The country of soup, in the air fortress.

As more and more 'Four Elephants Seals' were activated, the roar of Shennong, who had completely transformed into a beast, became smaller and smaller, and gradually disappeared in the noise of the activation of the power room.

Hyuga Kyou looked at the sealed Shennong indifferently, without the slightest pity in her heart.

This guy who has been cheating and betrayed all his life has fallen to the point where he is today. It is entirely his own fault. If he had not betrayed the Akatsuki organization neatly, Hyuga Kyou might not have acted on him so quickly.


The noise in the power room became louder and louder, and even the floor began to tremble slightly.

Shisui and Itachi looked at each other and both showed surprised expressions.

How to activate this air fortress, Hyuga Kyou had been tortured from Shennong before, so he turned to Shisui and Itachi and said, "Go, let's go to the central hall!"

Shishui asked curiously, "Will this fortress be activated now?"

While walking towards the central hall, Hyuga Kyou replied: "Well, we must transfer this air fortress immediately, and if we want to transfer it, we can only activate it and let it fly by itself."

Soon, the three came to the central hall.

On the metal plate on the ground of the central hall, Hyuga Kyou bit her finger and drew a starting technique. In an instant, a dazzling light was transmitted from the metal plate, following the lines of the metal plate, to the fortress. every corner.


The roar sounded in the ears of the three, and the entire hall, or the entire fortress, began to tremble violently.

Hyuga Kyou, who staggered a few steps in the tremor, had a happy expression on his face, because he could clearly feel that this air fortress was slowly rising at the moment.

Zhishui and Itachi rushed out of the hall and came to the entrance of the fortress, watching the air fortress rise from the ground and slowly rise into the air. Showed a surprised look.

Before long, the air fortress flew into the clouds.

Standing outside the air fortress, listening to the wind whistling past her ears, Hyuga Kyou thought to herself, "As long as the air fortress is kept at a high altitude, most snooping and infiltration can be prevented."

In the ninja world, there are not many ninjas who can fly, and even fewer can fly at high altitudes.

Therefore, as long as the air fortress keeps flying at a high altitude, it can basically prevent 90% of foreign invasions. In terms of safety alone, it definitely surpasses the secret laboratory that Hyuga Kyou placed under the forest of death, so Hyuga Kyou has already It was decided to move the secret laboratory to the air fortress.

When the sky was dawn, the air fortress flew over a high mountain not far from Konoha Village.

This high mountain is extremely steep and inaccessible, and the top of the mountain is surrounded by clouds and mists all the year round. The air fortress hovers here, almost submerged in the thick clouds, and ordinary people can't find it at all.

After leaving the air fortress with Shisui and Itachi, Hyuga Kyou immediately came to his secret laboratory, exchanged for the Yin Dun deity, and then packed the entire secret laboratory with a storage scroll.

Taking a large number of storage scrolls with various instruments sealed, Hyuga Kyou left the secret laboratory together with the three generations of Kazekage puppets.

It may be extremely difficult for others to travel to and from an air fortress hovering at an altitude of several kilometers, but it is very easy for Hyuga Kyou.

His shadowy deity can enter Tenseigan Chakra mode, fly freely, and come and go freely.

Although his water escape clone can't fly freely at high altitudes, if he uses the ice escape ninjutsu 'magic mirror ice crystal' to climb vertically, it is still not difficult.

The only one who can't go back and forth alone is the Huo Dun clone.

Because the current development of the fire escape clone is still in the most advanced stage, with the strength of the fire escape clone, it is unable to support him to open the complete body 'Susanoh', so the fire escape clone can only rely on the ninja, and use the crow avatar technique at the moment. Flying at a low altitude, it cannot fly to an air fortress hovering at an altitude of several kilometers.

Of course, this also means that Shisui and Itachi can't enter the air fortress hovering at an altitude of several kilometers alone, ensuring that Hyuga Kyou's secret experiment will not leak.

After moving the entire secret laboratory to the air fortress, Hyuga Kyou left a shadow clone in the air fortress, and left the three generations of Kazekage puppets here.

The three generations of Fengying Ren puppets who mastered the boundaries of the magnetic escape and blood can also fly freely in the air, so it is more appropriate to use it as the guard of the air fortress.

After dealing with all this, Hyuga Kyou did not stop at the air fortress, but immediately returned to the village.

The village has just been attacked by the Akatsuki organization, and all aspects of supervision are very strict. As an Anbu directly under Hokage, Hyuga Kyou cannot leave the village for a long time.

As soon as Hyuga Kyou dived back home, Ling hurriedly came to the door.

Looking at the anxious and panting Ling, Hyuga Kyou smiled gently: "What's the matter?"

Ling took a sip of tea, and then told Hyuga Kyou about the fact that the clan's mansion was broken into, a clan elder was killed, and the white eye was taken away.

When Hyuga Kyou heard this, she put away her smile and asked, "Have you found the murderer?"

Ling shook her head: "It's because there is no clue of the murderer, so I'm in a hurry. Let me inform you and ask you to be careful during this time!"

"Let me be careful!?" After being stunned, Hyuga Kyou said in confusion: "What should I be careful about, the Zong family will never suspect that I did it?"

Ling said quickly: "Master Rizai said that the Zong family suspects that the murderer is a member of the branch family, and recently you have questioned family traditions and soft boxing remarks, so the Zong family will definitely doubt you!"

Hyuga Kyou rubbed her chin and nodded.

The worries of daily errands are obviously not superfluous. With the old and stubborn thoughts of the Zong family, all the members of the branch who question the family tradition will probably be suspected of being murderers by them.

Ling glanced at Hyuga Kyou carefully again, and said in a low voice: "Also, it is said that this attack is related to Orochimaru, and you were a subordinate of Orochimaru before, so Lord Rizai is worried that the Zong family will take advantage of the topic and make you early. prepare!"

Hyuga Kyou smiled and reassured: "Don't worry, don't say it's the stubborn old people of the Zong family, even the third generation can't do anything to me, I'm no longer the chunin who needs to look up to others."

Ling was startled, opened her eyes quickly, looked around, and after confirming that no one was watching outside the house, she whispered: "What are you talking about, if Hokage-sama hears this, you will be in trouble. And we all have the 'Cage Bird Curse Seal', if you want to do something out of the ordinary, the Zong family will not let you go!"

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