When Obito's hand touched the shoulder of 'Hyuga Mirror', the body of 'Hyuga Mirror' immediately fell into a twist.


In a low muffled sound, the twisted 'Hyuga Mirror' suddenly turned into a puff of white smoke.

Obito was stunned: "Shadow clone?!"

blah blah...

At this moment, a sharp bird chirping suddenly sounded in the forest, and under the dazzling electric light, Kakashi rushed towards Obito.

"The long-lost Chidori..."

Looking at the electric light gathered in Kakashi's left hand, Obito sighed in his heart.

Kakashi was extremely fast, and in just a moment, he rushed in front of Obito, but Obito's posture of not dodging or dodging made him play the drum uneasy.


Kakashi's pupils shrank, and the blow that should have been taken with all odds was blown away! He found that he had penetrated the other's body!

Before Kakashi could calm down, Obito turned around and kicked Kakashi's waist heavily. With just one blow, Kakashi was smashed into the air.

Obito's eyes narrowed: "Useless guy, as before, you can't stop anything! You can't save anything!"

Not far away, Zhishui, whose back was injured by the detonating talisman, looked at Obito with a look of fear.

He also saw the weird scene of Kakashi penetrating Obito's body just now. Even if he had a kaleidoscope, he didn't understand what was going on.

Knowing that he may have encountered the most powerful and strange enemy ever, Zhishui did not dare to be careless, so he said to Naruto, who was a little ignorant around him: "I'll deal with him, run quickly, and run in the direction of the village. !"

Zhishui knew that the village must be on the way to receive reinforcements from Class 11. As long as Naruto ran in the direction of the village, he would soon meet the reinforcements from the brigade.

Naruto didn't know that Shisui was secretly protecting him from Anbu, but he saw Shishui's sacrifice to save him just now, so he nodded and ran away.

It's just that this silly boy doesn't know how to tell the direction at all. Although he ran very fast, he didn't run in the right direction.

Shisui looked depressed, but it was too late to stop Naruto, so he had to keep an eye on Obito and asked, "Who are you and why are you attacking Naruto? Who is the mastermind behind the scenes?"

Obito didn't answer, just glanced at Naruto who was running away.

This time, Obito's target was not Naruto at all, so letting Naruto escape was also part of his plan. Therefore, he had no intention of chasing Naruto at all.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the distance, and it seemed that a large number of ninjas were rushing towards this side.

Obito chuckled lightly, and immediately his body began to twist, disappearing out of thin air in front of Zhishui.

Facing Zhishui, Obito had an instinctive fear, especially Zhishui's pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, so he avoided confrontation with Zhishui as much as possible.

"It's this trick again!" Zhi Shui frowned and thought to himself, "Is this an illusion? Or is it time-space ninjutsu?"


At this time, one after another figure fell into the forest, and the leader was Danzo.

Danzo looked around, then fixed his gaze on Shishui and asked, "Where's the attacker? Where's Naruto?"

Shishui pointed to the direction Naruto fled: "The attacker just escaped! Naruto ran over there, I'll bring him back!"


Danzo stopped Shisui who was about to chase Naruto, his eyes flickering, as if something was brewing.

Shishui asked in confusion, "Lord Danzang, what's wrong?"

Kakashi also stood up holding his waist at this moment. Unlike Shisui, who was concerned about Naruto, the keen Kakashi noticed Danzo's strange expression.

At this time, the captain of the Shadow Guard who had joined Danzo quietly came to Kakashi and whispered in his ear: "Someone assassinated Hokage-sama, the suspect is probably Uchiha Shisui from your eleventh class!"

Kakashi was stunned for a moment, and immediately shouted: "This is impossible!"

Kakashi's loud denial seemed to make Danzo make up a certain determination. He used the Shunshu technique without warning, deceived Shisui who had just disarmed his guard, and stabbed Shisui with the Kunai in his hand.

Shishui didn't expect that Danzo would attack him at this critical moment, which was related to the safety of the nine-tailed people. With the back injury, it was too late for him to avoid Danzo's offensive. Hastily launched an illusion on Danzo.

In an instant, Danzo restrained his figure, as if he had lost consciousness.

With Zhishui's pupil power and his illusion skills, even if it was just a hurried illusion, Danzo was instantly subdued.

And just when Shishui was trying to figure out why Danzang attacked him, Danzang in front of him suddenly disappeared, and it disappeared very strangely. There was neither the smoke when the shadow clone dissipated nor the substitute after the avatar technique was revealed. , as if it was wiped out of thin air by some kind of force.

Zhishui's expression condensed: "This is..."

Suddenly, Danzo appeared behind Shisui without any sign, and the Kunai in his hand stabbed Shisui's back in an instant.

Shishui reluctantly turned his head and asked, "Why...why?"

Danzang said coldly: "Hmph, you assassinated Hokage, betrayed the village, and asked me why?"

After all, Danzang didn't wait for Zhishui to open his mouth to explain, and reached out to grab the pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes that contained the pupil technique of "Bie Tianshen" in Zhishui's eye sockets.

But just as Danzo's finger was about to touch the Shishui Kaleidoscope Shaker's Eye, one figure flew towards Danzo, while another figure hugged the injured Zhishui.

The two cooperated tacitly, and in the blink of an eye, they rushed out of the crowd with Zhishui.

"Kakashi! Matekai!"

After seeing the two figures who rescued Zhishui, Danzang gritted his teeth.

This time, he missed the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, which was close at hand, which made him extremely annoyed. In the name of declaring them as traitors, immediately launch a hunt!"

The group of root ninjas did not hesitate, and they chased after Kakashi and the others.

And the captain of the shadow guard of the three generations of Hokage stepped forward and said: "Sir Danzo, Uchiha Shisui is only suspected, and the crime has not yet been determined. Will you arrange this..."

Danzo interrupted the captain of the Shadow Guard and said sternly, "I'll explain it myself on Naruto's side. Now Uchiha Shisui is a dangerous person and must be eliminated immediately!"

Afterwards, Danzo ignored the Shadow Guard captain, flashed his figure, launched the teleportation technique, and chased in the direction where Kakashi and the others fled.

Seeing Danzo leave with murderous intent, the members of the Shadow Guard looked at each other in dismay.

After pondering for a while, the Shadow Guard captain said: "Let's go back to the village first, we must report the situation here to Lord Hokage immediately!"

For the second update, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you!

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