Because it is the soul that returns to the body of the deity, it has the blessing of instinct, and it does not need to distinguish the direction at all times, so the speed is faster than before. When the day was bright, the spiritual body of Hyuga Kyou flew to the land of ghosts and returned to his shadow. The body of the deity.


Drilling out of the tree hole, Hyuga Kyou braced herself.

The sealing technique around the tree hole is intact, which means that no one or animal has approached the tree hole during the time when Hyuga Mirror was away. Therefore, Hyuga Mirror breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the big wild boar came over and circled the Hyuga mirror in a pleasing manner.

Hyuga Kyou jumped on the back of the big wild boar, patted the big wild boar on the head, and said with a smile: "Yes, I will give you a credit this time!"

Although this wild boar has not been around Hyuga Kyou for a long time, it can come in handy at every critical moment.

After the psychic was lifted and the big wild boar was sent away, Hyuga Kyou immediately entered the Tenseigan Chakra mode without delay, and flew in the direction of Konoha.

A few days later, Hyuga Kyou returned to the village.

Because he didn't know what happened to Class 11, and whether Zhishui's shadow avatar, who was covering for him, was wearing a gang, Hyuga Kyou didn't swagger into the village, but sneaked back home first.

The courtyard gate that was kicked by Shennong had been repaired, and the three of them, Ling, Shion and Zuho, were sitting around eating Chinese food.

Seeing that Hyuga Kyou came back, Ling hurriedly greeted him: "King, you're finally back!"

Shion also rushed over, looking at Hyuga Kyou expectantly.

Hyuga Kyou took off the gourd magic tool around her waist and handed it to Shion, and asked Shion and Zuho to take them to the upstairs room.

The witch's spiritual body is currently temporarily living in the gourd magic weapon, and it is difficult to predict how long it will last, so Hyuga Kyou did not delay, and wanted to have more time for the last time of their mother and daughter, and said everything that she wanted to say before she had time to say it. speak out.

After Shion and Shiho went upstairs, Hyuga Kyou asked Ling: "What happened in the village these few days, please tell me carefully!"

Ling nodded hurriedly and recounted what had happened in the past few days.

After the chaotic night, the village launched thousands of ninjas and searched all the nearby areas without finding Naruto. Just when the three generations thought Naruto was missing, everyone found that Naruto didn't know when he returned home. , lying on the bed and slumbering like a normal person.

Yesterday, they had been trying to circumvent the siege of the roots of Danzang, and the eleventh team who returned to the village encountered Danzang. In a battle between the two sides, Kakashi and Kai were outnumbered, and both suffered serious injuries. Fortunately, they received ten The consultant elder of the first class, Mito Kadori, arrived in time to save Kakashi and the others from Danzo.

And for this matter, Uchiha almost turned his face with Danzo, and even the third generation scolded Danzo severely.

"Tanzo really can't hold back!" Hyuga Kyou sighed lightly, then her face changed, and she said, "No, I was attacked by Zhishui, so why didn't he want to help him in order to cover up?"

After thinking about it, Hyuga Kyou asked Ling, "Has anyone asked you about my whereabouts?"

Ling shook his head: "No."

Hyuga Kyou then asked: "Is there any arrangement in the village to find me?"

"It doesn't seem to be."

Only then did Hyuga Kyou feel at ease, and said, "That's good!"

The three people in Class 11 encountered Danzo yesterday and were rescued by the advisor, Elder Mito Kadome. In other words, in the past few days, no one except the three people in Class 11 knew if Hyuga Kyou was in the 10th class. in a class.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that the colleagues of Class 11 did not say anything about Hyuga Kyo's absence, which means that as long as Hyuga Kyo makes up a plausible excuse, they can enter and leave the village generously.

Of course, Ling is only a chunin and has limited information, so Hyuga Kyou used the ninja to communicate with Shishui. From Shishui, it was also confirmed that Class 11 did not provide Hyuga Kyo, but reported Hyuga Kyo to the third generation. Lost in the chaos.

When fighting in a four-person team, a part of the team will often go out to spy on intelligence, so in the event of an emergency, it is very common for team members to be separated.

"These guys!"

Hyuga Kyou smiled slightly, this feeling of being sheltered is really heartwarming.

After knowing the general situation, Hyuga Kyou deliberately went out of the village and went around in a circle, rushing back from the gate dressed as a servant, and was summoned to the Hokage office for the first time.

Sandai asked some questions as usual, but Hyuga Kyou could see that Sandai was a little absent-minded. Obviously, what happened these days had overwhelmed him a little.

After leaving the Hokage Building, Hyuga Kyou said with emotion: "Hokage is not good!"

Next, Hyuga Kyou came to the Uchiha clan and saw Shishui who was recuperating.

As soon as he saw Hyuga Kyou, Zhishui said: "Senior, you still expected it. Lord Danzang is really coveting my kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, I'm careless..."

Hyuga Kyou said: "Fortunately, Kakashi and Kai were also present at the time!"

Zhishui nodded: "Yes, if it weren't for the two seniors, Danzang-sama would have succeeded!"


At the same time, inside the Uchiha mansion.

"Patriarch, can't we even trust us? Why don't you tell us about the police force and the secret detachment?"

"Yeah, the secret power you cultivated in private is also a member of our Uchiha. Why keep it a secret from us?"

"Who is that squad leader? Are you still hiding it from us now?"

A group of Uchiha elites were clamoring one after another, and this feeling of being distrusted by others made them very unhappy.

Fuyue folded his arms around his chest and said nothing with a sullen face.

He originally wanted to investigate this matter privately, but since there were too many Konoha ninjas who saw Shennong who had completely transformed into beasts at the time, everyone was curious about the Uchiha clan who defeated Shennong one-on-one.

It was passed on, and somehow it evolved into saying that Uchiha had a secret team in the dark that even the three generations of Hokage didn't know about, and it was the team leader of that secret team who defeated Shennong one-on-one.

For such rumors, even many Konoha Junin believed it to be true, so the Uchiha clan immediately exploded.

After finally sending away all the clansmen, Fuyue saw Itachi walking through the corridor, so he stopped Itachi.

I don't know why, Fuyue always felt that since Sasuke was kidnapped by the members of the 'Xiao Organization' that night and Itachi rescued Sasuke, Itachi has changed. language to describe...

For the second update, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you!

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