye of the Moon', belongs to the pinnacle of the 'Six Paths', and only after receiving the gift of the Six Paths immortals from the original time and space can it be worthy of the incomplete 'Six Paths' Ming that has entered the threshold of the 'Six Paths'. People, Sasuke is more than a little stronger, so Hyuga Kyou's advantage over Obito exists, but it's not significant.

Just as Hyuga Kyou looked at Obito, Obito was also secretly looking at Hyuga Kyou.

After the test just now, he found that he was at a disadvantage in physical skills, and the 'seeking jade', which was used very smoothly before, was almost invincible, but completely failed when facing Hyuga mirror.

This made him a little uncomfortable for a while.

Suddenly, Hyuga Kyou activated Tenseisen and entered the 'Tenseisen Chakra Mode', and her whole body was wrapped in a blue-blue Tenseisen Chakra.

"Do you know?" After a pause, Hyuga Kyou raised the corners of her mouth: "The thing that Tenseisen is most afraid of is the front!"

Saying that, the nine 'Guodao Jade' lingering around Hyuga Kyou flew into his hands one by one, condensing into a dazzling golden sword!

Although Tenseisen does not have the 'time and space ability', the 'Tenseisen Chakra Mode' can deeply develop and use the 'Gu Dao Jade', so it has become a tasteless 'Gu Dao Jade' in the confrontation of the same level. In the hands of the attackers, it is still a magic weapon that can overcome the enemy and win.

Therefore, facing the shock, Tenseisen has nothing to fear!

Looking at Hyuga Kyo entering the 'Tensarayan Chakra Mode' of the 'Yan Luo' signature, holding the dazzling golden sword in his hand, the corner of Obito's eyes twitched slightly.

Immediately, his face sank: "Follow me again, still want to cheat me like before? Don't think I can't feel it, the chakra in your body is not enough!"

"Have you found out?"

Hyuga Kyou smiled, and immediately stuck out her left hand in the direction of the moon with a calm face.

Obito's expression suddenly froze, and he looked nervously at Hyuga Kyou's left hand, not understanding what Hyuga Kyo was doing.


However, a minute passed, nothing happened, only the night wind was blowing gently.


Both of them were a little embarrassed.

Hyuga Kyou, who couldn't hang on his face, glared at the moon and said, "Think about it!"


A large chapter of 4400 words, please recommend a ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

A large chapter of 4400 words, please recommend a ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

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