Looking carefully at Uchiha, who was not tall in front of him, Hyuga Kyou's thoughts suddenly dispersed.

Uchiha stops the water.

A teenager who influenced Itachi's life and indirectly caused Uchiha's genocide, a teenager who was full of reconciliation with the village, but was ruthlessly betrayed and attacked by Danzo.

After losing a kaleidoscope Shaker, he resolutely chose to commit suicide in silence in order to avoid the escalation of the conflict between the family and the village.

Uchiha, whose talent may still be above Itachi, ended his own short and splendid life like a comet in an almost tragic way.

"How sad!"

Thinking of Shishui's future, Hyuga Kyou couldn't help but sigh.

Zhishui's tragic end had nothing to do with his innocence. He shouldn't have exposed the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, and he shouldn't have confessed to the village's senior management the feared pupil technique of "Bie Tianshen".

If you compare your heart to your heart, and replace yourself with Hokage, if there is a strong man who masters the "Beiten God" in Uchiha who is planning a coup d'etat, Hyuga Kyou will not be at ease.

After restraining the divergent thoughts, Hyuga Kyo smiled and said, "I have heard many legends about Sharinyan. I hope this time I will have the opportunity to fight with you and experience the power of Sharinyan for myself."

Zhishui also laughed: "Compared with your predecessors, Xueji, Sharonyan doesn't have any advantages, but I am also looking forward to discussing with you, seniors."

After a few words of courtesy, Zhishui turned around and left.

Shisui is very aware of the current suspicion of Uchiha in the village, so he keeps a certain distance from the ninjas in the village, both to protect himself and to protect each other.

Looking at the back of Shishui leaving, Hyuga Kyou sighed softly.

The reason why Uchiha's coup d'etat looked ridiculous is entirely because the three masters in their clan were either paddling or rebelling.

The two rebels, Shisui and Itachi, will not be mentioned. Just talking about the patriarch Uchiha Fuyue, this guy is also completely wrapped up by his clan to plan a coup d'état. After his son rebelled, he gave up resistance directly and fulfilled Itachi's forbearance with his own life.

In fact, if Uchiha can unite, it is hard to say whether the coup will succeed, but it can definitely destroy Konoha. Even just relying on Zhishui alone, he can use the 'Bie Tianshen' to sweep away the high-rise Konoha.

Just as Hyuga Kyou secretly sighed, Kai leaned over and whispered, "Hey, although this Shishui is very famous, he seems to be a good Uchiha to deal with!"

Xuanjian, who was holding a thousand copies, snorted coldly: "It depends on who you are with. Jing is from the Hyuga family. Of course he will be polite. If you change, people may not care about you."

Asma also came over, his face sullen: "This guy is not easy, if you encounter it during the assessment, you must be careful."

Kai looked curious: "How powerful is he?"

"I heard that he has a record of killing Kirigakura Joinin three times, and he is a recognized genius in the Uchiha clan!" After a pause, Asma went on to explain: "I also heard the old man say that his strength is early. It's enough to be promoted to Jōnin, this special selection of Jōnin is just a passing game."

Everyone on the side was shocked: "What!?"

Looking at the surprised crowd, Asma shrugged: "What's so strange about this, take a good look at it, Uchiha sent him alone, which has already explained the problem."

Having said that, everyone immediately started to pay attention.

It was found that although the venue was crowded, the ninja wearing the Uchiha family crest was really only Uchiha Shisui.

Immediately, everyone's heart sank.

Asma obviously didn't lie, and indeed one of the fifteen or so promotion spots has been reserved by Uchiha.

Of course, it wasn't actually a default decision, because with Zhishui's strength, it was easy to pass the selection. Such a default decision actually restricted the Uchiha clan from sending more clansmen to compete for places.

However, Hyuga Kyou noticed that the Hyuga clan who participated in the assessment seemed to be the only one, and she thought to herself, "Could it be that the clan has made a deal with the village to set a quota for me?"

Seeing that Hyuga Kyou's expression changed, Asma winked and patted his shoulder: "I found out, your Hyuga family must have won a spot for you too."

Hyuga Kyo crossed her chest with her arms and put on a displeased look: "It's really unnecessary!"

Going through the back door or something, it would be too hypocritical to say that he was disgusted, but in front of a group of classmates, he had to show disdain for this privilege.

As a teammate, Kai agreed: "Well, with Jingjing's strength, this assessment will be no problem."

Everyone has heard of Hyuga Kyou's recent record, knowing that his strength has indeed grown rapidly, so they all nodded in agreement, and in the hearts of everyone, it is a matter of course for the children of wealthy families to have some privileges. Not worth overthinking.

At this time, the three generations appeared in the examination room.

Those who participated in the assessment were all experienced ninjas, so the three generations did not hesitate and directly announced the rules of the assessment.

This time, the assessment is mainly based on the examination of the school's combat strength. As long as the combat strength is sufficient, or in a certain aspect, there is a speciality that is difficult for others to match, then the assessment can be passed.

Therefore, for blood ninjas and secret ninjas, it is easier to be promoted to special shōnin than civilian ninjas.

The assessment rule is a random lottery confrontation. After the notary's draw, the opponent in the first round of Hyuga Kyou is Hong Yuhi, a contemporaneous student.

On the practice field on the 9th.

Hyuga Kyou put one hand on her hip and said calmly, "Red, your luck is not very good."

Hong's face was a little gloomy, and he didn't say a word, just staring at Hyuga Kyou, as if looking for a flaw in Hyuga Kyou.

As a phantom ninja, it is really difficult to meet Hitomiju blood ninja.

As we all know, whether it is a white eye or a writing wheel eye, there is a certain degree of resistance to illusions. Although it is not 100% immune to illusions, for these pupils and blood follower ninjas, the effect of ordinary illusions will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Hyuga Kyou was actually curious about how resistant his Tenseisen was to illusion, so he did not attack like before, but quietly waited for Hong to make a move.

Hyuga Kyou's calmness gave Hong a great sense of oppression, making her faintly feel bad.

Under the pressure of confrontation, Hong finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"Magic, tree-bound kill!"

As soon as Hong made a move, she used her best illusion technique, which was also one of her family's secret illusion techniques.

Hyuga Kyou was suddenly in a trance, and then returned to calm in an instant, as if nothing had happened.

Hong Jing said: "How is this possible!?"

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