The beginning of the ninja world was the ninja sect founded by the immortals of the Six Paths.

However, Indra Otsutsuki and Asura Otsutsuki, the two sons of Immortal Six Paths, became the source of disputes in the ninja world. From the moment Immortal Six Paths passed away, they started an endless war.

Even if they both die in the end, their souls will continue to reincarnate in the ninja world in the form of chakra.

They reincarnated again and again on the bodies of descendants from generation to generation, like the curse of the tarsus, continuing the disputes in the Ninja era.

Hundreds of years...

Thousands of years...

Until now!

It can be said that the grievances between the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan are nine times out of ten due to the fateful reincarnation of Indra and Asura.

Even the current bad relationship between the Uchiha clan and the village is a follow-up problem caused by the dispute between the previous generation of Indra and the reincarnation of Asura.

The reincarnation of the previous generation of Indra, Madara Uchiha, provoked the Battle of the End Valley, severely damaged the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, and almost destroyed Konoha.

This made the second-generation Hokage who succeeded the Uchiha family feel extremely jealous, and Konoha changed his attitude towards the Uchiha family in the first generation, and began to target the Uchiha family indistinctly, and excluded them from the power of the village. outside the circle.

Uchiha has fallen to the point where it is today, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is fate.

Right now, Indra Otsutsuki and Asura Otsutsuki have reincarnated once again, and this time the reincarnations have become Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki.

Under the arrangement of fate, history seems to be repeating itself again.

Hyuga Kyou is very disgusted and disgusted with fate, because fate also means that everything has been arranged, cannot be fought, and cannot be changed, and personal efforts will become meaningless.

"Can fate really not be changed?"

Hyuga Kyou, who resists fate, always wants to change something, but he is not sure whether the fate intertwined in the world of ninja can be changed by him, and whether everything he has done can save Uchiha, so the problem of Shishui, he After pondering for a long time, I could not give a definite answer.

Looking at Hyuga Kyou, whose face was uncertain, Zhishui asked worriedly, "Senior, what's the matter with you?"

Putting away the complicated thoughts, Hyuga Kyou chuckled: "It's nothing, I just can't figure out the future."

Shisui asked, "Why did you suddenly mention the topic of 'fate'? Could it be... Is the future of our Uchiha clan already doomed?"

Hyuga Kyou said firmly: "No, nothing is doomed!"

As a researcher, Hyuga Kyou firmly believes that fate is in her own hands. As long as she is willing to work hard, everything is possible. Fate may be a cage or a shackle, but it is by no means indestructible.

Zhishui also nodded excitedly: "Well, I also firmly believe that there must be a way to permanently resolve the conflict between the family and the village!"

Before long, night fell.

Ling prepared a sumptuous meal for Hyuga Kyo and Shisui. The three chatted and laughed for a long time. In this night, it seemed that all the worries disappeared...


At the same time, the Naruto office was also brightly lit.

Three generations of Hokage, Danzo and other three advisory group members, and Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, sat around and discussed the matter of holding the Five Shadows Conference.

Regarding Danzo's private request to the Fourth Raikage to hold the Five Shadows Conference, the third generation was a little unhappy, but it was not easy to criticize publicly.

After all, Danzo has a very good reason. The 'God Organization' coveted the tailed beast, which directly threatens the major ninja villages with tailed beasts. Therefore, it is completely logical to hold the Five Shadows Conference to discuss the plan to deal with the "God Organization". .

After carefully reading the report of this encirclement and suppression operation submitted by Danzo, the third generation frowned and asked, "There is another Magnetic Blood Ninja in the 'God Organization'?"

Zilai also nodded: "This is what I saw with my own eyes, I can't be wrong."

Danzang snorted coldly and said, "If it weren't for this newly-appeared member of the God Organization, the Flame Demon would never have escaped the encirclement and suppression I deployed!"

"Magnetic escape blood follows..."

Listening to Jiraiya and Danzo's remarks, Sandai's face sank.

Different from other Xue Ji, Magnetic Dun Xue Ji has extraordinary significance in Shayin Village, starting from the development of Magnetic Dun Xue Ji from the second generation of Fengying, including the missing three generations of Fengying, and the current fourth generation of Fengying in Inside, the previous generations of Kazekage are all magnetic escape blood follower ninjas.

Therefore, once you have mastered the magnetic escape, you will naturally have the qualifications to run for Fengying in Sandyin Village, so it is difficult for the three generations to imagine that such a Sandyin ninja would betray Sandyin and join the "God Organization".

The consultant elder turned to bed and Xiaochun also had a puzzled look on his face: "First, it was Wuyin's Ice Escape Blood Ninja, and then we Konoha's Shaker Eyes, Blood Ninja, and now Sandyin's Magnetic Escape Blood Ninja has also appeared, this The 'God Organization' recruits these sensitive rebels, is it really not afraid of our five major villages?"

Another consultant elder, Mito Menyan said: "I am more concerned about the leader of the God Organization. What method did he use to confuse so many powerful rebels?"

Jiraiya's consideration is more practical, he said: "Since the goal of the God Organization is the tailed beast, then we must strengthen the protection of Naruto!"

A light flashed in Danzo's eyes: "I propose to let Naruto Uzumaki enter the root!"

Ji Lai also suddenly burst into anger: "What are you kidding!"

The third generation smoked a pipe and said slowly: "I have already made arrangements for the protection of Naruto. Danzo, your current task is to continue to encircle and suppress the 'God Organization', and you don't need to intervene in Naruto's affairs."

Danzo was not annoyed, and asked, "Rizhan, what are you going to do about the Five Shadows Conference?"

The three generations were suddenly embarrassed.

It stands to reason that he, Hokage, should represent Konoha to participate in the Five Shadows Conference, but the situation in the village is unstable now, and the "God Organization" is likely to sneak into the village to commit crimes again, so he must sit in the village.

After pondering for a while, the three generations instructed: "Tanzo, since you are the commander in charge of encircling and suppressing the 'God Organization', then you should attend the Five Shadows Conference this time instead of me."

Danzo seemed to have anticipated it for a long time, and nodded naturally: "Don't worry, Rizao, I will live up to my mission."

At the end of the meeting, after the three advisors left, Jirai, who deliberately stayed behind, also said to the three generations: "Teacher, I'm still a little worried about Naruto, the Minato thing has already made it hard for me to let go. If something happens to Naruto... "

The third generation interrupted Jiraiya: "Don't worry, I'm going to arrange the eleventh class of Anbu to protect Naruto."

Jirai was also stunned: "Anbu Class Eleven?! The Anbu Class where Uchiha Shisui is located?"

The first!

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