There is no doubt that the descendants of Otsutsuki, who have inherited the secrets hidden by the Hyuga clan for thousands of years, are no less than the Uchiha clan.

After flipping through several ancient books in succession, the figure has a clearer understanding of the white eyes of the Hyuga clan and the history of the development of the "Cage Bird Spell Seal".

According to the descriptions in several ancient books, the cataclysm that almost destroyed the Hinata clan was undoubtedly related to the white eye.

The ancestors in the family, in order to avoid this catastrophe, made every effort to develop a spell to protect Baiyan from being removed at will. It can be seen that this catastrophe is related to the removal of Baiyan.

But the Hyuga clan is a powerful family of Hitomitsu and blood, even in the chaotic Warring States period, the strength is only second only to the Qianshou clan and the Uchiha clan's powerful ninja clan.

It stands to reason that in the Warring States Period, there were not only a handful of ninjas who had the ability to hunt down the Hyuga clan and capture Baiyan, but most of them had their own bloodline boundaries, so they would not be too coveted with Baiyan Xueji.

For example, the lawful Senju clan and the arrogant Uchiha clan are unlikely to hunt and kill the Hinata clan because of their ignorance.

Therefore, it is difficult for the figure to imagine what kind of cataclysm it is. It takes the ancestors of the family to spend so much effort to develop a special curse to protect the white eyes.

After closing the last ancient book, the figure sighed faintly.

With the emergence of more and more Uchiha clansmen with kaleidoscope writing round eyes, a doubt haunts the hearts of all Hyuga clansmen, that is, whether Baiyan has the possibility of evolutionary awakening.

With this thought in mind, the figure ventured into the family's forbidden secret vault.

The answer, however, was depressing.

According to ancient records, in the thousand-year history of the Hinata clan, there has never been a precedent for the evolution or awakening of Baiyan. It seems that there is no possibility of evolution or awakening at all.

"The same is the blood of Hitomi, why Uchiha's kaleidoscope can awaken the kaleidoscope, but our Hyuga clan's white eyes can't awaken and evolve? Is our Hyuga clan's bloodline really inferior to the Uchiha clan? "

Some disheartened figures lit candles and put several ancient books on the flames.

But just as the figure was about to destroy these ancient books, he suddenly discovered that some patterns were faintly revealed on the ancient books that had been scorched by the flames.

He pieced together the patterns revealed in several ancient books, and found that these scattered patterns seem to be able to be pieced together into a map, but the pattern is obviously missing a large piece, it seems that other ancient books in the secret library of the forbidden area are needed to be completely complete. Piece together the entire map.

"Why is there a map hidden in these ancient books?"


Hyuga mirror home.

To find out about the spy hidden in the family, Hyuga Kyou temporarily put it aside, because the other party has just broken into the family's forbidden secret vault, and he must be very careful during this time.

And at present, Hyuga Kyou hasn't thought of using any bait to attract the other party, so he can only put this matter aside for a while.

Anyway, no matter how the other party makes trouble, it will not have much impact on Hyuga Kyou in a short period of time. In contrast, researching the 'Ghost Yara Technique' that has just been acquired is Hyuga Kyou's top priority.

What is the main and what is the second, Hyuga Kyou still understands very well.

If the prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal will definitely come true, it indicates that Kaguya Otsutsuki's escape is inevitable, so before Kaguya Otsutsuki gets out of trouble, he will attack the blood and follow the net and make himself a strong man who can control the situation of the battle. , is the top priority of Hyuga Kyou. In this matter, the family can be put aside.

Because as long as Hyuga Kyou achieves the Bloody Net, then even if the Hyuga clan is destroyed, he can easily rebuild the Hyuga clan.

After unfolding the scroll of 'Gui Yara Technique', Hyuga Kyou studied it seriously.

The core of the 'Ghost Bud Technique' lies in the cultivation of a special substance called 'Ghost Bud'. This material called 'Ghost Bud' is the core of the "Ghost Bud Technique" that can devour everything.

And planting 'ghost buds' is not easy.

Because it takes a lot of manpower and material resources to cultivate a 'ghost bud' that fits with one's own flesh and blood. In terms of success rate alone, cultivating a 'ghost bud' is even more difficult than Hyuga Kyo's cell fusion experiment.

What makes Hyuga Kyo frown even more is that 'Ghost Bud' has negative effects.

This also made Hyuga Kyou realize a very serious problem. If you can't achieve the blood snares and become a real sixth-path level, you can't eliminate the 'ghost buds' in the body.

In other words, once the forbidden technique of 'Gui Ya Luo's Technique' is used, all other results will be a failure except for the achievement of the Blood Legion.

"Bilyuhu's blood fusion ceremony failed from the very beginning..."

Hyuga Kyou secretly sighed.

Although Beluhu has survived the blood-successive fusion ceremony, in the end he only fused the five blood-successive boundaries, and he did not achieve the blood-successive snare, which changed qualitatively and became a real six-path level, so he could not be separated from the body at all. The 'Ghost Bud', because once the 'Ghost Bud' in the body is removed, his body will collapse immediately because it can't withstand the five kinds of blood after the limit!

If you can keep the 'Ghost Buds', you will be attacked by the 'Ghost Buds' endlessly, which will not only cause hidden dangers to the body, but also cause a serious period of weakness. If the enemy has mastered the 'Ghost Buds' backlash time, then you can easily take advantage of this flaw.

As for Shennong who also used the 'Gui Yara Technique', Hyuga Kyou had to sigh about his good luck, because after he used the 'Gui Yara Technique' to devour the monster 'Spider', the 'Gui Ya' in his body was replaced by The monster 'Sprite' was devoured.

This made him use the 'Gui Yara's technique' to successfully become a sprite, and at the same time, the 'Ghost' inadvertently solved the 'Gui Ya' for him, helping him eliminate the use of the 'Gui Ya Luo' The hidden danger after the surgery.

And Hyuga Kyou doesn't need to use 'Gui Ya Luo's technique' to achieve human pillar strength, so he can't copy Shennong's set of operations. Like Bei Liuhu, he also faces the hidden danger of 'Gui Ya' backlash. In the end, if the blood attack fails, the 'ghost bud' in his body will become his talisman.

If you want to avoid this, the only way is to hit the blood and follow the snares and succeed, making yourself a true sixth-level, and the physical quality will undergo a qualitative change. The body will not collapse.

"It must be successful once, there is no second chance..." After a wry smile, Hyuga Kyou then sighed with emotion: "It seems that there is no turning back for the impact of the blood and the net, either success or life is better than death!"

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