After restraining his thoughts, Hyuga Kyou asked, "Who else knows that you have awakened the Kaleidoscope Shaker?"

Itachi replied calmly, "Senior, you are the only one."

Hyuga Kyou was a little surprised: "You didn't even tell Shishui?"

"During the assessment, you are not allowed to mention anything related to the assessment to Brother Zhishui, otherwise, it will be regarded as a fraud. Senior Yan said, this is the rule you set." After a pause, Itachi continued: "And the awakening kaleidoscope writes Wheel eye is the threshold for participating in the assessment, so I haven't mentioned this to Brother Zhishui for the time being."

Hyuga Kyou smiled slightly: "Then why didn't you tell your father? He is the patriarch of your Uchiha clan, can't you even trust him?"

Itachi calmly analyzed: "The current Uchiha and the village have just formed a situation of mutual dependence, and this situation can greatly ease the tension between the two, so it is not suitable for a new kaleidoscope to appear in the family at the moment. Wheel Eye Awakened."

Obviously, itachi, who is as careful as a hair, also noticed the delicate relationship between the Uchiha clan and the village.

Both the 'God Organization' and the 'Xiao Organization' have shown their terrifying strength successively, so the internal contradictions between the Uchiha clan and the village have been covered up by the huge external contradictions, and the two have to unite and form a group. Warm up!

If Uchiha's strength expands further at this time, it may break the balance that was finally achieved and let the hidden contradictions surface again.

Hyuga Kyou said: "You are right to do it."

Itachi said: "Senior Yan has already revealed his identity in order to repel Shennong. If I reveal the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye again, even if Lord Hokage can tolerate it, the clansmen may not be willing. After all, the estrangement between Uchiha and the village is too great. If it gets deeper, it can’t be made up in a mere year or two.”

Speaking of which, Itachi asked curiously, "Senior, is Senior Flame really the family elite that my father secretly cultivated?"

"Cough cough..." After a light cough, Hyuga Kyou said, "Uchiha Yan is actually an orphan outside the village. He grew up outside the village. He is not a family elite secretly cultivated by your father."

Itachi nodded: "No wonder I have never heard of Senior Flame in the family."

Itachi's words gave Hyuga Kyou a good idea. He smiled and said, "However, it is actually quite good to assign such an identity to Uchiha Homura."

Itachi said with some worry: "But will this make Hokage-sama think that our Uchiha is plotting something wrong?"

"You Uchiha's plot is not good, do you still need to suspect?" With a chuckle, Hyuga Kyou continued: "It's not necessarily a bad thing to make Hokage-sama more jealous."

Itachi thought about it.

Hyuga Kyou continued: "Okay, since you have a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, then I announce that you have officially become a member of the God Organization, code-named 'Flaming Demon'."

Itachi smiled: "Did I pass?"

Hyuga Kyou nodded: "You have awakened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, so you naturally have this qualification."

Itachi asked again, "What about Senior Flame?"

Hyuga Kyou waved her hand: "She also passed, the code name is the same as you, and it is also 'Flaming Demon'."


in the root base.

Staring at the two broken feet in the glassware, Danzo's eyes were bright.

The previous sneak attack on Zhishui can be said to be the closest moment for Danzang to the kaleidoscope writing wheel. It is only a little bit, just a little bit short, he can have Zhishui's kaleidoscope writing wheel, and he has the ability to play with the will of others. 'Don't be God' anymore.

Unfortunately, at the last moment, the success was lost.

But for him, the only thing that is fortunate is that he launched an attack on Shisui, which is barely a basis. After all, Shisui was indeed suspected of assassinating the three generations of Hokage, so he was only reprimanded by the three generations, but not by the three generations. Any substantive punishment, his power and status in the village, has not been greatly affected.

At this time, a researcher in a white robe came over and said, "Master Danzo, this is the inspection report you want."

After taking the inspection report, Danzo glanced briefly, and then frowned: "These values ​​are all wrong, how did you do it, such a simple inspection can go wrong?"

The researcher wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and explained, "Lord Danzo, we have double-checked these values. There is no problem with these values. The cells and tissues we extracted from these broken feet are not human cells at all. Organization, it's simply..."

The researcher opened his mouth, but couldn't think of an adjective that could accurately describe it for a long time.

Danzang's face sank, and he read the inspection report carefully again, and then muttered to himself, "It's impossible for cells to survive with this value. How did he do it?"

When he heard that Bei Liuhu had completed the forbidden art of plundering the boundaries of other people's blood, and also had five types of boundaries, including Sharinyan, Danzo was about to go crazy with jealousy.

He felt that it would be a waste of time for a waste like Beiluhu to obtain this ability, so he immediately obtained the amputated limbs left by Beiluhu in the village through means, and called researchers to study it.

However, the data on the test report left him at a loss, because it was simply not the data that normal cells should have.

beep beep...

Just then, an alarm sounded in the laboratory.

Danzo didn't panic at all, because he discovered that the source of the alarm was a glass vessel with a broken limb in front of him.

Through the glass wall, he could clearly see that the pair of broken feet in the glass vessel suddenly swelled up. In just a few breaths, the volume became four or five times larger, and this trend continued.


Soon, two swelled meat balls exploded in the glassware.

Seeing that the only clue left by Belyuhu exploded into scorch in front of him, Danzo's face was ashen, and the crutches in his hand swept away, smashing the glassware in front of him.

The researchers on the side were silent.

After a long time, Danzo waved his hand and told all the researchers to leave the research room, and then summoned a root ninja, who ordered, "I want to know the whereabouts of Beiliuhu!"

The root ninja replied: "Lord Danzo, we are already investigating. Once there is his whereabouts, an assassination will be arranged immediately!"

Danzang roared: "Who said I want to assassinate him, what I want is his skills, no matter what method you use, even if you buy it, buy it back for me!"

The root ninja was stunned for a moment, and then responded: "Yes, we will arrange it immediately."

Danzo then roared: "Where's Orochimaru, why hasn't he done what I asked him to do?"

For the second update, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you!

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