As soon as she stepped into the cave where Uchiha Ryota was imprisoned, Hyuga Kyou felt a sinister gaze, a kind of resentment that wanted to eat flesh and blood!

Hyuga Kyou didn't care, and said casually, "Your spirit today looks pretty good."

Uchiha Ryo said coldly: "I just heard Hideki's voice. It's pointless for you to torture us like this. No matter what you really want, you will only get disappointed in the end!"

From this sentence, Uchiha Ryota actually revealed that he already knew in his heart why Hyuga Kyou tortured and stimulated their brothers so much.

Hyuga Kyou deliberately remained silent for a while before saying, "I really have no patience."

Uchiha Ryota stared at Hyuga Kyou: "Yes, then give our brothers a treat!"


Hyuga Kyou clapped her hands.

Before long, the puppet dragged the scarred Hideki Uchiha clone to the cave.

In just a moment, Ryota Uchiha's attention was attracted by the two bloody holes in the eye sockets of Uchiha Hideki's clone!

In an instant, the blue veins on Uchiha Ryota's forehead bulged, and the whole face flushed with anger!

Undoubtedly, due to the fact that his chakra was imprisoned by the 'four elephant seals', his body was also in a trance due to long-term torture, and he was stimulated by the two eye-catching blood holes in the eye sockets of the clone, Uchiha Ryo was too fundamental. He couldn't calm down, so he couldn't tell that the one in front of him was just a clone of his brother Uchiha Hideki.

Hyuga Kyou said at this time: "I accept your brother's writing wheel eye."

Ryota Uchiha gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "I think you must be eyeing my Shaker, don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

After speaking, Uchiha Ryota's anger gradually subsided, his eyes returned to clarity, and he seemed to have accepted his fate.

Seeing that Uchiha Ryota was a little bit broken, Hyuga Kyou frowned, and he suddenly realized that his stimulation to Uchiha Ryota was too rough.

As the commander of the Uchiha clan's execution unit that specializes in dirty work, Ryota Uchiha must have a strong mental quality, so 'death' may not have much deterrence to him.

In addition, he has been imprisoned here for so many days. With his shrewdness, he should understand that the two brothers have no way to survive, so he is afraid that he has already prepared the two brothers to go to Huangquan together. And once there is such a mental preparation, even if Hyuga Kyou kills Uchiha Hideki in front of him, I am afraid it will be difficult to stimulate him.

After realizing this, Hyuga Kyou realized that although she had made various preparations, these preparations were still not perfect in the face of the cunning Uchiha Ryota.

But at this time, Uchiha Hideki's clone had already been put out, and he could no longer interrupt the stimulation test, so he twisted Uchiha Hideki's clone, approached Uchiha Ryota, and asked: "What do you think I should do with this crap?"

Uchiha Ryota's eyes flashed a struggle, but he soon regained his firmness, his eyes moved from Uchiha Hideki's clone to Hyuga Kyou, and then he didn't say a word.

Hyuga Kyou didn't hesitate, took out the Kunai directly, cut the throat of Uchiha Hideki's clone, and splashed the blood column on Uchiha Ryota's face.


The sound of the blood column splashing echoed in the silent cave, as if this sound was the only sound left in the whole world.

Contrary to Hyuga Kyo's expectations, when the blood splattered on Uchiha Ryota's face, he didn't even blink, letting the blood splatter his face and dye his pupils red.

His dark eyes, stained with blood, shone with a strange brilliance, giving people a feeling of incomparable evil.

And he was expressionless, staring at Hyuga Kyou, as if to engrave the outline of Hyuga Kyo in his mind and imprint it into his soul!

Under the grimace mask, Hyuga Kyou's Tenseikan slowly opened.

Through the careful observation of Tenseigan, Hyuga Kyou found that the chakra in Uchiha Ryota's body did react violently at the moment when the blood spurted out.

But this level is obviously not enough to stimulate Uchiha Ryota to awaken the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

If the stimulation that Uchiha Hideki received just now was close to a tenth of a perfect score, then the stimulation that Uchiha Ryota is receiving at this moment is probably not even five points.

"It really failed!"

Hyuga Kyou was unmoved on the surface, but she sighed secretly in her heart.

This Uchiha Ryo has exceeded his expectations too many times, which made him both uncomfortable and had to feel admiration. He felt that if he was in this kind of environment, he might have collapsed.

Just when Hyuga Kyou restrained her thoughts and accepted the failure, suddenly, his Tenseisen noticed an extremely subtle detail.

He found that there was an almost imperceptible wear and tear on one of the sealing techniques in the "Four Signs Seal" that he applied to Uchiha Ryota.

The worn-out sealing technique is located at the back of Uchiha Ryota's waist.

This position is in the blind spot of Hyuga Kyou. Fortunately, Hyuga Kyou has Tensei Eyes, and any detail in the smallest detail cannot escape his eyes. Otherwise, he may not be able to perceive it.

"This wear and tear is not accidental, he is using the few chakras he can mobilize to seal the spell on his body a little bit secretly!"

In just an instant, Hyuga Kyou reacted.

Uchiha Ryota did not give up as completely as he showed, and he was still secretly trying to save himself.

Hyuga Kyou smiled secretly, wanting to break Uchiha Ryota's plot and make him give up completely, but when it came to his mouth, he temporarily changed his mind and said nothing, just motioned for the puppet to bring Uchiha Hideki's clone body, then turned and left the cave where Uchiha Ryota was imprisoned.

Back in the office, Hyuga Kyou sorted out the progress of today's test in her mind, and then took down the notebook from the bookshelf.

After spreading it out, he wrote hastily.

"'Sad' stimulation, all failure..."

"Uchiha Hideki doesn't seem to have the qualifications to awaken the kaleidoscope, and suspend all experiments on him..."

"Uchiha Ryota already has psychological construction, and the stimulation of 'sadness' has an extremely poor effect on him..."

"Next step, 'desperate'..."

Writing this, the corners of Hyuga Kyou's mouth were slightly raised and curved.

When she realized that Uchiha Ryota had not completely given up and was still trying to save herself, a plan flashed in Hyuga Kyou's mind. This plan seemed absurd, but it seemed just right to deal with people like Uchiha Ryota. Prescribe the right medicine.

Looking back at the dark cave, Hyuga Kyou murmured, "How can I create despair if I don't give you some hope?"

Second more!

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