
After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Uchiha Ryo too strongly stood up.

The fire escape he used just now, 'Heroic Fire Extinguishing', he himself took a solid hit, so at this moment, he not only broke his arm, but also suffered extensive burns on his body.

Even with the physique of the elite Jounin, this level of injury is almost the limit that Uchiha Ryota can bear.

At this time, Uchiha Ryotai half squatted in front of the corpse of the grimace mask man, and reached out to reveal the other party's grimace mask.

The appearance under the grimace mask was quickly revealed, and Uchiha Ryota's eyes suddenly sank: "Hmph, it turns out to be a colleague of Shisui Anbu class, it seems to be called Hyuga Kyou... Hyuga's family, I will write down this hatred. now..."

Then, Uchiha Ryota's eyes fell on the sharp and unusually sharp dagger held in Hyuga Kyou's hand.

"It's a good sword!"

With a compliment, Uchiha Ryota easily pinned it to his waist.

After killing the enemy and confirming the identity of the enemy, Uchiha Ryota has only one thought left at this moment, that is, to find the pair of writing wheel eyes that his brother Uchiha Hideki was dug out as soon as possible, and then quickly leave here.

So he stood up, dragged his exhausted body, and staggered out of the cave where he was imprisoned. From beginning to end, he didn't even look at the scorched broken arm on the ground.

Following the dark passage, he came to a candle-lit room.

In the room, there are all kinds of tables, chairs and benches, and there are books and ink on the table. From the furnishings alone, Ryota Uchiha can judge that this should be Hyuga Kyou's office.

Coming to the desk, Uchiha Ryota's eyes immediately fell on the notebook on the desk with the cover of "Uchiha Ryota" written on it.

In an indescribable mood, Uchiha Ryota opened the notebook.

What is recorded in the notebook is every stimulation experiment that Hyuga Kyo performed on Uchiha Ryota, and even some comments and speculations from Hyuga Kyou.

Looking at the extremely cold words in the notebook, as the person being tested and being played with, Ryota Uchiha suddenly fell into boundless rage.


In the sound of breaking wind, the cold light flickered, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal!

Uchiha Ryota was furious, wielding the sharp dagger seized from Hyuga Kyou, and chopped up the notebook together with the desk.

While breathing heavily, he thought: "They actually wanted to use this method to stimulate my awakening of the Kaleidoscope Shaker, no wonder they never killed me, it turns out that what they coveted is the Kaleidoscope Shaker of our Uchiha clan. !"

After reading the notebook, Ryo Uchiha knew everything.

Although he had some vague guesses before, even he, the Uchiha clan, knew nothing about the Kaleidoscope Shaker, so he couldn't determine the other party's motive.

It wasn't until he witnessed the 'stimulus test' item on the notebook that he understood that the other party's purpose was not just the three-hooked jade writing round eyes in his and his brother's eye sockets.

What the other party really wants is a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels!

"Brother, I swear to you! I will find out all the culprits behind the scenes, and kill them one by one myself!"

After making an oath in his heart, Ryota Uchiha left the room.

At this time, he knew very well that with his current physical condition, he had to evacuate, but he couldn't convince himself to leave unless he found the writing wheel that his brother Uchiha Hideki was dug out.

So he continued to move forward along the dark passage, his steps heavy, but very firm.

At the end of the passage, there is a gate engraved with Uchiha's 'Tuan Fan' family emblem. Bright candlelight shoots out from the crack of the door, indicating the light behind the door.

"Why is the family's family emblem engraved on the door?" Uchiha Ryota was a little puzzled, and then he thought: "Could it be that there is a secret library where our Uchiha family's writing wheels are stored?"

With that in mind, he quickened his pace and walked to the front door.

But just as he was about to open the door, he suddenly took a step back and drew the dagger from his waist again.

At this time, Uchiha Ryota, although seriously injured and exhausted, was just one step away from awakening Uchiha's elite Junin, whose perception ability is beyond doubt.

The moment he pushed the door, he keenly felt the sound of breathing and heartbeat behind the door.

This undoubtedly shows that there is someone in the room behind the door, and for some reason, the other party gives him a very familiar feeling, but this familiarity is mixed with some strangeness, which makes him feel very strange.

After hesitating for a moment, Uchiha Ryotai was heartbroken, kicked open the door, and rushed into the house.

The house was brightly lit, which formed a strong contrast with the dark cave before. Even with the three-goose jade writing wheel eye, Uchiha Ryota blinked uncomfortably, and subconsciously reached out to block some of the lights.

At this time, a plain and cold voice sounded in the room: "Liangtai, you can find me here, and it really didn't disappoint me!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Ryota Uchiha was startled and blurted out, "Brother...Brother!?"

At this time, Uchiha Ryota's eyes still did not adapt to the strong light in the room. He could only vaguely see that there was a gorgeous high-back chair in the room with his back facing him, and the voice just now seemed to be uploaded from the chair. come.

Just as Uchiha Ryota was struggling to adjust to the strong light in the room, the high-back chair turned around.

Looking at the person sitting on the high-backed chair, Uchiha Ryota's pupils shrank suddenly, and the one arm holding the dagger slowly drooped down.

Sitting on the high-back chair was not someone else, but his brother Uchiha Hideki.

I saw Uchiha Hideki wearing the eye-catching black gold-trimmed cloak of the "God Organization", without wearing a mask, and sitting lazily on the high-back chair, his expression was full of leisure and comfort.

Uchiha Ryota asked, "Why!"

His voice was inaudible, and it seemed that he was not asking Uchiha Hideki in front of him, but his own soul.

Uchiha Hideki on the high-back chair said lightly: "My stupid brother, don't you understand?"

Uchiha Ryota stared at Uchiha Hideki: "I'm asking you why!"

This time, his voice was louder, but his tone was still full of hesitation and bewilderment.

Uchiha Hideki smiled and explained: "The secret to opening the kaleidoscope is the extreme love and hate, I know you love me, so you will give me the kaleidoscope, right? "

Uchiha Ryota stepped back and shook his head: "No, you're not Hideki, he wouldn't treat me like this!"

At this time, Uchiha Hideki, who was on the high-back chair, slowly closed his eyes, and then suddenly opened them, and immediately, the Uchiha family's symbol of the writing wheel appeared in his eye sockets...

The first!

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