
In an instant, a violent whirlwind swept all around, accompanied by a loud cracking sound, the rock wall of the cave that was originally very solid collapsed and collapsed inch by inch!

The collapse of the mountain wall, followed by a cloud of smoke and dust.

Amid the roaring smoke and dust and scattered stone chips, he returned to the Hyuga mirror on the body of the deity Yindun, and his eyes gradually became condensed.

Looking at the two 'Susanoo' standing in front of him, whose appearance and color are very similar, the expression on his face is extremely complicated, there are surprises, surprises, and a little emotion.

"I really didn't expect it..."

This scene was indeed somewhat beyond Hyuga Kyou's expectations.

Uchiha Hideki, who is on the verge of collapse, has long been judged by Hyuga Kyo as a cripple who has no aptitude to awaken the kaleidoscope, and even forcibly expelled Hyuga Kyo's soul from his body.

This was the first time that Hyuga Kyou tasted the feeling of being forcibly expelled from the host body when she used Tensei Eye's 'soul descent technique'.

You must know that before that, Uchiha Hideki had fallen into a deep coma because he was on the verge of collapse, lost all response to the outside world, and was almost reduced to a vegetative state.

Therefore, Hyuga Kyou came up with the idea of ​​using the 'soul descent technique' to control him and complete the last round of stimulation experiments on Uchiha Ryota.

But I never thought that when Uchiha Ryota's desolate figure was really seen, Uchiha Hideki's consciousness fell into a deep sleep, and he woke up without warning.

Not only that, under the suppression of Hyuga Kyou's will, Uchiha Hideki even tried to forcibly open the writing wheel!

Yes, when Hyuga Kyou manipulated Uchiha Hideki to talk with Uchiha Ryota, Uchiha Hideki suddenly opened the writing wheel, not by Hyuga Kyou.

The situation at that time was that Uchiha Hideki's will has been trying to open the writing wheel, and Hyuga Kyou's will is trying his best to suppress it.

After hearing Uchiha Ryota's questioning about Uchiha Hideki's true identity, Hyuga Kyou pondered for a while, and immediately removed the suppression of Uchiha Hideki's will, allowing Uchiha Hideki to open the writing wheel.

This move, although confirmed the identity of Uchiha Ryota to Uchiha Ryota, dispelled Uchiha Ryota's last suspicion, and made Uchiha Ryota completely fall into grief and despair.

But with the opening of Sharinyan, in the conscious confrontation with Hyuga Kyou, Uchiha Hideki's will gradually gained the upper hand and regained control of part of his body.

This is why later, Hideki Uchiha on the high-back chair behaved strangely, with a distorted expression, pressing his left hand over his right hand, as if he were competing with himself again.

That's because at that time, Hyuga Kyou's will and Uchiha Hideki's will were in Uchiha Hideki's body, having an extremely fierce battle of wills.

In the end, the love for his younger brother made Uchiha Hideki, a cripple who was on the verge of collapse in spirit and extremely weak in body, burned all his potential, forcibly awakened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and successfully drove the will of Hyuga Kyou from the body. go out.



At this time, the two 'Susanohu' with similar colors and appearances roared at each other with grief and indignation at the same time!

Uchiha Ryota, who had only one arm, held his forehead with one hand, while breathing heavily, he said, "Brother, it turns out that I have always been living in your lies! Your aptitude is actually far higher than mine, I am The so-called family genius is a complete joke!"

Uchiha Hideki, who had just seized control of his body, tried his best to open his mouth, trying to explain something, but his mouth could only make a sound of 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'.

Needless to say, he has not fully regained full control of his body.

In addition, he had just fought a will-level battle and forcibly awakened the Kaleidoscope Shaker. At this time, his spiritual power had reached its limit.

Seeing that Uchiha Hideki, who was under 'Susanohu', was half-kneeling on the ground, seemingly adapting to the power of the kaleidoscope, Ryo Uchiha said coldly: "Actually, you are the real genius. You Without talking big, awakening the kaleidoscope writing wheel is really an easy thing for you."

Uchiha Hideki stood up at this time, and in a very weird tone, he stammered: "Ryo... Ryota, little... Be careful!"

"Be careful!?" Uchiha Ryo snorted too coldly, and said, "Be careful, are you going to have your eyes gouged? Come on, if the two of us win, whoever wins will have eternal light! If we lose It's me, I'll give you my kaleidoscope writing wheel!"

Uchiha Ryota knows very well that with his current physical state, the possibility of winning is slim, but even if there is no chance of winning, he has to fight, this is his last stubbornness!

After all, Uchiha Ryota urged his 'Susanoh' to punch Uchiha Hideki's 'Susanoh'!


There was another wave of earth shaking, gravel splashing, and smoke flying.

With just one punch, Uchiha Hideki's 'Susanoo' was severely knocked to the ground, and the figure of 'Susanoo' was a bit illusory, and it seemed that it was difficult to maintain.

Seemingly aware of something, Uchiha Ryota frowned and asked, "No, why is your chakra so weak?"

Ryota Uchiha, who was weak and seriously injured, was almost running out of fuel, but with one blow, he found that his brother Uchiha Hideki's chakra was even weaker than him, which forced him to Doubt.

Uchiha Hideki had completely taken control of his body at this time, and while breathing heavily, he explained: "Ryota, stop, we are all being toyed with!"

Although Uchiha Ryota was skeptical, he stopped attacking because of his long-standing trust in his brother.

Uchiha Hideki looked around vigilantly, and then explained: "The other party has a strong illusion that can control my body. I barely regained control of my body after I awakened the Kaleidoscope Shaker! Be careful, He should be around by now!"

Uchiha Ryota heard the words and immediately became vigilant.

With the pupil power of his kaleidoscope, he could easily tell that his brother Uchiha Hideki's weakness was not disguised, so he instantly understood that he and his brother were all being played with.

The deity of Hyuga Kyou is nearby, so Uchiha Hideki, who opened the kaleidoscope, and the Uchiha Ryota brothers soon found his trace.

Hyuga Jing Shi Shiran walked out of the ruins and said slowly: "I thought you would fight for a while, but I didn't expect things to develop to such a degree that you two brothers still maintain trust in each other."

Uchiha Hideki and Uchiha Ryota at the same time urged 'Susanohu' to come over!

Beneath the two incomparably huge orange-yellow 'Susanoo', Hyuga Kyou's figure is extremely small, and it feels like an ant facing the two gods...

The first!

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