Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1404 Is it necessary? (Ask for a monthly pass)

Surprised by Obito's sharpness, Hyuga Kyou looked over in surprise.

Obito pouted: "Don't look at me like that, I have suffered so much from you, even if it is really a pig, I should learn to be smarter now!"

Hyuga Kyou smiled: "Yes, letting you attack Yanyin and snatch the Eye of Samsara is indeed only part of my plan."

Obito became serious: "Your purpose is to let me regain the eye of reincarnation righteously?"


Hyuga Kyou nodded.

Obito was a little puzzled: "Then why do you have to let me attack Yanyin? With your current strength, it should be easy to solve the other villages, right? You don't need to do this at all?"

"Resolve other villages?" After a pause, Hyuga Kyo shook her head: "No no no, I did this to keep them!"

Obito became more and more confused: "Keep other Ninja villages?"

Hyuga Kyou said: "If there is not enough threat, I don't need to take action at all, those Shinobi villages will slowly die out, so I have to do something to keep them vigilant and maintain the necessity of their existence."

Obitu asked incomprehensibly, "Why? You can clearly unify the ninja world right now and let everyone enjoy peace. Why do you do this?"

Hyuga Kyou glanced at Obito: "Peace?"

"Yes, you are now the strongest immortal in the ninja world. As long as you are here, the ninja world can stay away from wars and killings forever. There is no need for Shinobi villages to exist anymore!"

Hyuga Kyou shook his head.

Obitu's face sank: "Am I wrong?"

"Unfortunately, the ninja world is not an island!" After a faint sigh, Hyuga Kyou explained: "Your ideal peace is indeed desirable, but for the ninja world, absolute peace is a slow poison. It will castrate our fighting spirit, lower our vigilance, interfere with our judgment, and make us unable to resist when facing the predators in the stars!"

Obito asked, "The predators in the starry sky? You mean the Otsutsugi clan?"

Hyuga Kyou nodded lightly, and continued: "If there is only us in the universe, the peace you yearn for is not impossible to achieve, but the reality is that we are only a small part of this universe. If we cannot maintain sufficient competitiveness and vigilance, we will Like the lives on the planets that were destroyed by the Otsutsuki, they will completely perish in the universe, and even the traces of their existence will be obliterated."

"Aren't we more competitive when we are united?"

Hyuga Kyou chuckled: "Just imagine, if I eliminate all the disputes in the ninja world, will the ninja still have a basis for existence? If there is no battlefield as a stage to show talent, as a tool for testing diligence, the next generation of How should the children prove themselves? Are they based on seniority? Hokage's son will continue to be Hokage? Jōnin's son will continue to be Jōnin?"

Obito fell silent.

He really hadn't considered this issue. Although war has brought a lot of suffering to the ninja world, for ninjas, war is undoubtedly the fairest and fastest way to ascend.

Without the Second Ninja World War, there would be no "Konoha Sannin" famous in the ninja world, without the Third Ninja World War, there would be no civilian counterattack of "Golden Flash", and without Akatsuki, there would be no Hyuga Kyou. God organization.

Competition is often the best catalyst for progress.

Hyuga continued: "Before we completely master the technology of interstellar travel and can launch a comprehensive cosmic competition with Otsutsuki, I must retain the necessary internal competition and retain a stage for the younger generation and geniuses to show their talents. , I can't let the Ninja world become a stagnant water! So even without you, I will create a new Akatsuki organization, create a new shadow, and always hang over everyone's heads, so that everyone is vigilant and used to vigilance!"

Obito hesitated for a while: "The dangers of war..."

Hyuga Kyou waved her hand: "Don't worry, wars like the previous ones that affected several major countries and affected countless civilians will not happen again. Such wars are meaningless, they will only increase hatred and destroy the production base of the ninja world. What I need is a local conflict, a controlled confrontation."

Unlike the idealists of the first generation, Hyuga Kyou is very pragmatic.

He needs confrontation and competition, but these are only for the most critical technological progress, so he will control the intensity of competition and avoid fierce wars like the previous Ninja Wars.

In his plan, in the future, he will take the country of fire as the core, and use gentle means to gradually merge the surrounding small country and the country of water hanging on the sea, and bring the entire ocean under control and become an inner sea.

Then further compressed, the living space of Yunyin, Yanyin, and Sandyin will be brought under the control of some fertile areas of the Kingdom of Thunder, the Kingdom of Wind, and the Kingdom of Earth.

While retaining these three ninja villages, they completely lost the ability to launch large-scale wars, forcing them to transfer their spare funds from large-scale ninja training to the cultivation of elite ninjas and technology research and development.

To maintain this situation of fighting without breaking, competing with each other and cooperating with each other.

In this way, the geniuses and elites of both sides can have a stage to show themselves, and children such as Namifeng Minato from ordinary backgrounds but with extraordinary talent have a way to rise.

It also allows researchers from both sides to have an arena where they can compete with their respective research results and compete with each other.

In short, Hyuga Kyou needs Yunyin, Yanyin, and Sandyin to play the roles of 'competitors' and 'chasers', constantly spurring his subordinates, his researchers, and his juniors from behind.

When the ninja world has mastered mature interstellar travel and interstellar colonization technology, the role of this 'competitor' can be played by Otsutsuki, and the ninja world can be truly peaceful.

After a long silence, Obito asked, "Do we really need to do this? We really need to be vigilant all the time?"

Hyuga Kyou said, "You should have heard about my wedding, right?"

Obito nodded: "Well, I heard!"

Hyuga Kyou chuckled and said mockingly: "But you shouldn't know, I was almost on the timeline, and I was wiped out by that Otsutsuki in history, right?"


Obito was startled.

Hyuga Kyou talked about how he and Otsutsukiura-style used the Noble Phantasm ‘plough’ to compete in history, and immediately asked: “Now, do you think it is necessary?”


The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

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