Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1406 Complete the ten tails (seeking a monthly ticket!)

After some simple deliberation, a consensus was quickly reached at the Five Shadows Conference. As Hyuga Kyou expected, everyone unanimously passed the proposal to fully strangle the Akatsuki organization.

The proposal was passed, but how to operate it has stumped everyone.

Although the previous Fourth Ninja World War ended with the defeat of the Akatsuki organization, in fact, except for Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Madara who were defeated by Hyuga Kyou, the ordinary members of the Akatsuki organization did not directly participate in the war. , so there is not much loss.

For example, Akatsuki's Mist Squad, Scorpion, and Kakuto, Hidean and other elite ninjas on Nagato's side are all there.

In comparison, the ninja coalition was devastated by Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Madara successively. As the backbone of the Chunin, Shangnin suffered serious losses.

Therefore, if Hyuga Kyou and his shadow guards do not take action, then the advantage of the Ninja Allied Forces over Akatsuki will not be as great as imagined.

After all, Obito has taken away Uchiha Madara's eyes of reincarnation.

You must know that Uchiha Madara's reincarnation eyes have experienced the nourishment of the ten-tailed chakra, and under the control of Obito and Madara, they have twice entered the peak 'six-level' realm, and the first time with Hyuga Kyou. Just like the Tenseigan after the ceremony, the eye itself can be regarded as the 'Six Path Level' Reincarnation Eye.

After Obito regained these eyes, his strength was at the strongest level below the 'Six Paths' level. As long as Hyuga Kyou didn't make a move, even if several shadows from other villages came together, Obito would not be able to do anything.

Therefore, after the Five Shadows Conference ended, several shadows found Hyuga Kyou in the house of the owner of the Hyuga family, hoping that Hyuga Kyou could take action in person and wipe out the Akatsuki organization.

Kakashi, who accompanied several of the shadows, asked Hyuga Kyou, "King, what exactly did you plan? Why did you let Obito raid Yanyin and snatch the Samsara Eye?"

Hyuga Kyou smiled and asked, "The news of Akatsuki's reactivation should have spread by now, right?"

Kakashi's eyes narrowed, vaguely guessing something, and said: "Well, at the Five Shadows Conference just now, the ninja coalition has formed hundreds of search teams. How long does it take for the entire ninja world to know that the Akatsuki organization has reactivated and taken away the news of the Eye of Samsara."

"Very good, don't block the news, let the news spread as widely as possible." After a pause, Hyuga Kyo gave Kakashi a wink: "As for the search for the Akatsuki organization, you are responsible for it!"

Kakashi asked, "How much should it be?"

Hyuga Kyou said casually: "Don't let the people from Akatsuki's organization really get caught. If you have the right opportunity, you can also pretend to play a few games, as long as you don't get caught!"

Kakashi asked again: "Mirror, are you doing this for those big tsutsutsuki?"


Hyuga Kyou nodded.

After getting a positive answer, Kakashi stopped asking more questions and turned around to arrange it.

After Kakashi left, Hyuga Kyou directly activated 'Yangquan Hirazaka', and then stepped into the deep space door.

In a blink of an eye, Hyuga Kyou came to the air fortress floating on the sea, then walked to the power room, and carefully inspected the giant Tenseisen that was merging.

"With this progress, the fusion should be completed within a week!"

After more than a month of fusion, the fusion state of the giant Tenseigan is coming to an end. According to Hyuga Kyou's estimation, in one week, the fusion should be over.

According to the situation of the inspection, Hyuga Kyou can now be sure that after the fusion is completely completed, his giant Tenseigan will definitely be able to step into the 'Six Path Level'.

In fact, the giant Tenseigan on the moon itself is already very close to the 'sixth level', otherwise, Totoro Otsutsuki would not be able to use it to control the moon to hit the ninja world.

After all, the moon in the ninja world is not a naturally generated celestial body.

It is a man-made celestial body condensed by Otsutsuki Yui and the Hamura brothers with the powerful sealing technique of the 'Six Path Level', the "Six Path Earth Blast Star".

If there is no power close to the "sixth level", it cannot affect the movement of the moon.

So whether it is the giant Tenseigan on the moon fused into the giant Tenseisen of the Hyuga clan, or vice versa, after the two become one, they will become a true 'six-path-level' life form.

"One week..."

After muttering to herself, Hyuga Kyou left the power room and invited Gaara.

Asahi bowed to the mirror, Gaara asked, "Sir, what are you looking for me for?"

Hyuga Kyou said: "I need to borrow a tail temporarily!"

"Follow your arrangements!"

Although there were some surprises, Gaara didn't hesitate.

Hyuga Kyou didn't talk nonsense, and started 'Yangquan Hirazaka' again, and brought Gaara to the 'Shenwei Space' of Obito.

Obito, who had re-transplanted the Samsara eye, was still in the adaptation period. Seeing that Hyuga Kyo brought a young man, he looked at him curiously, and his expression changed immediately: "This he a man-in-the-tail? !"

Obito was very familiar with the various tailed beasts, Chakra, because he had resurrected Ten Tails, and he recognized the identity of Gaara Ichitari, Zhuri.


Hyuga Kyou nodded.

Obito said with emotion: "It turns out that Yiwei has always been in your hands, I thought Yiwei was in the resurrection period!"

Hyuga Kyou smiled: "I didn't expect you to be able to revive ten tails without one tail."

Obito said, "Why did you bring Ichitori Shuri here?"

Hyuga Kyou looked at the sealed ten tails, and said lightly: "It is not the ten tails that are in their peak state. It doesn't work much for me, so I need to bring it back to its peak!"

After Obito's efforts in the Fourth Ninja World War, the ten tails in front of him have completed the eight tailed beasts of two tails, three tails, four tails, five tails, six tails, seven tails, eight tails, and nine tails. complete body.

For ordinary people, the ten tails in this state are already super weapons, whether it is Obito or Madara, they all rely on the ten tails in this state to successfully enter the 'sixth level'.

But for Hyuga Kyo's "blood follower net", the current state of Juwei still owes something.

So he specially brought Gaara, just to fill the last missing tail for the ten tails, so that the ten tails can return to the peak state before being dismembered by the 'Six Path Immortals'.

Only the ten tails in their peak state are barely qualified to become the trump card of Hyuga Kyo's "blood follower"...


The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

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