Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1377 New Shadow Guards (Ask for a monthly pass!)

Early the next morning, Hyuga Kyou and a group of advisors and elders in the village summoned his own Shadow Guard in Hokage's office.

"I have made a recommendation to the advisory elders, and it has been unanimously approved. From now on, you are the official Jōnin in the village."

As Hyuga Kyou spoke, she handed the brand new ninja certificate to the three people who were lined up in front of the desk.

After the three stepped forward to receive the new ninja certificate one by one, their faces showed joy.

In particular, although the title of Shangnin also contains the word "Shangnin", compared with the real Shangnin, there is a big gap in terms of authority and salary.

Red Bean, Gale, and Xiyan are all special jounin, and now they have been promoted to official jounin by Hyuga Kyo, so naturally they are very happy.

Hyuga Kyou smiled and then said: "You guys have been in the Shadow Guards for a few years, so I decided to transfer you to take up the guidance of Joinin, and first familiarize yourself with the command position."

The three of them didn't feel any resistance.

For one thing, with the strength of Hyuga Kyo's current immortals, their few Shangin can no longer play any role as guards. Duties, almost all of the time to protect Hinata Suzu.

Second, the positions of guidance on Shinobi arranged by Hyuga Kyo for them are very important positions, such as Kakashi, Asma, Kai, and mute, these elite members, or core figures, are all instructing the Shinobi.

It can be said that mentoring Shangnin is a compulsory course leading to elite Shangnin and commanders.

Suddenly, the silent red bean said, "Five generations, I don't want to be a guide for Shangnin!"

Hyuga Kyou asked, "Then what do you want to do?"

Hongdou said solemnly, "I want to join the investigation team for Orochimaru!"

"After so many years, haven't you put it down yet?"

Hyuga Kyou was a little speechless. He knew that Orochimaru had always been the knot of Red Bean's heart. Red Bean should have entered the inner circle of the village with Kakashi, Asma, and Mute. It was because of Orochimaru's defection that led her to this The status of Orochimaru's disciples in the village plummeted, but after all, after so many years, he didn't expect Hongdou to still care so much.

Red Bean shook his head: "I'm just not interested in serving as a guide!"

Hyuga Kyou said: "That's up to you, but this time things are a little weird. You may encounter unexpected dangers during the investigation. You'd better be mentally prepared."

Red Bean was decisive, without hesitation: "I'm ready!"

Hyuga Kyou nodded: "Okay, then you can report to Uchiha Itachi later. He is solely responsible for the investigation."

After Hongdou, Gale, and Xiyan left, Jiraiya on the sofa beside him asked Hyuga Kyou, "King, why did you suddenly disband the Shadow Guard?"

Three generations of Hokage, Koharu, Tsunade and Kakashi all cast suspicious glances.

Although Hyuga Kyou is the strongest in the ninja world now, there is no need to disband the Shadow Guard. After all, it is customary for Naruto to equip the Shadow Guard. Even if it is not used, it can be used as a direct team.

Hyuga Kyou said with a smile: "Who said I was going to disband the Shadow Guard, I just changed the members of the Shadow Guard."

The three generations of Hokage hurriedly asked: "Are you going to rebuild a shadow guard?"

Hyuga Kyou nodded, then shouted to the door, "Come in!"

dong dong...

After politely knocking on the door, Toto Otsutsuki, Naruto, and Sasuke filed in, and walked into the Hokage office under the watchful eyes of the advisors and elders.

Tsunade looked surprised: "They...the three of them are your new Shadow Guards?"

Several other consultant elders also looked different.

The strength of Toto Otsutsuki, who was included by Hyuga Kyo, was well known to the advisors and elders, but now Toto Otsutsuki already has Tenseigan, not to mention his strength.

And Naruto, Sasuke, who has received the gift of the 'Six Path Immortals', not only has the imprint of 'Yang Power' and 'Yin Power', but also has the 'Gu Dao Jade', while the other has a Gou Jade Samsara Eye .

Although these three people are not very old, without exception, they all belong to the powerhouses who have stepped into the 'sixth level' with one foot.

Hyuga Kyou smiled: "Of course not!"

The advisors and elders breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. If Hyuga Kyou brought all three of them into the Shadow Guard, then all Konoha's high-end combat power would be concentrated in this Shadow Guard.

At this time, Hyuga Kyou activated 'Yangquan Hirazaka', opened a space door, and said leisurely: "How can only three people be enough!"

As soon as Hyuga Kyou finished speaking, two figures crossed the space door and entered the office.

"Sun God!"

Toto Otsutsuki, Naruto, and Sasuke all froze for a while.

There is no doubt that the people who came to Hokage's office through the space door were not others, but Xianglin and Shion dressed as the god organization "Yangshen".

And Toto Otsutsuki, Naruto, and Sasuke have all dealt with the two of them. Although they don't know their true identities and appearances, they can be recognized at a glance just by their chakra breath and dress.

"Sun God?!"

All the advisors and elders in the office showed a puzzled look.

They are not unfamiliar with the members of the God Organization, such as 'Chuanzhu', 'Wind Chime', 'Flame Demon', 'Kidzo', etc. They have all dealt with each other more or less, and they have heard of names no matter how bad it is.

But they didn't hear much about the title 'Yangshen'.

Soon, Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces.

Because of the chakra fluctuations alone, the experienced ones judged that the 'yang gods' of these two gods were very powerful, even compared to the three gods of heaven, the descendants of immortals, Tototo Otsutsuki, Naruto, and Sasuke. , not much less.

Hyuga Kyou waved her hand and commanded, "Take off the mask!"

Xianglin and Shion immediately obeyed Hyuga Kyou's orders and took off the 'Yangshen' mask on their faces, revealing their true faces.

Naruto's eyes widened, and he pointed at Ziyuan: "Ziyuan, so... it was you, you turned out to be the 'Yangshen'!"

Ziyuan raised her eyebrows proudly: "Hehe!"

Sasuke stared straight at Xianglin's eyes: "Reincarnation Eye!"

Toto Otsutsuki also seriously looked at Xiang Phosphorus and Shion who had taken off their masks, because last time it was these two 'yang gods' who trapped him in the Styx River 'Santuchuan'...


The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

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