Konoha's response this time was very swift, it only took less than half a day for the encirclement and suppression troops to mobilize to the final departure.

The Uchiha clan who participated in it even dispatched most of the elite clansmen, including the patriarch Fuyue and Zhishui.

After a few days of trekking, the large force arrived at the area where Hiiragi Uchiha encountered members of the God Organization before.

At this time, Danzo, the commander-in-chief, pointed to the large map spread on the ground with a cane, and announced the detailed deployment of this encirclement and suppression operation to everyone.

"Jiraiya, you lead the first detachment and are in charge of the search in the west..."

"Lu Jiu, you lead the second detachment and are in charge of the search in the south..."

"Daily difference, you lead the third detachment and are responsible for the search in the north..."

"Fuyue, you lead the police force and are in charge of the search in the east..."

Jiraiya and others responded in unison.

This deployment was negotiated during the previous meeting in the Hokage Building, so everyone had no objection.

After explaining the deployment, Danzo glanced at Shisui, who had not shown up for a long time, then immediately withdrew his gaze, and continued in a hoarse and low voice: "It is not ruled out that the other party's sudden appearance this time may have other conspiracies. , so pay special attention when searching, and keep the communication between the various teams unblocked!"

Jiraiya put on a rare serious look at this time, and added: "According to the information, a new member of the god organization appeared this time, and the pattern of the mask on his face is gusty wind. According to the pattern of the god organization mask and the Due to the correlation of the code names, I speculate that this new member of the God Organization is very likely to be a wind escape ninja, so please make a plan for fighting against the wind escape ninja in advance."

After listening to Jiraiya's words, everyone nodded.

With or without a plan, when encountering a strong enemy, the results are often very different, so gathering intelligence and formulating appropriate plans is a crucial thing for ninjas.

After the dissolution, Fuyue and Shisui returned to Uchiha's temporary camp.

Summoning the elites in the clan, Fuyue drew a large circle on the map with his finger and said, "This area is the area that our Uchiha is responsible for!"

A Uchiha elite Junin frowned: "The terrain of this area assigned to us is a bit too complicated, especially the Bird Song Cliff, which is either a rocky cliff or a swamp and quagmire. How to search for it? what!"

Fuyue's face was a little gloomy: "This is assigned by Danzo."

Zhishui was secretly delighted. Birdsong Cliff was in Uchiha's search area, which was obviously a good thing for him, so he volunteered and said, "Patriarch, I'll be in charge of Birdsong Cliff."

Fuyue nodded.

For such a complex environment as Birdsong Cliff, either he is responsible for it himself, or it can only be handed over to Zhishui, who has a kaleidoscope writing wheel. If it is handed over to other clansmen, he is really worried.

The Konoha encirclement and suppression troop that had completed the deployment quickly took action, and a large number of Konoha ninjas spread out in an orderly manner in all directions, like a large net.

Zhishui and his party were just an inconspicuous point in this big net.

Including Shisui, there are a total of eight people in charge of searching for Birdsong Cliffs, and the three Uchiha Junin led by Shisui are the main force of the search.

In addition, the other four ninjas are two ninjas from the root, one is the ninja of the oil girl clan who is in charge of reconnaissance, and the other is the communication class ninja who is in charge of communication.

It didn't take long for Zhishui and his group of eight to enter the Birdsong Cliff, which was lined with strange rocks and complicated terrain.


In the sound of the rapid breaking wind, Zhi Shui and others fell on a huge rock.

Standing on the top of the rock and looking around, Zhi Shui felt a little uneasy.

Counting the time, today is already the day that Hyuga Mirror agreed with him, so Shishui knows that Hyuga Mirror has arrived at Birdsong Cliff nine times out of ten, but the more so, the more uneasy he is, because until now he I didn't even understand how Hyuga Kyou pretended to be a 'Flago'.

But at this point, he could only choose to trust Hyuga Kyou.

Hiiragi Uchiha, who had previously encountered a member of the God Organization, was also one of the three Uchiha Junin who followed Shisui this time. He walked up to Junin of the Oil Girl clan and asked, "Are there any suspicious people nearby?"

The Jōnin of the Oil Girl clan looked solemnly in one direction and said, "The bad bugs I sent in that direction all lost contact in an instant."

Zhi Shui took a deep breath and said, "Let's go, let's go and see!"

After bypassing the two swamps, Zhishui and his party suddenly stopped, because in front of them, on a huge rock that protruded toward the sky, two figures stood quietly.

Hiiragi Uchiha was the first to shout, "It's them!"

For Hiiragi Uchiha, these two figures were all too familiar to him. In the past few days, he recalled countless times the scene where he was frightened by the look of "Flag Demon", and his heart was full of unwillingness and humiliation!

Zhishui also looked at the huge rock that protruded into the sky in the distance, and thought to himself, "Who is that person wearing the 'Flaming Demon' mask?"

call out...


Just as Shishui secretly guessed, the root ninja behind him had already fired a flare.

And with the launch of the signal bomb, the two members of the god organization in the distance flashed, and they jumped in front of Zhishui and others after just a few ups and downs among the rocks.

"Cut, I didn't expect you to find this place!" After taking a sip, Hyuga Kyou, who was wearing a 'Flaming Demon' mask, locked his gaze on Zhishui's body, and said jokingly, "I didn't have time to dig it out last time. Your eyes, this time you actually delivered to your door, it's okay, so I don't have to go to Konoha to find you again!"

Shishui was stunned for a moment, and then he said in cooperation, "You can't escape, you can't escape!"

"Escape!?" After a chuckle, Hyuga Kyou activated 'Susanoo' and said, "Why escape?"

In an instant, a golden phantom was projected from the body of Hyuga Kyou, first bones, then meridians, then muscles, and finally turned into a complete half-length giant!

"Susanenghu!?" Shishui was taken aback and asked subconsciously, "Who are you?"

As soon as the words fell, Shishui reacted by himself. The confrontation between 'Susanoh' and 'Susanoh' is the best way to clear his suspicions, even though he didn't know that this man pretending to be a 'Flarog' was in front of him. Who is man, but now is clearly not the time to delve into this question.

As a result, Shishui no longer hesitated, and also launched his own 'Susanenghu'.

In an instant, an emerald green 'Susanoo' stood up.

Looking at the two 'Susanoo' facing each other in front of him, a root ninja who was walking with Shisui murmured, "This...is this the power of Uchiha's Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye?"

Second more! Thank you to the students who rewarded today, thank you!

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