Regarding the fusion of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker, Hyuga Kyou is actually half-understood, because in this regard, there are really not too many precedents for him to refer to.

As far as he knows, only Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke have completed the fusion of the eternal kaleidoscope.

Among them, Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Quanna, the brothers' kaleidoscope Sharinye, have unique pupil technique. Hyuga Kyou is not aware of the pupil technique. It is difficult to verify, so the fusion of their brother Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker Eyes has little reference value for Hyuga Kyou.

Therefore, the only ones who can really give Hyuga Kyou some reference are the brothers Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke.

Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope Sharinyan's unique pupil skills are 'Yue Du' and 'Amaterasu'.

Before his death, Itachi used a 'transcription seal' to seal 'Amaterasu' in Sasuke Uchiha's writing wheel. Once Sasuke saw Obito's writing wheel, he would automatically activate the seal in his eyes. 'Amaterasu'.

Coincidentally, when Sasuke awakened the Kaleidoscope Shaker, he also possessed the ability of 'Amaterasu', which became the only example so far where two pairs of Kaleidoscope Shakers possess the same unique pupil technique.

Hyuga Kyou couldn't tell whether this was a coincidence, or when Itachi sealed his "Amaterasu" in Sasuke's writing wheel with the "transfer seal", which indirectly had a certain impact on Sasuke's awakened kaleidoscope writing wheel in the future.

But this gave Hyuga Kyou an idea. The 'transcription seal' may have an impact on the pupil technique of the Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye to a certain extent.

If this speculation is true, then Hyuga Kyou has an idea of ​​the best of both worlds.

The idea is not complicated. It is to use the 'transcription seal' to seal Uchiha Hideki's 'Amaniwato' into the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye of Uchiha Ryota's right eye.

In this way, when integrating pupil power, there may be a certain possibility that Uchiha Ryota's right eye will inherit Uchiha Hideki's unique pupil technique "Ama Iwato".

As for the original ability of Uchiha Ryota's right eye, that is, the ability to reduce the consumption of chakra of 'Susanohu', for Hyuga Kyou, it is relatively dispensable.

Hyuga Kyou paced to another room in the secret laboratory while thinking about the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

This room was temporarily opened by him, the walls were additionally reinforced, and the surrounding areas were covered with sealing spells and detonating charms that could blow up the room in an instant.

There are not many furnishings in the room, only two large nutrition tanks are placed in the center.

It wasn't anyone else in the nutrient tank, it was the brothers Hideki Uchiha and Ryota Uchiha, who had been removed by Hyuga Kyo one after another.

After the previous battle, the two brothers Uchiha Hideki and Uchiha Ryota were injured more and more. In addition, the kaleidoscope was removed, and their bodies were weakened to the limit. If it wasn't for Hyuga Kyo's treatment, they would have I'm afraid it's already dead.

But despite the timely treatment by Hyuga Kyo, the two of them were still severely traumatized physically and mentally, and it was impossible to return to their peak state.

Standing in front of the large nutrition tank, Hyuga Kyou looked at the unconscious Uchiha brothers and felt a little emotional.

In the previous battle, the reason why Hyuga Kyou won so easily was mainly because the Uchiha brothers were both weak and seriously injured. If the Uchiha brothers were in their prime, and gave their brothers a month to adapt to the newly awakened With the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Hyuga Kyou couldn't have won so easily.

Putting away the emotion, Hyuga Kyou carefully checked it again and again.

Although the Uchiha brothers have become useless, and even the kaleidoscope in their eyes have been removed, Hyuga Kyou is still not sloppy at all, and he has not leaked the seal that should be applied, and he also directly injected the anesthetic. Injected into the nutrient tank to ensure that the Uchiha brothers will remain in a coma.

Hyuga Kyou did this mainly because he wanted the Uchiha brothers, who contributed two pairs of kaleidoscopes to him, to suffer less pain.

Although Hyuga Kyou is obsessed with research, she is not a ruthless lunatic. Since the goal has been achieved, continuing to torture people is not only meaningless to him, but also makes him feel very uncomfortable.

Leaving the room where the Uchiha brothers were imprisoned, Hyuga Kyou thought while returning to the experimental area: "Before trying to integrate the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel, you must first learn to 'transcribe the seal'."

The seal technique based on pupil power, such as 'transfer seal', was undoubtedly developed by the Uchiha family, so if you want to learn the 'transfer seal', you have to start with the Uchiha family.

However, these are not the top priorities of Hyuga Kyou.

Hyuga Kyou's top priority now is how to clear the suspicion, how to integrate the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, whether to clone a Huo Dun clone with Uchiha bloodline, etc., all can be considered later.

Paralyzed on the chair, Hyuga Kyo closed her eyes and rested herself, while perfecting the plan to clear the suspicion from Shishui.

After all this tossing tonight, Hyuga Kyou was actually quite tired, but he was still a little excited before, so he temporarily covered up his fatigue, and now that all the gains have been counted, fatigue naturally swept in.

After taking a breath, Hyuga Kyou turned out the map, rubbed her forehead, and planned various retreat routes and hiding spots.

Because Hyuga Kyou is the Anbu responsible for monitoring the encirclement and suppression of the "God Organization", he knows the encirclement and suppression operations deployed by Danzo very well.

Therefore, no one knew better than him where it was safest to show up, and where it was easiest to retreat.


Early the next morning.

As usual, after Shishui dispatched Xinya, he practiced the shuriken technique by himself in the small courtyard at home.




With the sound of a metal crash, the water that was churning in the air slowly fell to the ground.

He raised his head and glanced at several targets placed at different angles, and found that the red hearts of the targets were all stuck with a shuriken, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

This method of colliding with shuriken, changing the path in the air, and hitting different targets, even among the Uchiha clan, is considered a relatively high-end shuriken throwing skill.

clap clap...

At this moment, there was a burst of applause in the courtyard.

Zhishui looked back and smiled, "Itachi, you are here!"

"Big Brother Zhishui, and me!"

A small figure came out from behind Itachi who was applauding.

Shishui laughed and teased: "So Sasuke is here too, I'm really sorry, you are too small, I didn't see it just now."

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