After being silent for a while, Hyuga Kyou said slowly: "Actually, you can try to explore Itachi's tone. In the Uchiha clan, you must have a few helpers."

Shishui was a little puzzled: "Why do you have to choose Weasel?"

Hyuga Kyou said casually: "As you said, he is the next patriarch of your Uchiha. If you can make him agree with our actions, I think you can feel better too!"

This is of course not the real reason for Hyuga Kyou to win over Itachi.

There is only one real reason to win Itachi, and that is Itachi's potential, and it is worthy of Hyuga Kyou to win over and spend time!

Shishui still insisted on his own opinion: "Senior, I think your idea is unrealistic, and once the negotiation fails, our actions will be exposed."

Seeing Shishui insisting so much, Hyuga Kyou weighed it a little and didn't continue to stop the water reluctantly, and said, "Then listen to you."

In fact, Shishui didn't know his position in Itachi's mind.

For the vast majority of ordinary people, measuring the status of one person in another person's heart is a complicated and difficult to get accurate answer.

But the Uchiha family is different.

Uchiha clansmen are often emotional and prone to extremes, so there is a very simple way to accurately determine a person's status in the mind of a Uchiha clan.

That is whether the death of this person can stimulate the Uchiha clansman and make him open his eyes, or evolve a kaleidoscope to write round eyes.

The injury of his best friend Kakashi has prevented him from awakening Sharinyan. Obito, who was called "the tail of the crane" at the same time, awakened Sharinyan, and he awakened two gouyu Sharinyan at one time.

Lin's death made Obito evolve directly from the two-gou jade writing wheel eye to the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

From this example, we can see the status of Kakashi and Lin in Obito's mind.

In the same way, the death of Zhishui can stimulate Itachi to evolve his own kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and nothing else is mentioned. This alone shows the position of Zhishui in Itachi's heart.

It can be said that Shisui's death destroyed Itachi's confidence in trying to mend the rift between the family and the village, forcing him to make up his mind to choose one side and abandon the other.

After not mentioning the matter of wooing Itachi, Hyuga Kyou and Shisui whispered about a plan to plot against Uchiha Ryota and Uchiha Hideki.

First of all, this action must be carried out in the name of the 'God Organization'.

Only in this way can the Uchiha clan deeply feel the threat and shift the spearhead from the village to the "God Organization".

Therefore, this time, not only do we have to deal with Ryota Uchiha and Hideki Uchiha neatly, but also deliberately leave a witness, and this witness should preferably be a member of the Uchiha clan.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhishui frowned and said, "The problem now is that Ryota and Yingshu don't live together. Although they are brothers, they are usually busy with official business and rarely meet in private. I want to catch them all together. not easy."

Hyuga mirror also pondered.

It's easy to ask Zhishui to ask the two of them out, but this may expose Zhishui and cause more trouble, so this attack, it's best not to have anything to do with Zhishui.

After thinking about it, I couldn't think of a way to get the best of both worlds. Hyuga Kyou simply said, "Then let's pick one first!"

Shishui had no choice but to nod and say, "I'm afraid that's the only way to go, but who shall we attack first? Ryota or Yingshu?"

"Start with Uchiha Hideki first!" After a pause, Hyuga Kyou explained to Shisui, "Isn't Uchiha Ryota very arrogant? As long as we deal with his brother first, with his temperament, he will never give up. , I will definitely investigate this matter with all my strength, and when that time comes, we will have many opportunities to deal with him."

"Okay, I'm going to inquire about Yingshu's whereabouts and choose a suitable place to start."

After all, Zhishui hurriedly left Hyuga Kyou's house.

After Shishui left, Hyuga Kyou took out a map from the bookshelf and spread it out on the table.

This is a map of Konoha Village, which he hand-painted by himself a few days ago. Although it is not very accurate, it is more than enough for reference only.

Looking around the area outside the village on the map, Hyuga Kyou frowned more and more tightly.

After a while, he sighed lightly: "Hey, there really isn't any hidden place near the village."

Hyuga Kyou checked the map in order to build a prison to imprison those Uchiha clansmen who were about to be plotted against him.

Yes, Hyuga Kyou did not intend to kill Uchiha Ryota and Uchiha Hideki.

In Hyuga Kyou's view, the living Uchiha clansmen represent infinite possibilities and are far more valuable than a writing wheel in a jar.

Therefore, Hyuga Kyou always felt that Danzo was short-sighted, thinking that he had obtained some writing wheel eyes and received all the inheritance of the Uchiha clan, but in fact, whether Obito or Itachi, did not take him too seriously. Only Sasuke's temperament would rush to find him and regard him as Uchiha's enemy.

Thinking of experimenting with the Uchiha clan, ideas flashed in Hyuga Kyou's mind.

In fact, he has a method that can make the Uchiha people open the kaleidoscope with a high probability.

This method is not complicated. First of all, choose an excellent Uchiha tribesman with three-goose jade writing wheel eyes. It is best that this Uchiha tribesman has a favorite lover.

Then let Shisui cast the strongest illusion 'Beyond God' on the Uchiha clan, further strengthening the Uchiha clan's feelings for his lover, let him be like Obito Erin, love the lover more than all the people in the world everything.

Finally, in his presence, kill his lover!

Hyuga Kyou believes that after the strongest illusion "Bie Tenjin" increases the emotion, when the beloved lover dies, the Uchiha clansman will definitely go berserk.

At that time, the probability of him evolving a kaleidoscope writing wheel must be extremely high.

But just thinking about it, Hyuga Kyou put the idea behind her.

Because this method is really too sinister, to play with the will of others, but also to hurt the innocent, even Hyuga Kyo, who has always pursued self-interest, feels too immoral.

What's more, Hyuga Kyou is very sure that Shishui will never agree to use 'Bietianjin' in this way.

Unlike other Uchihas who are obsessed with power, Shisui has always maintained a sense of reverence for his own power.

If other Uchiha clansmen can play 100% of their own strength, and a genius like Itachi can play 110% of his own strength, then if he is used to restraining himself, he can only play at most 80% of his own. strength.

This is due to his personality, and it is difficult to change the day after tomorrow, unless he casts 'Bie Tianshen' on himself...

Second, ask for a recommendation ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you!

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